Babies crying and the sounds of someone running down the halls are claimed to be the major haunting that occurs at this Drury Inn.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 224 E Palace Ave
Santa Fe, NM 87501
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 35.686824, -105.93475649999999
- County:
- Santa Fe County, New Mexico
- Nearest Towns:
- Santa Fe, NM (0.2 mi.)
Tesuque, NM (5.2 mi.)
Agua Fria, NM (5.4 mi.)
Canada de los Alamos, NM (7.7 mi.)
Tesuque Pueblo, NM (8.3 mi.)
Chupadero, NM (9.4 mi.)
Rio En Medio, NM (9.7 mi.)
Eldorado at Santa Fe, NM (11.1 mi.)
Glorieta, NM (11.7 mi.)
Cuyamungue, NM (13.2 mi.)
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Disclaimer: The stories posted here are user-submitted and are, in the nature of "ghost stories," largely unverifiable. HauntedPlaces.org makes no claims that any of the statements posted here are factually accurate. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends.
My wife and I stayed here this last weekend and we heard noises of people running through the halls. It was about 10:30 in the evening so I went to check but saw no one. We didn’t think much about it until someone in the elevator mentioned it might be haunted because of the buildings history. My wife realized we heard noise but no voices. We heard the noises about 3 times that night, so who knows.
My Husband and I stayed for a few days in December. At first, we felt lucky that we were given such a large room. Our room was significantly spacious and two king sized beds in the room looked small in comparison. But the room was freezing- we could see our breath! My husband would set the thermostat at 75 and a few minutes later we would see it go back down to 63 on its own. After trying this a few times, we decided to call maintenance who came to set it for us. Once they left, we fell asleep and awoke in the middle of the night shivering again. The thermostat was back down to the 60’s again. They gave us another room which worked out fine. It didn’t occur to us that the room might be haunted until after we left. Considering the Hotel’s history, I wouldn’t be surprised. Or, maybe the heater was just broken, who knows!
I used to work at the old hospital it was terrifying
Hi I’m interested in knowing more about what u experienced when u worked there thx
i worked on the third floor when it was st vincent hospital in the 1970’s, on the night shift we heard coughing and no one was there, i heard other stories of haunting s in the building
I eas on a ghost tour and, they said this one is the most haunted hotel in Santa Fe
and they also say they should add this:
faces from the long past have been seen + There was a paper in one of the windows
About 2003 or 2004 I was here to transport an elderly patient home. When we were getting the patient ready to go we heard the sound of a baby crying quite loudly but no baby could be found. The nurses said don’t worry it happens commonly in that room and they try not to use it except when they are full and have no choice. Others have had the same experience. Very creepy but true.
There’s a French breakfast place across the street from an abandoned building on the property of the Drury Hotel. We frequent this breakfast place a ton and have lived here for years, but for some reason or another, my husband and I never paid attention to the abandoned building…until a few days ago. It caught our attention when we walked back to our car. As I looked in the windows, I realized there were hand prints and finger lines, as if someone was trying to escape from the inside, carved in the dust. It definitely didn’t feel right. At all.
I walked past there alone tonight 6/1/17. The prints are still there and it creeped me out!!k
Dear Robert, this is Rustonator560989998989
When a baby starts crying you should try calling out:Hello is anybody in there?
My husband and I stayed at the Drury last weekend (Easter weekend). Without even knowing about it being haunted, we experienced several different things.
#1 – Loud footsteps above us (we were on the fourth floor) like someone stomping across the floor back and forth. It would start around dusk and last a few minutes every evening.
#2 – Walking by the old empty hospital building next to the Drury. My husband saw a man in the window of one of the rooms. We were standing there looking at it and my husband said come on – there is someone in the window. The building was empty.
#3 – This was after we told by a bartender that it was haunted. We were sitting watching T.V. all of the sudden, the tv went to snow, static, then completely out. I said outloud, “Go away and turn the tv back on!” Within seconds, the tv came back on. Ya, I know how that sounds. LOL
#4 – We were standing in front of the old hospital building again – We BOTH looked up and saw a woman looking out and reached over and turned a lamp off in the window. Again, the building was empty.
One of the bartenders at the hotel said, they (the ghosts) only appear and bother those that believe. I am a believer. Interesting huh?
