Most Haunted Places in New Mexico

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    EHP Rating: 88.9

    Buffalo Bar

    Silver City, New Mexico
    Diners at this old-fashioned bar and grill have reported hearing a female voice when no one is around. Others claim to have encountered an impatient spirit, whose presence is heralded by the relentless tapping of an invisible foot against the floor. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 88.9

    Urraca Mesa

    Cimarron, New Mexico
    Rumored to be a "gateway to Hell", the place is said to have once had several cat totems distributed around. The cat totems were said to guard the gates and as long as they remained in place, the gateway could not open. According to legend, the cat totems have been slowly disappearing and one...
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    EHP Rating: 88.5

    Chaves County Courthouse

    Roswell, New Mexico
    The sounds of young children playing are often heard in the basement....
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    EHP Rating: 87.7

    El Rancho Hotel

    Gallup, New Mexico
    The 1937 El Rancho Hotel was built by R.E. "Griff" Griffith, brother of movie magnate D.W. Griffith. Well-known past guests here include Ronald Reagan, Spencer Tracy, Katherine Hepburn and Kirk Douglas; it was a headquarters for the filming of many 1940s-1960s films. Witnesses who say the building...
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    EHP Rating: 87.5

    La Posada de Santa Fe

    Santa Fe, New Mexico
    This hotel is allegedly haunted by the former mistress of the mansion, Julia Staab, who died after sinking into a deep and enduring depression following the death of one of her children. Full body apparitions, items flying off shelves and other ghostly happening are all said to have occurred here....
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    EHP Rating: 87.3

    Sierra Vista Hospital

    Truth or Consequences, New Mexico
    This is an old hospital and therefore hauntings are layered on hauntings here. Nurses claim to hear babies crying when there are no babies on the floor, doors open and close on their own, electronics go off independent of any living operator and the ghosts of nuns who used to work have been...
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    EHP Rating: 87.0

    Casa Esencia - Salvador Armijo House

    Albuquerque, New Mexico
    The old Salvador Armijo House is now a hotel named "Casa Esencia". Many who have worked there throughout the years have reported experiencing the sensation of being touched, hearing voices and strange noises and other ghostly activities. This building is almost two centuries old, and is haunted...
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    EHP Rating: 86.7

    La Casa Mas Antigua

    Santa Fe, New Mexico
    Rumoured to date back to the thirteenth century, this humble abode is supposedly haunted by a pair of sisters dating back to when the building served as a private residence, as well as a soldier looking for his missing head. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 86.4

    Palace Hotel

    Silver City, New Mexico
    The 1880's hotel and saloon has been restored to it's former elegance, and is supposedly haunted due to a murder that took place on the second floor. In several room, guests and housekeeping staff have reportedly caught sight of a vanishing bloodstain in the ornate bathrooms, while others have...
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    EHP Rating: 86.1

    Children's Psychiatric Center - University of New Mexico

    Albuquerque, New Mexico
    Dirty footprints, water faucets turning on and off, doors locking and unlocking themselves and shadow figures have been witnessed by the workers at this hospital. ...
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    EHP Rating: 85.9

    Old St. Vincent's Hospital - Drury Inn

    Santa Fe, New Mexico
    Babies crying and the sounds of someone running down the halls are claimed to be the major haunting that occurs at this Drury Inn....
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    EHP Rating: 85.7

    La Placita Dining Rooms

    Albuquerque, New Mexico
    La Placita Dining Rooms is a restaurant serving New Mexico cuisine housed in an 1880 building originally known as Casa Armijo. La Placita Dining Rooms was established in 1935 and is rumored to be haunted by at least four ghosts, especially in the women’s restroom and the upstairs area. The...
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    EHP Rating: 85.7

    Luna-Otera Mansion

    Los Lunas, New Mexico
    The ghost of Josefita Ortero, former mistress of the mansion is said to haunt it to this day. Full body apparitions and numerous sightings appear to make up the bulk of the ghostly occurrences but some say Josefita also likes to sit and rock in an old rocking chair on the second floor....
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    EHP Rating: 85.4

    312 S. Lead Street

    Deming, New Mexico
    My grandparents owned a white adobe home with a terrace at the front of the home with stairs that went down into the backyard. In the interior, there was a fake fireplace in the living room. The home had been for sale or rent when they moved to Deming but they passed on it after a showing however,...
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    EHP Rating: 85.0

