Haunted Places in Gandy, Florida

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    Royal Palms Apartments

    St. Petersburg, Florida

    3.9 miles from Gandy, FL

    Some who live at the Royal Palms Apartments claim there's a ghost that likes to pull pillows from under their heads... violently at times. A few have actually seen an apparition of a man standing by the side of their bed.

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    The Spontaneous Combustion of Mary Reeser

    St. Petersburg, Florida

    5.9 miles from Gandy, FL

    OK, this is not really a ghost story, but is perhaps the most famous case of human spontaneous combustion. It happened to Mary Reeser at 1200 Cherry St. on July 2, 1951, at about 8 a.m. The incident was first witnessed by Reeser's landlady Pansy Carpenter, who was attempting to ...

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    Beach Drive Inn Bed and Breakfast

    Saint Petersburg, Florida

    6.3 miles from Gandy, FL

    Guests staying in the Montego Room at this circa 1910 bed and breakfast have reported a rocking chair that rocks by itself, as well as hearing ghostly music and disembodied footsteps in the night. (Submitted by Callum Swift)

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    Vinoy Hotel

    St. Petersburg, Florida

    6.3 miles from Gandy, FL

    Now owned by Marriott, the Vinoy Hotel is a favorite place for major league baseballers to stay while in town. Several claim to have seen a man in a top hat and long coat standing over their bed. One claims to have felt like someone pressed on his ...

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    St. Petersburg Coliseum

    St. Petersburg, Florida

    6.5 miles from Gandy, FL

    This venue has been around since 1924 and is reputed to be haunted, but we don't currently have any more information than that. If you know more, please tell us via the comments section below!

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    Comfort Station

    St. Petersburg, Florida

    6.6 miles from Gandy, FL

    This lovely octagonal building in Romaesque Revival style is a public restroom that was built in 1927 by the same architect that designed the Vinoy Hotel (also reported to be haunted, by the way). It was originally called "Comfort Station One," and actually received national press when it was ...

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    Hotel Indigo - Martha Washington Hotel

    St. Petersburg, Florida

    6.6 miles from Gandy, FL

    This hotel dates back to 1926, but has had several names - "Martha Washington Hotel," "Heritage Hotel," and now, most recently, "Hotel Indigo". A 1987 renovation seems to have led to the appearance of a ghostly little girl, seen on the third-floor landing. Later, the figures of an ...

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    The Cordova Inn

    Saint Petersburg, Florida

    6.7 miles from Gandy, FL

    This 1921 boutique hotel is supposed to be haunted by the apparition of a well-dressed man in an old-fashioned suit. Employees believe this is the ghost of a former butler, who has saved the building from demolition and despair on several occasions. (Submitted by Callum Swift)

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    St. Petersburg High School

    St. Petersburg, Florida

    7 miles from Gandy, FL

    The third floor of the school seems to be the home of at least one ghost who moves things and makes strange noises. Janitorial staff have claimed to see odd phenomena in the auditorium as well.

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    Britton Cinema

    Tampa, Florida

    7.2 miles from Gandy, FL

    Staff and visitors alike have reported several strange occurrences. Toilets flush on their own and doors mysteriously get locked in the ladies room. Apparitions have been seen in one of theatres. Ghostly voices were heard in the hallway outside theatre #5, and an usher swears someone called ...

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    Haslam's Book Store

    St. Petersburg, Florida

    7.2 miles from Gandy, FL

    At least as old as the 1920s, the building that houses the bookstore (est. 1933) is said to have literary poltergeists in residence. Books have flown off the shelves, mostly those in the metaphysical section or those by author Jack Kerouac, who often visited the store during his lifetime. Cold ...

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    Bigelow-Helms Mansion

    Tampa, Florida

    8.1 miles from Gandy, FL

    This home dates to the early 1900s and is known as the "Bigelow-Helms Mansion", though lately it is used as office space for various businesses. People often claimed they heard screams and yelling from the building at odd hours of the night, and in general just got really weird vibes from ...

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    Academy of the Holy Names

    Tampa, Florida

    8.2 miles from Gandy, FL

    Academy of the Holy Names was established in 1881 and the current building opened in 1926. The school is run by the sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary. Ghosts of nuns have been seen walking around on the 4th floor, where the sisters used to ...

