Most Haunted Places in Wyoming

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    EHP Rating: 93.8

    Historic Hotel Greybull

    Greybull, Wyoming
    The 1914 hotel was originally the state bank for the township, but it went under during the Great Depression and lay empty for a few years. In 1927, the building was converted to a hotel, which was used as a front for a speakeasy and a brothel. Nowadays, the current hotel and restaurant retains...
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    EHP Rating: 88.0

    Wyoming Frontier Prison

    Rawlins, Wyoming
    This prison was in operation from 1901-1981. It was the first state penitentiary and it housed some of Wyoming's worst and most violent offenders. This prison operated in a time when there was no such thing as "prisoner's rights". The prison boasted both a dungeon-house where intractable inmates...
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    EHP Rating: 88.0

    Francis E. Warren Air Force Base

    Francis E. Warren Air Force Base, Wyoming
    This late-1800s Air Force base appears to be popular with the spirit set. Supernatural activity has been reported in the dorms, and ghostly cavalry soldiers have been known to frequent the area. It is reported that the female security team members have been the targets of some spirited pranks...
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    EHP Rating: 87.5

    Cheyenne Depot Museum

    Cheyenne, Wyoming
    Staff working late hours in the historic depot museum and offices in the adjacent building have reportedly heard ghostly laughter, and loud crashes when there is no one around. Witnesses have reportedly sighted the apparition of a woman in a black dress and the apparition of a member of a painting...
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    EHP Rating: 87.5

    Fort Bridger State Historic Site

    Fort Bridger, Wyoming
    It is said that almost every building of this historic site is home to haunts. One in the museum building often plays with the copy machine. Many are spirits of soldiers who were stationed at the fort in the 1800s. The site even boasts at least one animal ghost: a dog who was decorated for saving a...
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    EHP Rating: 87.5

    Country Inn Motel

    Baggs, Wyoming
    Various reports of guests who stay in the small motel tell of a glowing white apparition that appears in their rooms in the early hours of morning. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 87.5

    Historic Occidental Hotel

    Buffalo, Wyoming
    The historic hotel was founded in the late 1880's, and was developed a reputation as a saloon and hotel frequented by outlaws and gold miners. The hotel was also a former bordello, and the daughter of a prostitute who passed away on the upper floor of the hotel has been seen on many occasions....
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    EHP Rating: 87.1

    The Blue Lady of Kane Cemetery

    Lovell, Wyoming
    Kane is a sort of ghost town about 10 miles west of Lovell. It has no residents, but a few building foundations remain. When the Yellowtail Reservoir water level is low, the old town's remains and the historic cemetery can be seen. The Blue Lady who haunts this cemetery is a glowing specter who is...
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    EHP Rating: 87.1

    Laramie Plains Civic Center

    Laramie, Wyoming
    It is said that in the original part of the civic center building, strange events occur. Radios and other electronic equipment operate by themselves, doors slam, and disembodied voices and Native American drums are...
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    EHP Rating: 86.7

    Fort Laramie National Historic Site

    Fort Laramie, Wyoming
    Among the phenomena seen and heard at this 1800s fort are the ghost of a cavalry officer nicknamed Old Bedlam who likes to tell visitors "Be quiet!" and a spirit the museum employees call George, who likes to open doors and startle people with the sound of footsteps. Reports say in the early...
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    EHP Rating: 86.4

    Acme Theatre

    Riverton, Wyoming
    Some say a presence can be felt by those seated in the balcony at late-evening shows. Some who have seen the spirit say he wears Vaudeville-type clothing. It is believed that the man was a performer at the theater in the past, but his identity remains a...
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    EHP Rating: 85.7

    C.H King Building - Yellowstone Drug Store

    Shoshoni, Wyoming
    This 1900's bank building formerly served as a pharmacy and a private residence, but is now a museum housing a vast collection of art, local memorabilia and curiosities brought in by the current owner. He claims that the building is haunted, and that on his first night living there, he was...
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    EHP Rating: 85.7

    Fort Bridger Cemetery

    Fort Bridger, Wyoming
    The haunting at this cemetery is sort of a love story. In 1987, the caretaker began to frequently see an apparition of an elderly man in a white cowboy hat. The ghost followed the caretaker around, even helping out around the cemetery grounds. The caretaker eventually recognized the apparition, who...
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    EHP Rating: 84.6

