Most Haunted Places in Australia

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    EHP Rating: 90.0

    Brisbane Arcade

    Brisbane, Queensland
    Lights that unaccountably go on and off, footsteps, creepy feelings, shadowy figures and no staff like to stay after dark are just some of the phenomena experienced here, as well as the ghost of elegantly dressed Patrick Mayne. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 87.5

    Maryborough Colonial and Military Museum

    Maryborough, Queensland
    Sounds of footsteps are heard on the top level, and unexplained voices have been heard in the Gallipoli Room. A flag also moves around on the walls of the museum. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 85.7

    Nannup Bakery

    Nannup, Western Australia
    This historic bakery was abandoned since the 1930's, but now appears to once again be in operation. The last owner apparently vanished, and left everything behind in the store as it previously was. There are many reports of hauntings regarding this tiny establishment, including the banging of pots...
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    EHP Rating: 83.3

    Hotel Corones

    Charleville, Queensland
    Two apparitions have been seen roaming the building in the early hours of morning. Strange phenomena has been experienced here by guests. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 83.3

    Carclew House

    North Adelaide, South Australia
    Now an art centre for youth and young adults the Carclew house has long been claimed to be haunted. In 1908 Langdon Bonython bought the house and gave it the Carclew name. It's said that the resident spirit is that of Langdon Bonython's wife... that he threw her out of the window at the top floor...
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    EHP Rating: 83.3


    North Toowoomba, Queensland
    This historic house is haunted by the apparition of a man in a brown suit, who has been seen pacing back and forth in front of the windows. Other former tenants claim to have heard strange noises coming from the main bedroom, but upon investigation, have found nothing. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 83.3

    The Brassey of Canberra Hotel

    Barton, Australian Capital Territory
    People here have reported hearing loud voice when no one is around, and also doors opening and closing and lights going on and off. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 83.3

    Rose and Crown Hotel

    Guildford, Western Australia
    This historic hotel is the oldest licensed pub in Western Australia, and is believed to have its fair share of ghost stories. Ghosts of former publicans and convicts have reportedly been seen and heard in various parts of the hotel, but the most commonly reported apparition is a bullock drive who...
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    EHP Rating: 83.3

    Childers Grand Hotel

    Childers, Queensland
    The spirits of a man in black and a woman have been reported in the hotel. The ghost of a former prostitute has been felt touching people in the hotel rooms, and objects move around by themselves. Various spectres and poltergeist activity have been reported in the building. Ghostly voices are heard...
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    EHP Rating: 82.4

    Mundaring Weir Hotel

    Mundaring, Western Australia
    This establishment was built at the turn of the century, and is believed to be haunted by one of the many workers and visited who stayed at the hotel during the weirs construction. Known to staff as 'Paddy', he has been known to break bottles and glasses from time to time. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 80.0

    Tasma Terrace and Gallery

    East Melbourne, Victoria
    This historic row of nineteenth century terraces is owned by the National Trust, and was originally constructed during the 1870's as an upper class boarding house. During the late nineteenth century, a successful businesswoman was shot dead in a room of the boarding house, and many believed she has...
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    EHP Rating: 80.0

    Old Adelaide Gaol

    Adelaide, South Australia
    With 45 people executed and the deaths of numerous other prisoners due to disease etc it is not hard to believe the gaol is haunted. Many people have witnessed seeing apparitions of now deceased prisoners, hearing disembodied voices, the feeling of being watched or touched, inanimate objects...
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    EHP Rating: 80.0

    Ipswich View Bed and Breakfast

    Toodyay, Western Australia
    This historic homestead was built in 1860, and has several haunted rooms available to guests. In Room #002, guests have locked in their rooms by unseen presences, who have also been known to move furniture around. The hallways outside this room are prone to disembodied footsteps and strange...
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    EHP Rating: 80.0

    Toodyay Tavern

    Toodyay, Western Australia
    This heritage inn has an illustrious past, and is believed to be haunted by several apparitions since it was built back in 1861. The hotspots of paranormal activity are confined to Rooms #008 and Room #010. The latter is believed to be the most haunted, as guests staying here have reported being...
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    EHP Rating: 78.6

    Royal Bull's Head Inn

    Drayton, Queensland
    The historic inn is haunted by several apparitions. People have reported hearing the cries of a baby coming from a well at the rear of the inn. The apparitions seen inside the inn include a lady in a night dress who has been seen creeping around the parlour room in the early hours of morning. The...
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    EHP Rating: 77.8

