This hotel is allegedly haunted by the former mistress of the mansion, Julia Staab, who died after sinking into a deep and enduring depression following the death of one of her children. Full body apparitions, items flying off shelves and other ghostly happening are all said to have occurred here.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 330 E Palace Ave
Santa Fe, NM 87501
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 35.6861722, -105.93279740000003
- County:
- Santa Fe County, New Mexico
- Nearest Towns:
- Santa Fe, NM (0.3 mi.)
Tesuque, NM (5.2 mi.)
Agua Fria, NM (5.5 mi.)
Canada de los Alamos, NM (7.6 mi.)
Tesuque Pueblo, NM (8.4 mi.)
Chupadero, NM (9.5 mi.)
Rio En Medio, NM (9.7 mi.)
Eldorado at Santa Fe, NM (11.0 mi.)
Glorieta, NM (11.6 mi.)
Cuyamungue, NM (13.3 mi.)
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Disclaimer: The stories posted here are user-submitted and are, in the nature of "ghost stories," largely unverifiable. HauntedPlaces.org makes no claims that any of the statements posted here are factually accurate. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends.
My late husband and I went to La Posada a couple of times. The first time was in the late 90s. We stayed in Julia’s room in the main house. It was a lovely room, and Autumn had just begun. There is a sitting room you go through to get to the bedroom, which has a high ceiling and is decorated with antiques (at the time, most of it was Julia’s own furniture).
My mother and father-in-law were staying elsewhere on the property, and we decided to have dinner and play board games in the parlour. After dinner we went into the parlour, which is huge. They had cigars and we each decided to have one (well, not my mother). After a bit, a waitress came by and bumped into my father-in-law and spilled a drink on him. Since their room was a bit of a walk away, my husband went up to get a dry shirt for my father-in-law to see if it would be big enough for him to wear. In less than a minute my husband raced back into the parlour and insisted we come upstairs.
He wanted a hotel employee to come with us, so we grabbed someone from reception. When we went to the room I opened the door, and was bowled over by the overwhelming scent of lavender. I mean, it was almost noxious.
The clerk just smiled, and turned to us and asked if we had been smoking cigars. We told him we had, and he asked where. We told him we were in the parlour downstairs. He just said “she (Julia) doesn’t like cigars, and this happens when she smells the smoke, and famously hated smoke when she was alive.
We checked the windows (locked), and noted that the room was vented to the roof, so there was no way it just “drifted in” from outside. The clerk also double checked to make sure no employee had gone into the room (they hadn’t).
We hardly slept a wink that night. The next morning, my husband was in the sitting room and saw a magazine fly off the table. That was the extent of the activity, and though we returned a couple of years later, nothing happened on our second visit.
About 15 years ago, I went there and had dinner in the part that was the old house. My friend and I were the only people in the room. During our dinner, I looked over to the built-in bookcases. At that moment I saw one book fall over. Later that evening we wen’t over to talk to a bartender that was working. We asked him about the ghosts and, he told us that he had worked there for many years before he had an experience. He told us that he was was behind the bar when he happened to look up. When he looked up, into a mirror that was facing the bar, he saw a woman standing there. He was very surprised, and I had the impression that he didn’t believe in this “stuff” until now.