    United World Colleges - Montezuma Castle

    Las Vegas, New Mexico
    The current Montezuma Castle Hotel is built on top of two separate hotels which previously burnt down. There have been several reports of hauntings here. Opera music is heard when no one is around, and the ghost of the former proprietor walks around the hotel's corridors at night. After the making...
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    EHP Rating: 84.6

    Harvey House Museum

    Belen, New Mexico
    Built originally as a restaurant to serve railroad passengers and workers, this museum is now believed to be haunted by spirits from a bygone era. Phenomena reported here includes whispering, singing and disembodied footsteps have been heard when there is no one around, and various apparitions...
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    EHP Rating: 84.6

    Legal Tender

    Lamy, New Mexico
    Reported to be haunted by a handful of ghosts including Ramon or "the man in black" who is alleged to have been shot at the saloon. Another ghost who frequently appears is "the Lady in White" who spends her afterlife gliding amid the tables, however who she is and how she came to be there is not...
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    EHP Rating: 84.5

    Park Inn by Radisson

    Albuquerque, New Mexico
    Ghostly noises, scratching sounds and screaming can all be heard at the Park Inn. It is rumored that in the 70's a wife discovered her husband was having an affair so she followed him to the hotel, killed him and his mistress and then herself in the bathroom. Supposedly this room is extremely...
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    EHP Rating: 84.4

    KiMo Theatre

    Albuquerque, New Mexico
    The spirit of Bobby Darnall a young boy who died when a boiler exploded is said to haunt the theater.Although there are also reports of a young woman wearing a bonnet who has been seen wandering the hallways, the employees of the theater believe that Bobby is the most active ghost, and is prone to...
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    EHP Rating: 83.7

    Santa Ana Star Casino

    Bernalillo, New Mexico
    I have worked here on graveyard shift for a little over 3 years and have heard many stories. Last night a co-worker came up to me and was visually shaken. He said he was in an older part of the building were customers can't access and distinctly herd a little boy giggling. I went back with him and...
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    EHP Rating: 83.3

    Coronado Building

    Santa Fe, New Mexico
    This building was originally the old courthouse, but has since been converted to an office facility. The hanging's carried out here were done from the tree in front of the building. Screams, moans and maniacal laughter have been reported by night workers and passer-by's, as well as terrifying...
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    EHP Rating: 83.3

    Historic Plaza Hotel

    Las Vegas, New Mexico
    Byron T. Mills, the hotel's former owner and town mayor, is the famous friendly ghost here. Although he passed away at the Elks Lodge in 1947, it is believed that his spirit lingers in Room 310 of his hotel. Reports say that behind the desk is kept a photograph of the ghost in his room. Staff...
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    EHP Rating: 83.3

    Trinity Hotel and Restaurant

    Carlsbad, New Mexico
    This 1892 hotel is allegedly haunted by a ghostly presence and a female spirit known as Ruby. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 83.3

    Palace of the Governors

    Santa Fe, New Mexico
    Wails and screams have been heard coming out of 1600's government building, but upon investigation, nothing is found. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 82.8

    Shaffer Hotel

    Mountainair, New Mexico
    Witnesses, including ghost hunters, have determined that the hotel is haunted. Some have described lights that flash in the Wedding Suite and the unexplained smell of chocolate in the "Handicapped Room." EVPs, photos, and other evidence of spirits were collected here, including the word "Shaffer"...
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    EHP Rating: 82.8

    Double Eagle Restaurant

    Las Cruces, New Mexico
    The Double Eagle boasts a rich history and of course, no historic building is complete without a major tragedy and subsequent haunting. The Carlotta Room is reportedly haunted by ghosts with a tragic story of forbidden love and dastardly murder attached to them. When the young master of the...
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    EHP Rating: 82.6

    Old Bernalillo County Courthouse

    Albuquerque, New Mexico
    The 1926 Old Bernalillo County Courthouse building is said to be haunted by a ghostly little girl in a school uniform with blonde braids. Witnesses also have described cold spots, lights that come on and off, and an old law book that came hurtling down a hall. Taped boxes have been found open and...
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    EHP Rating: 82.5

    Rio Grande - Las Cruces New Mexico

    Las Cruces, New Mexico
    The cries of a woman who allegedly drowned her kids in the river can be heard along the river banks. She is supposed to be cursed to wander the banks for eternity searching for her children....
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    EHP Rating: 82.4