    Leichardt Hotel

    Mount Morgan, Queensland
    The historic hotel is most likely one of the most haunted buildings in Queensland. The first apparition seen is a lady in white who has been seen drifting through the hallways of the hotel. If the door is unlocked, the door will lock itself before she vanishes. The second apparition is a shadowy...
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    EHP Rating: 77.8

    Cape Naturaliste Lighthouse

    Naturaliste, Western Australia
    This historic lighthouse was opened in 1904, and has been the scene of many shipwrecks, from which rumours of haunting's are believed to stem. The first is an aggressive female spirit, who has been known to throw objects and push people around. The second is the apparition of a young boy in period...
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    EHP Rating: 77.8

    Arms of Australia Inn and Museum

    Emu Plains, New South Wales
    This historic inn and museum is haunted by a number of benign spirits, including an Aboriginal man who was beaten to death in the cellar. His apparition has been seen peering out of the windows of the establishment with a saddened expression on his face. Other activity reported includes cold spots,...
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    EHP Rating: 75.0

    Cosmopolitan Hotel

    Trentham, Victoria
    This historic hotel was built in 1866, and has maintained its popularity ever since its founding during the gold-rush era. Despite being recently gutted by fire, guests and staff have reported seeing the apparition of a young girl with dark hair for over a century. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 75.0

    Dululu Hotel

    Dululu, Queensland
    The apparition of a friendly man in a stockman’s hat has been seen in the bar area of the hotel, where he vanishes and appears suddenly. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 75.0

    Warden Finnerty's House

    Coolgardie, Western Australia
    This historic property was built in 1895 and formerly owned by the warden of the local goldfields. During the renovations of the historic house, workmen complained of being bitten and scratched by an unseen presence. Later during the year, the body of a cat was found beneath the house, and since...
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    EHP Rating: 75.0

    Irish Murphy's Pub

    Brisbane, Queensland
    People claim to see the apparition of a man in the games room, which was formerly the cellar. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 75.0

    Black Rock House

    Black Rock, Victoria
    This historic holiday house was built in 1856, and is reportedly haunted by twelve spirits. Passing motorists have made many of the reported sightings associated with the building, including a spectral figure toppling from the roof to their death. Prior to the twentieth century, a viewing tower had...
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    EHP Rating: 75.0

    Adelaide Art Gallery

    Adelaide, South Australia
    Adelaide art gallery opened in 1880 and is supposedly haunted. It is said that the haunting may be caused by the artifacts or maybe due to unconfirmed theories about the gallery being built on what once was a cemetery and that people might have even been hung in the vicinity. There are tales of a...
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    EHP Rating: 75.0

    Majestic Theatre

    Pomona, Queensland
    This historic social hall was built in 1921, and was refurbished as a silent movie theatre prior to the war, making it one of the country's longest running picture theatres. It is allegedly haunted by the former proprietor of the theatre, who has been heard pacing the stage, and walking up and...
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    EHP Rating: 75.0

    Adelaide Arcade

    Adelaide, South Australia
    The Adelaide Arcade has long had a reputation for being haunted. There are three ghosts that haunt the arcade. One of these ghosts is Francis Cluney, who was a caretaker of the arcade who died when he fell into the electricity generator back in 1887. Many people have claimed to see, feel and hear...
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    EHP Rating: 73.3

    Royal Mail Hotel

    Braidwood, New South Wales
    This historic hotel was built in 1890, and was a frequent stage stop for cattle drovers. The hotel features many haunted rooms, but the most haunted is Room #004, where guests claim to have seen the apparition of a woman in a white dress arguing with a man. Other claim to have heard the cries of a...
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    EHP Rating: 72.7

    Berry Historic Inn

    Berry, New South Wales
    This historic inn as formerly the town bank since its construction in 1886, and was refurbished as a bed and breakfast inn in the 1970's. During the renovations, there were many reported sightings of a the apparition of a lady. Objects are frequently moved around of their own accord, and moans and...
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    EHP Rating: 71.4

    Breakfast Creek Hotel

    Albion, Queensland
    A dark shadowy apparition has been seen on the stairs, as well as a glowing apparition on the hotel landing. Cold spots are felt throughout the hotel. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 71.4