    Heart Mountain Relocation Center

    Powell, Wyoming
    This World War II center for relocation of the Japanese has seen its share of spiritual activity. Daytimes here are quiet, although a friendly spirit may follow you around. But at night, it is reported that Shadow People are active. Witnesses have heard footsteps and noises, and had a feeling of...
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    EHP Rating: 84.2

    Sweetwater County Library

    Green River, Wyoming
    This library opened in 1980, and some say it is rich with supernatural activity because it was built on the site of an 1860s cemetery. Reports say electrical appliances turn on and off, books fly off the shelves, orbs wander the art gallery and typewriters type by themselves. An apparition also has...
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    EHP Rating: 84.0

    Irma Hotel

    Cody, Wyoming
    This tribute to the old West hotel, built by Buffalo Bill is reported to be haunted. Guests report the usual haunting activity, ghostly footsteps, strange noises and allegedly the ghost of a man without a bottom half is seen gliding through the halls....
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    EHP Rating: 83.9

    St Mark's Episcopal Church

    Cheyenne, Wyoming
    The bell tower of the church is reportedly haunted by a stonemason who fell to his death while constructing it. The legend claims that two Swedish immigrants who were skilled stoneworkers were hired to construct a bell tower on the church, and one day, when the tower was about halfway completed,...
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    EHP Rating: 83.3

    Salt Creek Oil Field Ghost Lights

    Natrona, Wyoming
    On cool, clear nights, a light may be seen hovering above the oil field. Locals assert that it is the spirit of O'Rourke, an Irishman who once farmed the area. It is his ghostly lantern that emits the mysterious...
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    EHP Rating: 83.3

    Knights of Pythias Building

    Cheyenne, Wyoming
    This historic building houses a vibrant flea market on the lower floor, but other parts of the building have a darker history. A coffin was located under the floor beneath a hidden trap door, and ever since it was unearthed, there have been many reports of ghostly activity. Staff have reported cold...
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    EHP Rating: 83.3

    Underground Tunnels of Cheyenne

    Cheyenne, Wyoming
    The tunnels were part of the early days of the railroad. They are closed to access, and it is not recommended to visit without permission and protection from the asbestos reported to have been used there. Witnesses who have made visits with permission say heavy footsteps can be heard down there,...
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    EHP Rating: 83.3

    Princess Theatre

    Douglas, Wyoming
    When the theatre shuts down for the night, staff report various accounts of paranormal activity. The stage curtains will open and close by themselves, running footsteps are heard and doors open and close by themselves. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 82.4

    Sweetwater County Courthouse

    Green River, Wyoming
    Reports say a tall, ghostly figure is often seen walking past the windows between offices or following around employees. Some have reported being touched or hearing a voice. The coffeepot has spilled by itself in the jail kitchen, and mixing bowls have been known to jump right off the...
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    EHP Rating: 81.8

    Old Bosler Post Office

    Bosler, Wyoming
    A former courier for the Union Pacific Railroad reported various sightings of the apparition of a tall pale gentleman waving at her from the old post office when she passed during the evenings. Other visitors to the old building have heard strange noises, such as disembodied footsteps or strange...
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    EHP Rating: 81.8

    Cedar Mountain - Spirit Mountain

    Cody, Wyoming
    Cedar Mountain was once called Spirit Mountain in reference to the many people who have been lost in the area's many caves. The caves and canyon are said to be haunted, and ghostly footsteps have been heard by visitors. Longtime residents say "little people" occupy this site. The caves are closed...
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    EHP Rating: 81.8

    Colter's Lodge

    Afton, Wyoming
    This circa 1939 lodge is rumoured to be haunted by spirits dating back to its glory days. The most common reported apparition is a male former owner, who is thought to have stayed on in the after life to ensure that the hotel and its operations continue to run smoothly. Another apparition is that...
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    EHP Rating: 80.0

    The Yellow Hotel

    Lusk, Wyoming
    The building was a brothel in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Strange lights, voices and an oppressive uneasy feeling were reported in the building. However, in 2012 the owner had it intentionally burned down by the fire...
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    EHP Rating: 80.0

    Cowboy Bar

    Meeteetse, Wyoming
    Patrons and employees of the Cowboy Bar have reportedly heard footsteps, and even steak orders, from invisible sources, and have witnessed bottles flying off the bar shelves. Some say full glasses will fall from the bar without spilling a single drop. Old tales tell that several murders have been...
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    EHP Rating: 80.0