    Dona Ana County Courthouse

    Las Cruces, New Mexico
    This historic courthouse was built in 1937, and is no longer used for judicial affairs. Paranormal investigators here claim to have encountered a violent entity and a shadowy apparition, and have reported hearing voices and feeling cold spots. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 81.8

    Carrie Tingley Children's Hospital

    Albuquerque, New Mexico
    Voices, crying and ghostly lights are said to appear in the hallways of the hospital....
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    EHP Rating: 81.6

    Haunted Hill - Menaul Boulevard

    Albuquerque, New Mexico
    People claim to hear screaming, footsteps and the sound of something being dragged across the ground into the mountains....
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    EHP Rating: 81.1

    La Llorona - Albuquerque Arroyos

    Albuquerque, New Mexico
    One of the numerous "Weeping Woman" ghosts that haunt the southwest, La Llorona is the hispanic boogey-woman. She appears everywhere and the story is always the same: a woman drowns her child in a river/lake/ocean/pond/drainage ditch/bathtub and then spends all eternity weeping for her lost child...
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    EHP Rating: 80.8

    Church Street Cafe

    Albuquerque, New Mexico
    The 18-room hacienda from 1709, built by the Ruiz family, was known as Case de Ruiz for about 200 years. Last family member Rufina G. Ruiz died in 1991 at the age of 91, after which the building was purchased and renovations from the Church Street Café began. The new owners found that the building...
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    EHP Rating: 80.0

    Holy Cross Sanatorium

    Deming, New Mexico
    A former TB hospital, many patients died here. People report eerie feelings at the site. Although most of the rumors are pure urban legend -satanic cults, bottomless pits, etc.- are not based in any fact that we have found....
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    EHP Rating: 80.0

    High Noon Restaurant and Saloon

    Albuquerque, New Mexico
    Housed inside a former private home built between 1750 and 1785, the restaurant and saloon have been around since 1974. Rumor has it that the place once housed a gambling parlor and brothel, a furniture store, and a rental apartment. A ghostly lady in a white dress is said to haunt the Santos...
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    EHP Rating: 80.0

    Las Cruces Railroad Museum

    Las Cruces, New Mexico
    This old train depot now serves as a railroad museum, and is rumoured to be haunted by at least three spirits, including two ghostly men and a woman in an old-fashioned dress. Voices have also been heard when there is no one around. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 80.0

    Southeast New Mexico Historical Society

    Roswell, New Mexico
    The historical museum features war paraphernalia and other such exhibits from the past, and is rumoured to be haunted. The apparition of a young soldier who was taken as a prisoner of war has been seen waving and smiling to guests in a room on the second floor. A visitor to the museum once fainted...
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    EHP Rating: 80.0

    The Mine Shaft Tavern

    Madrid, New Mexico
    The original Mine Shaft Tavern was destroyed by fire on Christmas Day, 1945. The current one has been operating since 1947 and is rumored to be haunted by a spirit who has developed an attachment to employee there. According to the employee, it greeted her with a stroke on the cheek each day, and...
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    EHP Rating: 80.0

    Amador Hotel

    Las Cruces, New Mexico
    The Amador Hotel, built in 1866, is popular among the area's ghost tours. Witnesses describe apparitions, shadows, malfunctioning flashlights, and scratches that appeared on a man's arm as he was touring the upstairs. That's where Annie is said to reside, a playful spirit who has asked ghost...
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    EHP Rating: 80.0

    The Stock Exchange

    Carlsbad, New Mexico
    This steak house is supposed to be haunted. Staff and diners have reported smoke that materialises from nowhere in the second floor dining room, while a construction worker complained of a pair of ghostly hands that would rest upon his shoulders while he worked in the basement. (Submitted by...
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    EHP Rating: 78.8

    St. James Hotel

    Cimarron, New Mexico
    There are as many ghost stories as there are rooms at the St. James Hotel. People have reported numerous happenings, from objects being moved, including all the silverware from a table being reportedly moved and piled in the middle after it was set, to haunted apparitions of several different...
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    EHP Rating: 78.6

    Abandoned Insane Asylum

    Albuquerque, New Mexico
    Black mists are said to rise from the site and horrible feelings of oppression were claimed to be felt at this abandoned asylum. The asylum was on private property, and the owners got so sick of trespassers that they finally tore it down. Although this site is gone, there is no doubt that the...
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    EHP Rating: 78.3