    Kalamunda Hotel

    Kalamunda, Western Australia
    This heritage listed hotel and pub is famous for its fine dining and abundance of ghost stories. The most haunted room in the hotel is Room #024, where guests have reported cold spots and strange lights. The spirit of a teenage girl who through herself off the balcony at the rear of the hotel has...
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    EHP Rating: 71.4

    Maryborough City Hall

    Maryborough, Queensland
    Staff working here at night have reported sounds like rattling chains and disembodied footsteps. The pictures rearrange themselves of their own accord. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 71.4

    The Haunted Bookshop

    Melbourne, Victoria
    This bookshop is the primary hub for ghost tours of the city, and according to the owner, is rumoured to be haunted. When the building was being restored and renovated, he claims to have seen a male apparition on the rear staircase of the building. The apparition has been nicknamed 'Donald' by...
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    EHP Rating: 71.4

    Centre Road Milk Bar

    Vermont, Victoria
    The origin of the haunting in this old building is unknown, but late at night, the doors of the milk bar have been known to open and close of their own accord. Local residents report seeing a white figure floating around the store. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 71.4

    Gympie Court House

    Gympie, Queensland
    Painters renovating the 1901 historic building claimed to have seen a ghost that repeatedly interferes with the clock tower. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 71.4

    Barossa Valley - Seppelts Winery

    Seppeltsfield, South Australia
    Built in the early 1800's by Oscar Benno Seppelt, who is said to have turned slightly insane after spending years in his private retreat, located behind the trophy cellar. Feelings or being watched & the sounds of footsteps are always heard. It is said that lights ion the lower levels will not...
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    EHP Rating: 71.4

    Mahogany Inn

    Mahogany Creek, Western Australia
    This historic inn is supposedly haunted by Moondyne Joe, one of the states best known outlaws. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 70.6

    Blackwood Hotel

    Blackwood, Victoria
    This historic hotel still maintains delightfully quaint rooms and a whole array of ghost stories; many of which are believed to stem from the fact that the historic pub was formerly the town morgue. If you're looking for a haunted room to stay in, you need look no further than Room #003. A former...
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    EHP Rating: 70.0

    Old Railway Hotel

    Mackay, Queensland
    Staff and guests staying at the hotel have reported sightings of a woman in a blue frock wandering the hallways and standing at the ends of their beds. Cold spots are felt in the hotel during warm weather. Strange whispering noises are also heard in the hotel when there is no one around....
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    EHP Rating: 70.0

    Brooklyn House

    Howard, Queensland
    The apparition of a woman in white has been seen staring out of the windows of the house. Former residents claim to have heard footsteps, strange sounds and ghostly laughter and chattering. Cigar smoke and alcohol have been smelt in the smoker’s room when none is present. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 66.7

    Golden Monkey Bar

    Melbourne, Victoria
    This award-winning bar is housed in a former brothel, due to the fact that the bar was located in the former red light district. It is rumoured to be haunted by a former bordello madam and a ghostly cat, who has been felt brushing past people but is never seen. The madam is often seen in a red...
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    EHP Rating: 66.7

    The Criterion Hotel

    Rockhampton, Queensland
    Staff working late hours claim to hear disembodied footsteps, doors rattling and ghostly voices in the hotel. The apparition of a chambermaid has been seen standing in doorways and/or at the ends of guests beds. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 66.7

    Bellow Chambers

    Spring Hill, Queensland
    Two murders occurred during the 1950’s and the building is now believed to be haunted by the ghosts of two doctors. They have been seen in the hallways of the building, and are known to help people in difficulty. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 66.7

    Cuballing Hotel and Tavern

    Cuballing, Western Australia
    This historic hotel was built in 1912, and is believed to be a local yardman named Ted Leighton. His presence usually makes itself known during winter, and has been known to smash bottle, slam doors, push over beer kegs and turn electrical appliances on and off. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 66.7

    Fitzgerald Hotel

    Northbridge, Western Australia
    This historic hotel has changed names on several occasions, but has still managed to keep its resident ghost. Staff and guests have reported sighting the apparition of an elderly woman Ina white lace dress, who has been known to rearrange the furniture. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 66.7

    Courtyard Antiques

    Toodyay, Western Australia
    This historic store was built in the 1890's, and is believed to have two resident spirits. The first is known as 'Paddy', a local character with a wooden leg. Staff have heard his disembodied footsteps in the store after hours, and have smelt his tobacco smoke. He has also been known to throw in...
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    EHP Rating: 66.7