    City News and Pipe Shop

    Cheyenne, Wyoming
    This shop has been in operation for almost fifty years, and many staff and employees of the Boyd Building in which the store is located believe it is haunted. The entity is believed to be the apparition of a doctor who worked in the building, who has been known to set off the security...
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    EHP Rating: 80.0

    The Historic Sheridan Inn

    Sheridan, Wyoming
    This inn unfortunately closed in October 2012. At this time, they are seeking sufficient money to pay off loans incurred when they attempted to do an historic renovation. When it was in operation, people claimed it was haunted by a variety of spirits who manifested themselves in typical haunting...
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    EHP Rating: 80.0

    Ferris Mansion Bed and Breakfast

    Rawlins, Wyoming
    A typical haunting with reports ranging from the sounds of footsteps, whispering, and electrical malfunctions to full-fledged apparitions of a woman and also of two young male children. Some people believe that at least one of the young male ghosts might be that of young Cecil Ferris who was...
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    EHP Rating: 80.0

    University of Wyoming - Knight Hall

    Laramie, Wyoming
    This building at the University of Wyoming is home to many ghostly phenomena. Among them: On the second floor, wailing sounds and faces in the windows have been reported. In the basement, witnesses have heard drums beating. In the West Wing, the apparition of a Native American girl has been...
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    EHP Rating: 80.0

    Wyoming Territorial Prison Museum

    Laramie, Wyoming
    Now a historical park, frontier town and museum, this former penitentiary once housed famed outlaw Butch Cassidy. Visitors to the site may get a glimpse of a ghost named Julius Greenwelch, who makes his home...
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    EHP Rating: 78.6

    Northwest College

    Powell, Wyoming
    Residents have heard footsteps in the showers, scraping chairs, and cabinets opening and closing inside locked, unused rooms. Reports have said that at 2 a.m. the oven and all the stove burners have been turned on at full heat. There has also been unexplained cold in a wing where a suicide was...
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    EHP Rating: 78.6

    Devils Tower

    Devils Tower, Wyoming
    Reports have been made of strange supernatural activity surrounding this rock formation. One visitor reported having been chased away from the base of the rock at dusk. His pursuers were devilish black figures who laughed demonically and ran twice as fast as the fastest...
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    EHP Rating: 78.6

    Virginian Hotel

    Medicine Bow, Wyoming
    The Virginian is now closed. People claim that when it was in operation it was filled with ghostly activity. Update: The hotel is apparently now open again, according to feedback left by a Haunted Places...
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    EHP Rating: 77.8

    Bighorn Medicine Wheel

    Lovell, Wyoming
    This mysterious structure has been used as a worship site for hundreds of years. Not even the local Native Americans know who built it. Some researchers say it is at least 12,000 years old. Legend has it that if you fast for four days within the circle, the ancient spirits will come to...
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    EHP Rating: 77.8

    Mansion House Inn

    Buffalo, Wyoming
    This 1903 mansion was built for a retired army surgeon and his wife, and has been operating as an inn since the mid-twentieth century. Reports of various strange occurrences suggest a poltergeist may be haunting the establishment, such as doors slamming shut, keys being turned in locks by unseen...
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    EHP Rating: 76.9

    The Broker - Lapeyre Steakhouse

    Riverton, Wyoming
    The second floor of this steakhouse restaurant is said to be haunted by a ghost who has been seen looking out the windows. She is also said to peer out of other windows on the same block. Those who have seen her say she looks lonely and...
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    EHP Rating: 76.5

    Atlas Theatre

    Cheyenne, Wyoming
    Folks say this historic theater, built in 1887, is haunted by at least two ghosts. They play tricks and their voices show up on tape recordings; also orbs have been...
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    EHP Rating: 76.5

    The White Devil of Rattlesnake Range

    Casper, Wyoming
    Legend has it that a ghostly white stallion, the White Devil, once protected the herds of wild mustangs against cowboys who attempted to rope them. The spectral horse would attack, biting and kicking at cowboys who tried to round up the wild horses. It is said that the stallion can still be seen...
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    EHP Rating: 76.2

    Wonder Bar

    Casper, Wyoming
    Witnesses say noises can be heard throughout the building, and lights turn on by themselves in the basement. A cleaning lady, working at the bar with her cat, reported seeing a ghost coming down the stairs. The cat saw it too, and its fur all stood on...
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    EHP Rating: 76.0

