Some say a presence can be felt by those seated in the balcony at late-evening shows. Some who have seen the spirit say he wears Vaudeville-type clothing. It is believed that the man was a performer at the theater in the past, but his identity remains a mystery.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 312 E Main St
Riverton, WY 82501
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 43.025, -108.38715200000001
- County:
- Fremont County, Wyoming
- Nearest Towns:
- Riverton, WY (0.4 mi.)
Arapahoe, WY (6.8 mi.)
Hudson, WY (12.9 mi.)
Johnstown, WY (17.1 mi.)
Ethete, WY (19.5 mi.)
Shoshoni, WY (20.2 mi.)
Pavillion, WY (21.5 mi.)
Lander, WY (21.9 mi.)
Boulder Flats, WY (22.2 mi.)
Fort Washakie, WY (25.0 mi.)
Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
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Disclaimer: The stories posted here are user-submitted and are, in the nature of "ghost stories," largely unverifiable. HauntedPlaces.org makes no claims that any of the statements posted here are factually accurate. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends.
We have Lived Here Since 1857. Before Riverton was thought of. My Grandmother Who is 99 now often Talked about old man Knight. Who owned the Theaters in Town. I believe he died in early 60.
He used to wear that type of clothing. has been seen at Gem And Acme.
Hahaha… I lived in the apartments above the theater for 5 years. Never heard, felt or seen anything to have me think that place was haunted. The apartments used to house the traveling actors back in the day.
#1- the balcony had been closed since the late 90’s due to the aging seats and sounds system, however the sound system and protectors have been upgraded to digital quality. #2- the theater was built by a woman in the early 1900’s, and sold to a couple in the 40’s. It was later sold to a man named Frank in the 60’s, then to Daryl Gable in the 80’s when Frank died from a heart attack. Ownership passed to Adam Barry in the early 2000’s, and he now owns all the theaters in Fremont County.
Speaking with Mr. Barry, he had worked at the theater since Jr High school, working his way up to manager, general manner, and later he purchasing the theaters. He never had seen, felt or heard anything to make him think the theater was haunted.
One Halloween when I lived there, I toured a group of “Ghost Hunters” around the theater in the dark. They did not find anything, but thought they had a picture of a witch shaped figure with a classic, Halloween looking hat. Mind you it was the shape from the flash of the camera and only the silhouette had a shaped KIND OF like a witch…. I also saw it to be a rhino, a sideways submarine, and a hammer with arms and legs. Basically, it was like looking at cloud formations and seeing a turtle.
Is this place old? You betcha. Is it haunted? Well, does a Tyrannosaurus rex ever lay eggs in the woods? Exactly, it’s like that.
Now for you millennial kids that need to feel woke, special and included, just know that life is a lesson. If you can learn it now in your twenties, you will learn that you are not special, you are not entitled, and you are not a ghost hunter. You might a well call yourself a pirate and go sailing out to sea to hunt the great mythical Kraacken from the tales of Atlantis….
Mr Knight owned the show and drive-in movie. As a small girl walking to the movies in the late 1950’s was a real treat. If I remember right, it cost a quarter to see the show. The only scary thing I remember was the bats that flew around. He was a good man and one time when my cousin in Lander was very sick and Mr. Knight flew him to Billings Montana to the hospital.