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    Hopewell Church Cemetery

    Tampa, Florida

    8.5 miles from Gandy, FL

    Although its called the "Hopewell Church Cemetery", no church stands here anymore. And don't confuse it with the American Legion Cemetery just next door. The one you want is surrounded by an old brick wall and has two wrought-iron gates at either end. The caretaker of the ...

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    Safety Harbor Resort and Spa

    Safety Harbor, Florida

    9.4 miles from Gandy, FL

    Lots of weird goings-on in this resort hotel. The front desk started getting phone calls from empty guestrooms during renovations in the mid-1990s. Voices are often heard in entirely empty parts of the buildings, and housekeepers swear they hear someone yelling their name from the women's bath area.

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    Eisenhower Elementary School

    Clearwater, Florida

    9.5 miles from Gandy, FL

    In recent years, a mysterious boy dressed in a baseball uniform is seen by custodians late at night in this school - possibly stirred up renovations begun in 2000. There are claims that audio recorders have picked up late night conversations between dead teachers and this little boy, who ...

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    Leverock's Restaurant

    St. Petersburg, Florida

    10.3 miles from Gandy, FL

    Reports say that when the building was under construction, a stone altar was found. The altar was believed to be as many as 2000 years old, used by Timucuan priests. Some say the altar may have brought its old spirits to the restaurant. It can be viewed in a garden ...

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    Clearwater IHOP

    Clearwater, Florida

    10.5 miles from Gandy, FL

    We have had several things happen recently and have some of this has been captured on the security cameras. The santa figurine near the front... the arm was picked up and thrown down. We tried to debunk it as the wind, but we could not duplicate what happened. The lights ...

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    Historic Peninsula Inn and Spa

    Gulfport, Florida

    10.5 miles from Gandy, FL

    This hotel dates back to the turn of the 20th century. It was, at times, a military hospital, boarding house, and now, a hotel and spa. The resident ghost is named "Isabelle" - she is said to have lived and died here in the 1950s. She is ...

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    La Cote Basque Winehouse

    Gulfport, Florida

    10.6 miles from Gandy, FL

    This restaurant was started in 1972 by Ernest Frohme, and is still in operation today under the watchful eye of his daughters, Carmen and Simone. According to Deborah Frethem's "Ghost Stories of St. Petersburg, Clearwater and Pinellas County" the restaurant is haunted by a playful spirit. She speculates ...

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    Falk Theatre

    Tampa, Florida

    10.6 miles from Gandy, FL

    Once the Park Theatre, now called "Falk Theatre." Back in the "Park Theatre" days an actress named Bessie Snavely supposedly hung herself in her third floor dressing room. Her ghost is said to haunt the entire theatre.

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    Morris the Casino Cat

    St. Petersburg, Florida

    10.7 miles from Gandy, FL

    The Gulfport Casino is now owned by the City of Gulfport, and is rented out as a ballroom for weddings and special occasions. Back in 1970 a cute little cat wandered in and was so loved by the staff that he decided to make the casino his home. ...

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    Sylvan Abbey Memorial Park

    Clearwater, Florida

    10.7 miles from Gandy, FL

    Sylvan Abbey Memorial Park is said by locals to be haunted. Just behind the garden of reflections there is a fence and behind that fence maybe 50 yards into the woods there is a dilapidated abandoned house. Legend says that at this house the father killed his son ...

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    Plant Hall

    Tampa, Florida

    10.7 miles from Gandy, FL

    Onetime Tampa Bay Hotel servants are said to haunt the Science Wing. Witnesses have felt something watching them and had an eerie feeling. Apparitions have been seen all over the campus; in fact, folks say ghosts abound in this University of Tampa hall after hours—and there are quite a few ...

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    Blake High School

    Tampa, Florida

    11.1 miles from Gandy, FL

    A cold spot is felt in the exact place in the auditorium where a teacher died years ago of a heart attack. The back of the library has a similar cold spot where people get "eerie feelings". The main theatre sometimes has strange lights appear in the wings, ...