    The Historic Plains Hotel

    Cheyenne, Wyoming
    Allegedly haunted by the ghosts of three people who were killed in a double murder-suicide. The ghosts are alleged to be a feckless husband, his unhappy bride and the husband's paramour that he picked up in the bar. Supposedly the bride went looking for her husband, found him chatting with this...
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    EHP Rating: 75.0

    Tivoli Saloon

    Cheyenne, Wyoming
    The Tivoli Saloon was built in 1893 as a saloon and fine restaurant on the lower floor, and a brothel and speakeasy on the upper floor. Employees of The Chamber of Commerce (who formerly worked in the building) reported sighting the apparition of a woman in a long flowing gown on the stairs, as did...
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    EHP Rating: 75.0

    Townsend Hotel - Townsend Justice Center

    Casper, Wyoming
    The former hotel is now the county courthouse, but folks say the haunts don't mind. Voices are heard on the upper floors, and the smell of brewing coffee, a remnant from the building's hotel days, wafts on the...
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    EHP Rating: 75.0

    Higgins Hotel

    Glenrock, Wyoming
    This 1916 railroad hotel has been a local establishment for almost one hundred years, and remains popular with locals, travellers and even the spirit crowd. Rumoured to have at least three ghostly presences roaming the halls, the hotel has well and truly put the small town on the paranormal map....
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    EHP Rating: 73.9

    Silver Cliff Hotel

    Lusk, Wyoming
    Reports say the building is now abandoned, so please pay attention to any No Trespassing signs. Witnesses say a ghostly presence is felt inside the former 19th-century...
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    EHP Rating: 72.7

    Old Faithful Inn

    Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
    Although many claim the Old Faithful Inn is haunted, and it may well be, with the usual assortment of moving object stories, doors opening and closing on their own and other apparitions, it appears that the most well-known of the stories - that of the headless bride - has been proven to be an...
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    EHP Rating: 72.0

    A.V. Quinn House

    Evanston, Wyoming
    This 1883 Queen-Anne style mansion is also known as 'Pine Gables', due to the two trees that stand either side of the residence. Built for a wealthy banker, the property is rumoured to be haunted. The first wife of the original proprietor is believed to the source of these ghostly tales, as...
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    EHP Rating: 71.4

    Slaughterhouse Gulch

    Encampment, Wyoming
    The Ghost of Slaughterhouse Gulch is said to be a miner who was killed by an explosion. Reports say because of the nature of his death, he didn't have a proper burial, which made his spirit restless. In 1918 a camping family heard a cough and looked up to see a ghostly man walking past their camp...
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    EHP Rating: 71.4

    White Wolf Saloon

    Douglas, Wyoming
    This old-fashioned saloon is rumoured to be haunted. Patrons and employees have reported items moving around the main office, as well as a presence in the rear rooms of the establishment. The jukebox has also been known to start up of its own accord, and play old time music from records that are...
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    EHP Rating: 70.8

    Kendrick Mansion - Trail End

    Sheridan, Wyoming
    Now a museum, this 1913 house used to be the residence of John B. Kendrick and family. Surveillance cameras are said to pick up ghostly images in the rooms. But when the police investigate in person, no one is ever found. The apparitions seem only to show up on...
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    EHP Rating: 70.6

    The Moaning Man of Lake De Smet

    Buffalo, Wyoming
    According to the Crow tribesmen who live in the area, the lake has long been haunted by a moaning ghost. However, the Moaning Man has been seen by many, not just Native Americans. Nearby residents say animals are spooked by the place as well. The Moaning Man is said to be a monster-spirit who rises...
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    EHP Rating: 70.6

    Ivy House Inn

    Casper, Wyoming
    This inn appears to no longer be in operation. Its website is defunct and it was listed for sale in 2007, taken off the market in 2008 but there does not appear to be a functioning inn there at this time. When it was an inn, there were numerous claims of haunted activity, some of it attributed to...
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    EHP Rating: 69.2

    Rocky Mountain Discount Sports

    Gillette, Wyoming
    Customers at this store report being followed by shuffling footsteps down the aisle's when there is no one around, as well as heavy breathing and clicking noises. Items get moved around the store at night. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 66.7

    Casper Elk's Club

    Casper, Wyoming
    This 1922 building is haunted. Members of the local club that gather here regularly report paranormal activity, such as the apparition of a man in the basement, objects moving around of their own accord, the smell of cigar smoke and the sounds of music emanating from the empty ballroom. Much of...
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    EHP Rating: 66.7