    The Lodge Resort and Spa

    Cloudcroft, New Mexico
    The ghost of a red-haired woman is said to haunt the dining room as well as the ghost of a former maid who was allegedly murdered there....
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    EHP Rating: 78.3

    Rancho de Corrales

    Corrales, New Mexico
    A tragic family affair (literally) is the rumored source of the haunting at this former hacienda. The young son of the Embert family shot and killed a young woman who was rumored to be the father's mistress. Discord and strife settled into the family and some years later, the father killed his...
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    EHP Rating: 77.8

    Laguna Vista Lodge

    Eagle Nest, New Mexico
    The Historic Saloon at Laguna Vista Lodge dates back to 1898, and was frequented by the crew working on the movie Lonesome Dove. On exhibit here are gold nuggets from the old mining days, used in long-ago casino bets. The upstairs portion of the original hotel was once a brothel, and a female ghost...
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    EHP Rating: 77.3

    Pathway House

    Clovis, New Mexico
    Unexplained noises, moving shadows and whispering are all things people claim to have seen and heard here....
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    EHP Rating: 76.9

    Albuquerque Press Club

    Albuquerque, New Mexico
    The ghost of a woman in a black shawl is said to haunt the bar area. Regulars call her "Mrs. M" People have heard the sound of high heels on the floor and claim the piano often plays a few notes independently of any living hand....
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    EHP Rating: 76.9

    Hotel Andaluz

    Albuquerque, New Mexico
    It began as Conrad Hilton's fourth hotel in 1939, and in 2008, the Andaluz was completely restored to its original grandeur. The historic place is said to be haunted; the apparition of a woman in 1940s clothing has been seen in the hallways, and another of an older woman in a pink dress seems to...
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    EHP Rating: 76.9

    Madrid, New Mexico

    Madrid, New Mexico
    The entire town is said to be haunted. Cowboys escort a fine lady up mainstreet, the ghost of the famed "Weeping Woman" appears in the canyons, and numerous other apparitions have been spotted here....
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    EHP Rating: 76.5

    Foster's Hotel Restaurant and Saloon

    Chama, New Mexico
    The 1800s Foster's Hotel Restaurant and Saloon is rumored to be very popular with the spirit set. One ghost is believed to be an 1800s woman who was poisoned after being elected a judge, and was found dead here the next morning. Witnesses have heard the sound of a woman choking and gasping for...
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    EHP Rating: 76.5

    New Mexico Military Institute

    Roswell, New Mexico
    If you go to most ghost websites out there, you will find some variation of this hogwash: The NMMI does not use the word "juliet" for the letter "J" in their phonetic alphabet because they believe it is badluck. The NATO phonetic alphabet is fairly standard for any military or police squad and...
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    EHP Rating: 76.2

    La Fonda Hotel

    Santa Fe, New Mexico
    Reportedly haunted by several different apparitions. One who is dubbed "The Judge" and prone to swooping through the hallways. In addition there is an oft-reported sighting of a man who walks through the dining room and jumps into a hole and disappears. The sight of the "hole" is where the former...
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    EHP Rating: 76.2

    Bandelier National Monument

    Los Alamos, New Mexico
    Bandelier National Monument preserves the land and homes of the Ancestral Pueblo People who lived from 1150 to 1600 CE. It was designated as a national monument by President Woodrow Wilson in 1916 and was named for Swiss anthropologist Adolph Bandelier. It is rumored to be haunted by ghost lights,...
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    EHP Rating: 76.0

    Bonito Lake

    Nogal, New Mexico
    Eerie sounds and lights have been reported around Bonito lake. Rife with abandoned mines and an entire ghost town beneath the lake, it is a spooky and spectacular camping spot....
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    EHP Rating: 75.0

    Mogollon Theater

    Catron County, New Mexico
    New Mexico's oldest operating movie house is located here, and dates back to 1915. The place is supposedly haunted, with footsteps being heard and notes being played on the antique piano when no one is around. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 75.0

    Chaco Canyon National Historic Park

    Nageezi, New Mexico
    A haunting place, even if it weren't haunted, the Chaco Canyon ruins make for some spectacularly eerie viewing. Coming upon the these great stone works, testament to ages past is enough to make anyone shiver in awe. Possibly the eerie feelings and the sense of being followed that some people...
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    EHP Rating: 74.1