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    Ghost of Irene Randall

    Tampa, Florida

    11.1 miles from Gandy, FL

    According to legend, Irene Wengel came to Tampa in 1902 to get an illegal abortion in a building that once stood near the parking garage. A couple days after Dr. Frederick Weightnovel performed the abortion, Irene became very ill with blood poisoning; she died shortly thereafter. Irene’s uneasy spirit is said ...

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    Old Tampa Book Company

    Tampa, Florida

    11.1 miles from Gandy, FL

    This quaint used bookstore might be haunted, according to Deborah Frethem in her book "Haunted Tampa." The owners say a couple of chairs they inherited from a previous owner tend to move all on their own. One night the store's alarm went off, but the store was still ...

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    Fort Brooke Parking Garage

    Tampa, Florida

    11.1 miles from Gandy, FL

    Built in 1980, this municipal parking garage was built over a cemetery. The bones unearthed during the construction were deemed to be the remains of soldiers and Native Americans. Although the bones were removed and properly placed, some say they have heard the ghostly sounds of Native Americans drumming and ...

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    Old City Hall

    Tampa, Florida

    11.1 miles from Gandy, FL

    According to Deborah Frethem in her book "Haunted Tampa," strange ghost lights have been seen along the hallways and clock tower of the Old City Hall. She speculates they may be related to Donald Brenham McKay, who served two non-consecutive terms as mayor of Tampa in the early 20th ...

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    Old Tampa Theater

    Tampa, Florida

    11.1 miles from Gandy, FL

    A projectionist from the 1940s supposedly haunts this theatre. Staff hear his footsteps and chains rattling in the hallways and behind the stage. Some claim to even see him up in the projecting room when it is supposed to be empty. There are reports of weird "bad ...

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    Eleanor Island

    Treasure Island, Florida

    11.1 miles from Gandy, FL

    There is a story about this mangrove island about two local men who found some human remains here around the middle of the 19th century. Thinking it might be part of an Indian burial mound, they dug around looking for hidden treasures. Alas for them, all they found ...

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    Ghost of Charlie Wall - Old Federal Courthouse

    Tampa, Florida

    11.2 miles from Gandy, FL

    Charlie Wall was an infamous gangster based out of Tampa of the 1930s and 1940s. He dabbled in all the usual rackets - gambling, prostitution, numbers, etc. What made him truly infamous was when he was called to testify before a federal committee investigating organized crime in 1950. He held ...

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    Kennedy Blvd and Marion St

    Tampa, Florida

    11.2 miles from Gandy, FL

    Tim Reeser mentions this "haunted intersection" in his book, "Ghost Stories of Tampa Florida". Apparently Kennedy and Marion was the site of the old "Florida House Hotel". This hotel burned to the ground in Victorian times, and one of the victims was a little girl who was asleep ...

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    Oaklawn Cemetery

    Tampa, Florida

    11.4 miles from Gandy, FL

    A number of famous Tampa residents are buried here, and there are vague reports of ghosts haunting the grounds. Many feel uneasy as they walk the cemetery, as if someone is watching them.

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    Jackson House

    Tampa, Florida

    11.6 miles from Gandy, FL

    Deborah Frethem writes of this house in her book, "Haunted Tampa: Spirits of the Bay." According to Frethem, this building dates back to 1901 and was a boardinghouse once used by a number of African American greats during the days of segregation, like Ray Charles, Count Basie and even ...

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    Friendly Fisherman Restaurant

    Madeira Beach, Florida

    11.7 miles from Gandy, FL

    This restaurant has been here since it was open by Captain Wilson Hubbard in 1976. He died in 1994, but staff and patrons of the restaurant believe his spirit remains there to this day. A portrait of Wilson hangs on the wall there, and it is said his ...

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    John's Pass Bridge

    Treasure Island, Florida

    11.8 miles from Gandy, FL

    Locals say the ghosts of two pro-union farmers from Civil War times haunts this area. They were killed by Confederates and buried nearby. Some nights, especially with a new moon, the two are seen walking near the bridge or sailing their boat. Often the smell of death ...