Just came across this and would like to let you know, sadly, that Marion Hall, the building next to the Drury isn’t vacant and has the offices of some hotel staff and the restaurant operations team. That is most definitely who you saw in the window. There is also a security guard who patrols it at night because it is Drury property. As for #1, I’d say that it was probably the staff cleaning the “public” bathroom on the 5th floor. They do it on schedule and spend about 5-8 minutes in each bathroom cleaning them, walking back and forth between the cart they leave just outside the bathroom and each stall. They also mop and change the trash. I’ve worked in the building for 3 years and desperately want to be haunted. Still haven’t had the pleasure. 🙁
Me and my boyfriend where staying in this hotel this summer on our way to Colorado and when into the gym room to check the place out and found a patio in the work out room. We sat there while all of a sudden we noticed a shadow moving around it freaked me out. So I looked up the history and found out it was a hospital.
The site is located in an old Native American pueblo area later occupied by the Spanish conquerors. Much before the Drury Company purchased the old Hospital, I was able to accompany a small group of the new St. Vincent Hospital Board Members who wanted to tour this former namesake hospital. It was early evening. I encountered a strong paranormal spirit in one part of the basement, and in another, where it used to be the morgue (orb picture), a number more. on the third floor, in the hallway again (orb picture). I wandered away from the group to the room at the far east end on the hall, my name was called in a whisper/talk in each ear in succession. I was the only one there. I said, okay I’ll leave you in peace now. I told the tour guide I had to leave the building immediately. The group asked why, I told them I just have to. The group slowly followed behind but as I got to the elevator I had the overwheling sensation of being surrounded by beings unseen. A true paranormal physical reaction caused dizziness, sweat and nausea. Not waiting for the rest of the group, I took the elevator down and left the building. got to my car, looked up to the room where I was spoken to. There was a figure of a security guard in full regalia standing at the window watching me. The only other person in the building was the plain clothed night watchman. The figure stood motionless watching me, even while inside my car. I later found out that there is the ghost of a security guard that haunts the building. Despite many invites to go to dinner or lunch at the restaurant or meet in the lobby of the old hospital. converted to the Drury, I refuse to step foot in it. I recently discovered that there are three rooms they have permanently closed o the third floor. I experienced two of them.
I just stayed three nights and the last night sounded like doors slamming all night on the upper floor 4th and at 2:30 a.m. a women screaming “I can’t breathe!” it woke me out of a dead sleep. I realized that if it was real, she couldn’t scream. I told the front desk unless 25 people checked out of the hotel between midnight and 4 a.m., some ghostie was having a good time making noise. The hotel was had very low occupancy due to Covid.
I used to work there back when the hospital was vacant as a security guard at night. I’ve seen and heard so many things inside that you would think I’m crazy. The 3rd floor room #311 has a little boy about the age of 5 or 6 wearing PJ’s who likes to follow you and I placed a ball in the middle of the room for him, about 2 hours later I found the ball at the end of the room. The little boy likes to look out the windows and turn a light on and off. The 2nd floor was the creepy floor, I went in to a room to check on it and heard a person dragging their feet in slippers going up and down the hallway. The only light on that floor was the exit signs and the ceilings were hanging down and 2 rooms had mood inside. Also on the 2nd floor the stairwell doors would slam closed but were never open and were locked. A old lady on the 2nd floor with long white hair and a white nightgown walks towards you and does a high pitch scream at you and fades away in front of you. The basement area I would walk threw and at the middle of the hallway all lights would turn off, I couldn’t use my flashlight because that would turn off as well, so I would have to hold on to the walls till I got to the end of the basement then my flashlight would turn on again. At the end of the basement there was a big hole in the wall that the area looked like a tunnel, I would pass by that hole and hear a female crying. I would shine the light inside and ask whos there but never got an answer. The tunnel area was very big inside and dirty with old beds and trash, so I never went in. The 4th floor you can hear screaming and glass being broken while you also hear footsteps behind you. The 1st floor lobby area has what looks like a person watching you at the window when your outside then it moves back into the dark. I could tell you much much more of the ghosts there but I’m taking up to much space. I worked there every night for 3 years and when it was my last night I told the ghosts that I would miss them. It was never a dull night there.