    Wyoming Home Store

    Cheyenne, Wyoming
    This historic building now contains an antiques store selling western artifacts and merchandise, but staff here have reportedly had many paranormal experiences over the years. The apparition of a man in a cowboy hat has been seen wandering through the upper floor of the building, and is always very...
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    EHP Rating: 66.7

    Desalms Fine Art and Art Gallery

    Cheyenne, Wyoming
    This historic home has been the sites of two of the cities most infamous murders, and is believed to be haunted. Lights turn on and off by themselves, doors open and close of their own accord, and many people claim to have seen a shadowy figure running through the living room of what is now an art...
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    EHP Rating: 66.7

    The Farson Mercantile

    Farson, Wyoming
    Employees have witnessed a lady on the top of the stairs. Cups and other objects can fly around the room when closing the store. Pizza oven timers will turn off. (Submitted by Kortni...
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    EHP Rating: 66.7

    Ship of Death - Platte River

    Fort Laramie, Wyoming
    This phantom ship has been seen and talked about since the mid-1800s. Those who have seen it say it first materializes as a mysterious fog over a small part of the river. Out of the fog sails an ethereal gray ship from long ago. The ship is said to be an omen of death, and whoever sees it will lose...
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    EHP Rating: 66.7

    Cheyenne Frontier Days Old Western Museum

    Cheyenne, Wyoming
    Many staff working at this museum have reportedly seen a distinguished gentleman in period clothing examining the displays after closing hours or in the early hours of morning. The other apparition is a figure shrouded in black who roams the hallways of the building throughout the day, only to...
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    EHP Rating: 66.7

    Smith Mansion

    Cody, Wyoming
    This solitary mansion is only half-finished, with staircases that lead to nowhere, half-finished rooms and a rambling log structure that makes it so famous for its unusual construction. The original architect who designed and built the house entirely on his own feel to his death from the second...
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    EHP Rating: 66.7

    Pioneer Memorial Museum

    Douglas, Wyoming
    The free admission is not the only great aspect of this historic museum. Visitors to the museum claim to have seen a ghostly face looking out of the building into the street, and there are various accounts of the employees hearing running footsteps in the building after it has closed down for the...
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    EHP Rating: 66.7

    Fossil Country Frontier Museum

    Kemmerer, Wyoming
    Price of admission may buy you more than a look at things from the past. Reports say strange thumping noises can be heard, and an eerie presence can be...
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    EHP Rating: 66.7

    Shoshone Bar & Grill

    Lovell, Wyoming
    The haunt here is said to be Ted Louie, a candy salesman who disappeared nearby in the 1940s. Electrical appliances run themselves, strange sounds and voices can be heard, and money floats through the air. Apparitions also have been seen; reports say he most often lingers in the...
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    EHP Rating: 60.0

    Madeline's Scents

    Cheyenne, Wyoming
    This old-fashioned candle store was a former gambling parlour and bar, and is still believed to be haunted by some ghostly patrons. Objects have been known to disappear and reappear in different places, and a female staff member was once shoved by an unseen force. The owners of a previous antique...
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    EHP Rating: 60.0

    Don Rey's Mexican Restaurant

    Cheyenne, Wyoming
    This Mexican restaurant was formerly occupied the Cheyenne Club, where country music singers would perform. Several diners at the restaurant have reportedly seen the apparition of a hanging man in the corner of the main dining room. Another spectre who haunts the premises is a tall man in a trench...
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    EHP Rating: 58.8

    Gebo Cemetery

    Thermopolis, Wyoming
    Visitors to this cemetery may be startled by the sound of crying babies and...
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    EHP Rating: 58.8

    Mount Pisgah Cemetery

    Gillette, Wyoming
    This historic pioneer cemetery is haunted by many apparitions. Late in the afternnon, visitors to the cemetery have reported seeing the apparition of a ghostly jogger who disappears at sunset every night. Various shadowy apparitions have been seen standing next to graves, as well as the apparition...
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    EHP Rating: 50.0

    Shadows Bar and Grill

    Cheyenne, Wyoming
    There are reports of staff members sighting the apparition of a bearded man in the bathrooms after closing hours. Unexplained banging noises are heard by diners, and chairs and tables often move around by themselves. On one occasion, a staff member closing down for the night found a shot glass and...
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    EHP Rating: 50.0

