A cold spot is felt in the exact place in the auditorium where a teacher died years ago of a heart attack. The back of the library has a similar cold spot where people get “eerie feelings”. The main theatre sometimes has strange lights appear in the wings, and music and whistling can sometimes be heard when no one else is around.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 1701 N Blvd
Tampa, FL 33607
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 27.957676, -82.46575000000001
- County:
- Hillsborough County, Florida
- Nearest Towns:
- Tampa, FL (0.8 mi.)
Citrus Park, FL (2.5 mi.)
Egypt Lake-Leto, FL (4.8 mi.)
East Lake-Orient Park, FL (5.6 mi.)
Palm River-Clair Mel, FL (5.8 mi.)
Carrollwood, FL (6.6 mi.)
Temple Terrace, FL (7.1 mi.)
Progress Village, FL (7.3 mi.)
Town 'n' Country, FL (7.7 mi.)
University, FL (7.9 mi.)
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Disclaimer: The stories posted here are user-submitted and are, in the nature of "ghost stories," largely unverifiable. HauntedPlaces.org makes no claims that any of the statements posted here are factually accurate. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends.
The English teacher collapsed during a pep rally. She actually passed away at a hospital, not on school grounds. And it was a stroke, not a heart attack.
Wɦat ʏɛaʀ աas that
I went to school at Blake Jr. High from 1989-1990. I was in the school band and performed many times in the auditorium, no such things occurred while I went there. And yes, I even stayed behind to help the teacher with picking up the music stands after a performance or practice.
The first comment is correct, the teacher sadly had a stroke during a pep rally right in front of the exit doors and she passed away at the hospital. There were rumors going on the entire time I was there as a student 1998-2002 that she had passed away in the library, that a construction worker on the then barely built theatre had fallen to his death… the list goes on. It’s all completely untrue. I was virtually alone on that campus hundreds of times during my time as a student and as someone who studied the paranormal for years I can honestly tell you that it’s not haunted.
So I used to be in the tech department and during an event was up in the spotlight booth in the theater. The door at the top of the stairs that led onto the catwalk would automatically lock so at the time we had it propped open with a steel bar that was wedged into the grate of the catwalk (which mind you it was very hard to get out normally and the door was very loud closing because it was so heavy). During a brake I ran down stairs and when I came back up I found the door was closed and the steel bar was propped up against the wall across from the door in the stairwell. Well pissed about the fact I now had to walk all the way back downstairs (and after much back and forth to find an unlocked door to get back up) I was questioning everyone to see who could have possibly closed the door and why. The girl I left up in the box said she hadn’t seen or heard anyone come up since I had left and there was no way physically possible for this tiny little freshman to get that bar out alone without anyone hearing or seeing it. No one on the ground team had come up or seen anyone and even the teacher was perplexed by the whole thing. Now was it paranormal who knows, was it creepy as hell absolutely. I had friends who would swear up and down to hear voices in the back of E building, but I’ve never witnessed more than that.