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    Alfano's Restaurant

    Clearwater, Florida

    11.9 miles from Gandy, FL

    My family owns the restaurant. I have heard stories from others, but I am only documenting what I have experienced first hand. I've been in the kitchen and felt ice cold wind rush by, like a freezing cold arctic wind blowing by in a hot kitchen with no air ...

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    Tampa Florida Brewery Building

    Tampa, Florida

    12.1 miles from Gandy, FL

    Ybor City has a rich history, and with it comes several ghost stories, including one about the drunken Cuban ghost at the Tampa Florida Brewery. Now the Swope Law Group’s law offices, rumor has it that at the old brewery's opening ceremony, where free beer was available, two drunken men ...

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    Ybor Factory Building - Ybor Square

    Tampa, Florida

    12.3 miles from Gandy, FL

    This factory was built in 1886 by Vicente Martinez-Ybor - at the time it was the largest cigar-factory in the world. It changed hands a number of times through the 1950s, but always remained in the cigar business, until it became Ybor Square in the 1970s. Now it ...

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  • Florida Ghost Stories
    Robert R Jones
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    Silas Dent's Steakhouse

    St. Pete Beach, Florida

    12.3 miles from Gandy, FL

    The steakhouse's namesake is said to haunt the place. Often the rocking chair by the fish tanks rock by itself, and the regular customers and staff are quite used to it. In fact, folks are a little disappointed if the ghost doesn't rock the chair during their visit!

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    Don Vicente Inn

    Tampa, Florida

    12.3 miles from Gandy, FL

    Staff report a ghost in the lady's basement bathroom. The Travel Channel once ran a TV special on this hotel.

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    Cuban Club - Circulo Cubano de Tampa

    Tampa, Florida

    12.3 miles from Gandy, FL

    The Cuban Club, now a site rented out for events, was built in 1917 to serve the Cuban community. It has been the site of two deaths: One was an actor who committed suicide on the stage, the other was a murder in which one board member shot another in ...

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    King Corona Cigars and Cafe Bar

    Tampa, Florida

    12.4 miles from Gandy, FL

    Dave Lapham recounts the story of King Corona Cigars in his excellent book, "Ghosthunting Florida." The owner was renovating the store one night when he saw a huge, hulking figure in the back. He was about to run for the front door when the figure just dematerialized into thin air. ...

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    Island Flowers

    Tampa, Florida

    12.4 miles from Gandy, FL

    This flower shop got a quick mention in Kim Cool's "Ghost Stories of Tampa Bay." The ghost here, if it is a ghost, likes to swing the front door back and forth, ringing the security bell each time.

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    Trelles Clinic - Ybor Resort and Spa

    Tampa, Florida

    12.4 miles from Gandy, FL

    The former Trelles Clinic, now the Ybor Resort and Spa, is housed in a 1904 building. Witnesses say the many ghostly phenomena here include a child that tugs on people's clothing, unexplained slamming windows, and an apparition of Conchita, a deceased wife of a doctor. TV's Ghost Hunters featured the ...

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    El Centro Espanol - The Spanish Club

    Tampa, Florida

    12.4 miles from Gandy, FL

    The 1912 El Centro Espanol building is home to some strange occurrences. Folks say that the sound of crying babies can be heard in the building when there are no babies around. Also, when candles are blown out, they sometimes re-ignite.

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    Sugar Palm Ballroom - 1550 E. Palm Ave

    Tampa, Florida

    12.4 miles from Gandy, FL

    For a short time in the late 1990s, this building housed the "Sugar Palm Ballroom". Guests at the Sugar Palm would occasionally see a ghostly figure wandering the hallways. During renovations in 2000 workmen complained that they were constantly harassed by unseen entities.

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    La France

    Tampa, Florida

    12.4 miles from Gandy, FL

    Apparently there's said to be a ghostly presence in this vintage clothing shop that likes to move items around on the racks, according to Kim Cool's excellent book, "Ghost Stories of Tampa Bay."

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    L'Unione Italiana - The Italian Club

    Tampa, Florida

    12.5 miles from Gandy, FL

    In this building, over a century old, folks say a ghost named Virginia sometimes makes an appearance on the front staircase. Reports say Virginia was once a member of the cleaning staff.

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  • Field Guide To Haunted Orlando
    David W. Whitehead

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