    Hofman Building

    Cheyenne, Wyoming
    The second oldest commercial building in Cheyenne now houses an old-fashioned brewery, but was formerly a bordello and a saloon. Staff and workers from across the road have reported various paranormal occurrences, including disembodied footsteps, doors opening and closing by themselves and lights...
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    EHP Rating: 50.0

    Hotel Frontier

    Cheyenne, Wyoming
    Guests and tenants staying in this establishment have heard children running through the hallways and seen shadowy apparitions on various occasions. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 50.0


    Cheyenne, Wyoming
    This lighting store has a resident poltergeist who likes to move lamps and lights around the building. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 50.0

    Hynds Building

    Cheyenne, Wyoming
    This historic building is now a bank, and workers here report strange occurrences such as cold spots, being pushed around by unseen forces and money that levitates or moves around by itself. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 50.0

    The Quilted Corner

    Cheyenne, Wyoming
    This fabric shop was the site of a former boarding house that was destroyed by fire in the 1930's. Staff and former workers have reported seeing the apparition of a man in wingtip shoes lurking in the shadows, but he vanishes when he is approached. Other paranormal activity reported here cold...
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    EHP Rating: 50.0

    1712 Pioneer Avenue

    Cheyenne, Wyoming
    This building was the former quarters of the fire department, which was the first fire department in the entire city. A disgruntled fireman shot a passer-by dead, and ever since, tenants in the building have reportedly seen the apparition of a man in dark pants and a white shirt wandering through...
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    EHP Rating: 50.0

    Carnival Antiques

    Cheyenne, Wyoming
    This old antiques store is haunted by the apparition of a man and woman in period clothing, who have been known to converse with staff members. Smoke has also been smelt, even though the wiring is new and a fire has never been found. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 50.0

    Hot Springs County Museum

    Thermopolis, Wyoming
    Visitors to the museum may see more than they expect. Reports have been made of ghostly people in old-time garb roaming the theater and sitting in the museum displays. Floating orbs of light also have been...
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    EHP Rating: 50.0

    American Legion Building

    Sheridan, Wyoming
    Supposedly haunted. Witnesses have reported shadowy apparitions and ghostly voices. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 50.0

    Flour Bin Bakery

    Casper, Wyoming
    This now-bakery and café is located in a historic neighbourhood, which did a roaring trade in bootlegging, prostitution and other illegal activity during the 1920's era. The building itself is no exception, as it was formerly a bordello which was frequented by a fairly rough crowd. A noisy...
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    EHP Rating: 44.4

    Wyoming Supreme Court Building

    Cheyenne, Wyoming
    The building is believed to be haunted by Judge Blume, who has been known to push books off shelves and turn on all the lights after staff members have gone home. Occasionally, people working late hours report smelling cigar smoke when there is no one around. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 44.4


    Cheyenne, Wyoming
    This art and pottery store was formerly a brothel and a boarding house. Staff and visitors to the store claim to have heard women's voices coming from an upstairs room, but upon investigating, no one has been found. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 42.9

    Hot Springs County Library

    Thermopolis, Wyoming
    There may be more to check out than literature in this library. Reports say employees have come in to find books strewn everywhere. They've also heard strange sounds and seen shadowy...
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    EHP Rating: 37.5

    Cheyenne Masonic Temple

    Cheyenne, Wyoming
    People driving past claim to have seen shadowy apparitions peering out of the windows down into the avenue outside. A strange presence is also felt in the building. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 33.3

    Lavender Boutique

    Cheyenne, Wyoming
    This boutique store was formerly a trading outlet for wine, cigars and other alcohol, before being converted to a rough pool hall and cigar factory. Today, the store is believed to be haunted by the apparition of a woman in a Victorian dress. Staff, visitors and a tenant living upstairs claim to...
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    EHP Rating: 28.6

    Ernie November Store

    Cheyenne, Wyoming
    This record store was a former pawnshop and theatre, and it is believed the resident ghost was a patron who was murdered in the theatre or another former store. The owner has reported that doors open and close by themselves at frequent intervals, and strange lights have been seen in the...
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    EHP Rating: 25.0

    Church of the Nazarene

    Powell, Wyoming
    This church is the oldest standing building in Powell. In 1948 the building was moved from the corner of 3rd and Bent Streets to the corner of Park and Douglas street. Nothing specific is really known about the history of the building (besides the fact that it used to the Presbyterian Church-...