    Chino Mines Creek

    Bayard, New Mexico
    The ghost of a woman whose children drowned in the creek is said to walk the banks crying for...
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    EHP Rating: 73.3

    Los Cerrillos

    Santa Fe, New Mexico
    This town appears on every single ghost website around. Actual information about exactly how it's haunted is a lot harder to come by. Apparently it's haunted just because everyone says it's haunted. If we manage to pop in our next haunted road trip, maybe we'll be able to fill in some details,...
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    EHP Rating: 71.4

    Carlsbad Public Library

    Carlsbad, New Mexico
    Staff and patrons at this branch library complain of an entity that throws books and sets off alarms. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 71.4

    Carlsbad Police Department

    Carlsbad, New Mexico
    This former hospital is rumoured to be haunted by a nurse who committed suicide, a choking infant and a nun dressed in grey. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 70.6

    Covered Wagon Store

    Albuquerque, New Mexico
    Formerly a private residence and brothel, this store is believed to be haunted by the apparition of a murdered prostitute named Scarlet. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 70.6

    Miss Gail's Inn

    Aztec, New Mexico
    This inn is reportedly haunted by numerous spirits, including a cranky male ghost who prefers room 7. Legend also has it that a man was hanged from the tree out back. If he's the ghost in room 7 that might explain why he's...
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    EHP Rating: 70.0

    Fort Craig National Historic Site

    San Antonio, New Mexico
    Caretakers at Fort Craig National Historic Site have witnessed an apparition in Civil War clothing and heard voices that have come from the...
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    EHP Rating: 70.0

    Grant Corner Inn - Andrew Smith Gallery

    Santa Fe, New Mexico
    People claim that objects fall of shelves, that footsteps are often heard when no one is around, and doors that slam on their own. Most of the haunting appears to be confined to the second floor....
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    EHP Rating: 69.2

    La Luz Water Treatment Plant

    La Luz, New Mexico
    An unknown entity haunts the treatment plant. Eerie feelings and hot and cold spots make up the majority of the...
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    EHP Rating: 68.8

    El Patio

    Las Cruces, New Mexico
    The ghost of the woman who owned the restaurant previously is said to haunt it. She moves items and sometimes crashing sounds, as if all the pots were falling can be heard in the kitchen....
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    EHP Rating: 66.7

    Watrous Valley Ranch

    Watrous, New Mexico
    The ranch was built for the 'Pony Express' in the mid 1800's. Two of the owners committed suicide, and ever since, there has been a sad presence in the house. Residents alone in the house have awoken to shot gun blasts and other unexplained noises, and an apparition of a man and woman riding a pony...
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    EHP Rating: 66.7

    Jemez State Monument

    Jemez Springs, New Mexico
    Jemez State Monument, the ruins of an ancient pueblo and a 17th-century Spanish mission, is said to be haunted by many apparitions: priests, Native Americans and Spanish settlers. Visitors often hear disembodied footsteps as they walk among the ruins, and ghost lights are said to appear late at...
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    EHP Rating: 66.7

    Lions Wilderness Park

    Farmington, New Mexico
    People report hearing ghostly noises and occasionally screaming. People also hear phantom footsteps and some have seen the apparition of a man appear....
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    EHP Rating: 66.7

    Wool Warehouse Theatre

    Albuquerque, New Mexico
    An unidentified ghost of a man in a black suit haunts the backstage area and a certain table in this historic building. Built in 1929, the building lies in the old railroad district of Albuquerque. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 66.7

    Pueblo Auditorium

    Roswell, New Mexico
    There are rumors of a boy who haunts the upper balcony....
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    EHP Rating: 66.7

    Pecan Fields of Roswell

    Roswell, New Mexico
    Reports of a young, crying boy who runs across the street at night....
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    EHP Rating: 63.6

    Espanola Police Station

    Española, New Mexico
    Policemen at the Espanola Police Station watching the Sally Port on the security cameras were surprised to see the ghostly immage of a human figure walking through a locked, gated and secured area without triggering any alarms. The policemen say they have experienced other strange things at the...
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    EHP Rating: 63.2

    Dawson Cemetery

    Raton, New Mexico
    The ghost town of Dawson was once a large coal mining town. In the early 1900's, a decade apart two separate mining disasters struck the town, and killed more than 400 men. The cemetery is filled with crosses that mark the graves of these men, row after row stretching up the hill....
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    EHP Rating: 61.5