    Sunny Brae

    Eumundi, Queensland
    This historic colonial house was formerly a hospital, but is now to be converted into a guest house. Visitors to the building have reported hearing babies crying when there is no one around. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 66.7

    Old Parliament House

    Parkes, Australian Capital Territory
    Night shift staff have reported seeing a ghostly pair of legs wandering around the building, as well as seeing the window blinds go up and down by themselves, and having items thrown at them. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 66.7

    Ipswich Jets Pub

    North Ipswich, Queensland
    Staff hear have reported phantom footsteps and doors opening and closing of their own accord. Staff have also seen the apparition crouching in the corner of the manager’s office. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 66.7

    Gowrie House - YWCA Hostel

    East Toowoomba, Queensland
    This historic house and hostel for young woman is believed to be haunted. Staff and visitors have seen a matronly apparition of a woman in a long grey dress. The jangling of keys is often heard when there is no one around. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 66.7

    Colonial Terrace Motor Inn

    Raymond Terrace, New South Wales
    There are reports of guests encountering apparitions and strange phenomena in several rooms of the motor inn, but the origin of the haunting is unknown. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 66.7

    Queen of The Murchison Hotel

    Cue, Western Australia
    Staff and guests staying at this old-fashioned hotel have reportedly heard footsteps pacing the back hallway, and having occasionally seen a shadowy figure standing at the far end. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 66.7

    Old Gladstone Gaol

    Gladstone, South Australia
    Gladstone Gaol was built between 1879 -1881 and is now no longer an active gaol it has long been claimed to be haunted because of the prisoners who died of disease hangings etc many people who enter the gaol claim to hear disembodied voices see apparitions feel presences and much much...
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    EHP Rating: 63.6

    Port Adelaide Lighthouse

    Port Adelaide, South Australia
    In 1912, when the lighthouse was at a different location, it was struck by a ship and fell into sea, killing the two lighthouse keepers: Henry Franson and Charles Mcgowen. Many people have said to have seen and heard their spirits in and around the lighthouse. It is also said that the lighthouse...
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    EHP Rating: 62.5

    Bundoora Homestead and Art Museum

    Bundoora, Victoria
    This historic mansion was built at the turn of the twentieth century, and is brimming with beautiful art, a splendid history and some friendly ghosts. Staff working late hours often hear disembodied footsteps late at night and feel unseen figures brush past them in the hallways. The mansion is also...
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    EHP Rating: 62.5

    Freemasons Hotel

    Toodyay, Western Australia
    This historic hotel dates back to 1861, and is one of the oldest buildings in the shire. The main staircase is the main focus of paranormal activity within the building, where patrons and staff have seen a whole gathering of ghostly guests congregated, dressed in period clothing. Another apparition...
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    EHP Rating: 60.0

    Campbell's Store

    Morpeth, New South Wales
    This historic general store was built in 1835 by James Campbell, and was a popular stop for travellers in the Hunter Valley Region for many years. Some claim that the former owner refused to leave the building after he passed away, and has been seen standing at the far end of the hallway before...
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    EHP Rating: 60.0

    Waterfall Gulley Restaurant - Utopia Hotel

    Waterfall Gully, South Australia
    The Waterfall Gulley restaurant has long been known to be haunted. Many people have seen objects moving on their own, heard disembodied voices, and have seen an apparition of a man in a blue glowing uniform. It is believed that the apparition is Constable Tregoweth who was killed in a bushfire in...
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    EHP Rating: 60.0

    O'Connor's Mill

    Toodyay, Western Australia
    This three story building was constructed in 1870 and many families over the years lived upstairs on the upper floor. Many noises and voices have been heard coming from the building, sometimes loud enough to be heard from the main road in front of the mill. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 60.0

    The Port Residence

    Maryborough, Queensland
    Doors open and close by themselves. The rocking chair on the second floor moves back and forth by itself. The sounds of children playing have been heard when there is no one around. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 60.0

    Leederville Hotel

    Leederville, Western Australia
    This historic hotel is haunted by the apparition of a man who ran a betting shop underneath the hotel for many years. Many claim to have seen his apparition standing on the stairs to the tower room where he lived, and he has been known to move items around. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 58.3

    The Oaks Historic Homestead

    Oakhurst, New South Wales
    This historic homestead at the end of the nineteenth century, and is believed to be haunted by many apparitions; including a whole host of former residents. The owner and staff have reportedly seen a little girl in a white dress running across the property, who has been known to vanish around...
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    EHP Rating: 58.3

    Rosewood Hotel

    Rosewood, Queensland
    The historic hotel is haunted by at least three spirits. The first is that of an elderly woman in a black dress, who has been seen floating up and down the hotel verandah. The second is the ghost of a soldier who was shot in the building. His gentle voice is sometimes heard, and he is regarded as a...
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    EHP Rating: 57.1

    Old Bundaberg Tavern

    Bundaberg, Queensland
    Doors open and close on the upper level, and strange noises are heard. An evil presence is felt throughout the upper floor of the building. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 57.1

    Altona Homestead

    Altona, Victoria
    This historic homestead is rumoured to be haunted by a whole horde of spectres, including former owners and residents. Objects have been known to move of their own accord, and a security guard once spotted an elderly lady in period clothing staring at him from within the house after closing...
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    EHP Rating: 57.1

    Bundaberg Regional Art Gallery

    Bundaberg, Queensland
    The staircase at the Bundaberg Regional Art Gallery is apparently haunted by a lady in green. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 50.0

    Mitre Tavern

    Melbourne, Victoria
    This historic tavern and steakhouse provides fine food, a great atmosphere and even a resident ghost. It is said that the mistress of a prominent gentleman known as Connie Waugh has been seen standing on the balcony in an old-fashioned white dress. There are other reports of strange lights that...
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    EHP Rating: 50.0

    Jalna House

    Mount Lofty, Queensland
    A young woman named Mary McGovern haunts the house. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 50.0

    Pot Belly Bar and Bistro

    Belconnen, Australian Capital Territory
    Patrons and staff at the bar and restaurant have reported seeing the apparition of a ghostly black cat in the rear rooms of building. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 50.0

    Nomad's Backpackers Hostel

    Noosa Heads, Queensland
    This hostel has been operation for over half a century, and is reportedly haunted, although the origin of the haunting is unknown. Guests staying here have allegedly awoken to see a figure standing at the end of their beds, who vanishes suddenly. Strange noises have been heard coming from the bar...
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    EHP Rating: 50.0

    Eumundi Local Museum

    Eumundi, Queensland
    This historic museum was formerly the town church, and is rumoured to be haunted by a lady who passed away in the early twentieth century. Visitors and staff have reported cold spots, and being brushed against by unseen entities. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 50.0

    Raymond Terrace Masonic Centre

    Raymond Terrace, New South Wales
    This historic masonic hall is now a private residence, but is believed to be haunted by two apparitions. Back when the masonic hall was still in operation, workers and visitors would report sighting the apparition of a woman standing on the front verandah. Others reportedly sighted a male...
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    EHP Rating: 50.0

    Mercury Hotel

    Brisbane, Queensland
    The shadowy apparition of a woman has been seen in the hotel basement. Screams are heard in the hotel when no is around. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 50.0

    Lakes Creek Hotel

    Koongal, Queensland
    The spirit of man believed to be named ‘Gideon’ has been seen in the hotel since the early 1980’s. It is believed he was murdered in the stables behind the hotel. His room is vacant, as it is unnaturally cold all year round. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 50.0

    Bundaberg Historical Museum

    Bundaberg North, Queensland
    The apparition of a young girl in period clothing has been seen in the museum building, as well as a shadowy apparition that stands in the corners of the kitchen. Items are moved around and ghostly voices are heard. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 42.9

    Old Flour Mill Cafe

    Ipswich, Queensland
    People at the restaurant have reported a ghost that moves around cutlery. A shadowy apparition in an overcoat has been seen on certain evenings. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 40.0

    Walter Reid Cultural Centre

    Rockhampton, Queensland
    This historic building was formerly a warehouse, and is believed by many to have a resident spook. Motorists passing by late at night claim to have seen a man dressed in an old-fashioned suit standing on the stairs in front of the building, who fades away as they approach. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 37.5

    Bert Hinkler Motor Inn

    Svensson Heights, Queensland
    A shadowy apparition has been known to open and close doors in this relatively new inn. People have reported hearing loud conversations from the dining room, but when they investigate, there is no on there. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 33.3

    Customs House Hotel

    Maryborough, Queensland
    Various apparitions of members of the Uhr Family have been reported by guests who previously stayed at the hotel. (Submitted by Callum...