    Old Honeywell Building

    Albuquerque, New Mexico
    The Old Honeywell Building is haunted by the ghost of a young woman, who disappears when approached. The building was built on top of an American Indian burial ground. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 61.1

    Hale Lake

    Ruidoso Downs, New Mexico
    This is reported to be one of those places where simply driving there at night will cause all sorts of mechanical havoc with your car. While these reports probably came about through young men trying to con gullible girls - "no honey, I swear my car just died, it must be the ghost, let's neck"-...
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    EHP Rating: 61.1

    Shuler Theater

    Raton, New Mexico
    Cold spots and noises without confirmed explanations appear to make up the bulk of the haunted happenings...
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    EHP Rating: 57.1

    Kit Carson Home and Museum

    Taos, New Mexico
    At the Kit Carson Home and Museum, folks say frontiersman Christopher Houston "Kit" Carson himself still lingers in...
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    EHP Rating: 55.0

    La Luz Canyon

    La Luz, New Mexico
    Reportedly haunted by the ghosts of children who died when the car they were riding in crashed. ...
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    EHP Rating: 50.0

    Monte Vista Cemetery

    Alamogordo, New Mexico
    A woman in white is rumored to haunt the cemetery...
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    EHP Rating: 50.0

    Fox Street Book Store

    Carlsbad, New Mexico
    This historic house was formerly a private residence, and is now occupied by a local book store. Visitors have reported disembodied footsteps, doors opening and closing of their own accord and the apparition of man in old-fashioned clothing standing on the main staircase. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 50.0

    Bottger Mansion of Old Town

    Albuquerque, New Mexico
    The 1908 Bottger Mansion is believed to be haunted by four spirits: its original owner, a woman who sighs, a grandmother and “The Lover," who is known to get into bed with sleeping...
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    EHP Rating: 50.0

    Silver Creek Inn and Cafe

    Catron County, New Mexico
    Housed in an old-fashioned abode built in 1885 by Frank Lauderbaugh, the current inn and café are located in a section of the building that once served as the town general store. The place sat abandoned until the 1980's, when the current owner Stan King painstakingly restored the building into...
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    EHP Rating: 47.8

    Johnson Gym - University of New Mexico

    Albuquerque, New Mexico
    Reportedly haunted by a girl who committed suicide. Considering every university has the rumor of the girl who hanged herself, it should probably be placed in the "dubious" file....
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    EHP Rating: 45.5

    Otero County Court House

    Alamogordo, New Mexico
    The office location previously served as a sheriff's office and a cellblock before being converted to offices. There are reported hauntings in the corridor's of the building, where the ghost of a young man dressed in an early 20th century suit has been seen. Doors slam and footsteps are heard at...
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    EHP Rating: 44.4

    San Pedro Public Library

    Albuquerque, New Mexico
    A spectral voice speaks to patrons. ...
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    EHP Rating: 42.9

    Desert Sands Motel

    Albuquerque, New Mexico
    Cold spots, voices being heard (in a motel, no way!), the television turning on and off by itself and other eerie events occur at the Desert Sands....
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    EHP Rating: 40.6

    Hangerlake Hanger

    Las Cruces, New Mexico
    Teenagers attempt to scare the gullible with rumors of "demonic activity" and "satanic rituals" that took place at the hanger. However, there is no evidence of this, and no one over the age of 13 actually believes it. People also claim that someone was murdered in the hanger and their body can be...
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    EHP Rating: 40.0

    Belen Hotel

    Belen, New Mexico
    This early 1900's hotel is rumoured to be haunted, but the origin and nature of the haunting are not known. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 40.0

    Cavern Theatre

    Carlsbad, New Mexico
    This historic theatre is no longer in operation, but visitors claim it is haunted. Reports indicate that strange noises have been heard in the main room, and that a shadowy apparition has been seen standing in the projectionist booth. (Submitted by Callum...
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    EHP Rating: 40.0

    Norman Petty Studios

    Clovis, New Mexico
    Supposedly extra people show up in photographs that are taken here. And some claim there is a sad and melancholy presence that can be felt....
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    EHP Rating: 40.0

    Casa Lemus Parking Lot

    Raton, New Mexico
    Sept 4, 2016 about 2AM. Car alarm went off in parking lot. Looked through hotel room window, nobody in lot. Then saw full body apparition walking from area where car alarm was going off. Head and shoulders in clear plain view as a dark shadow, remainder of body was translucent. Walked from cars...