Haunted Places in Lake Lindsey, Florida

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    May-Stringer House

    Brooksville, Florida

    5.6 miles from Lake Lindsey, FL

    Now a "Heritage Museum," the May-Stringer House dates back to the 1850s. The ghost of a girl named Jessie who died in the house at just 3 years of age is said to still be felt from time to time, rearranging toys and teacups to suit her whims. ...

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    The Old Weeks House

    Brooksville, Florida

    5.7 miles from Lake Lindsey, FL

    An old house with quite a lot of colorful "history"... Among other things, locals say that when the house was unoccupied, strange candle lights would appear in the windows, moving slowly from side to side. Check out these snippets from a 2006 article by the Tampa Bay Times: Local ...

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    Hernando County Court House

    Brooksville, Florida

    5.8 miles from Lake Lindsey, FL

    Built in 1913, this court house is alleged to be haunted by the ghost of a criminal who tried to escape from the second floor. Some say blood stains still appear where he was shot by the bailiff... but we're not so sure.

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    Frank Saxon House

    Brooksville, Florida

    5.8 miles from Lake Lindsey, FL

    This 1870's manor house is in a state of disrepair nowadays, and local residents are running ghost tours of the very haunted property to raise funds to restore it. Rumoured to be haunted by a spectral groom and bride, visitors have also reported the apparition of a little girl ...

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    Brooksville Nursing Manor

    Brooksville, Florida

    6.6 miles from Lake Lindsey, FL

    Just one story here, from a nurse who says she definitely saw a woman enter the room of a patient who was dying.... and that when she herself entered the room, the patient was dead, and no one else was to be seen.

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    Spring Hill Cemetery

    Brooksville, Florida

    8 miles from Lake Lindsey, FL

    The Spring Hill Cemetery, is located off of Fort Dade Ave. in Brooksville. It is an old black cemetery with the earliest "known" burial starting in the late 1800's. At dusk you can see what seems to be a man hanging from a tree limb. Also, groups of spirits can ...

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    Fort Cooper State Park

    Inverness, Florida

    12.9 miles from Lake Lindsey, FL

    This state park was once home to Fort Cooper during the Second Seminole War. Nothing of the fort remains apart from some archaeological finds, but at least one staff member thinks the spirit of an Indian chief still lingers. There aren't many sightings - most people just "feel" ...

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    The Edwinola Hotel

    Dade City, Florida

    21.2 miles from Lake Lindsey, FL

    Although this 1912 hotel is no longer in operation, the building remains in use to this day. Staff and tenants at living quarters in the current establishment have reported elevators operating by themselves, ghostly voices coming from empty rooms, and the smell of cigar smoke. Others working the night ...

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    St. Leo University

    St. Leo, Florida

    21.6 miles from Lake Lindsey, FL

    Not much information on this one - just that some stories have it that the ghost of a young woman is seen on campus, often walking through walls.

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    Plantation Inn

    Crystal River, Florida

    22 miles from Lake Lindsey, FL

    This replica plantation house now serves as an resort and golf course, but is supposedly haunted by a young girl heard calling for her mother. (Submitted by Callum Swift)

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    Sumter County Service Center

    Wildwood, Florida

    26 miles from Lake Lindsey, FL

    It begins with loud banging which echoes throughout the main hallway a few times every night. Sometimes after the banging you'll find the men's handicapped bathroom stall locked. Second floor in the hr offices there's one hallway that smells like death for about 20 ft and then it's back ...

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    Tiger Trail

    Dunnellon, Florida

    30.7 miles from Lake Lindsey, FL

    "Tiger Trail" is the local name for SW 180th Avenue in Dunnellon, FL. It was the location where part of the 2001 film "Jeepers Creepers" was filmed. And maybe for good reason... there are local claims that the ghosts of three children killed at the intersection of Tiger ...

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    Leesburg, Florida

    31.4 miles from Lake Lindsey, FL

    Various claims of footsteps, lights turning on and off, and merchandise flying off the shelves (literally).

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    Rolling Acres Road

    Lady Lake, Florida

    31.7 miles from Lake Lindsey, FL

    Those traveling this road claim to often hear screams and roars from the surrounding forests throughout the length of Rolling Acres Road. A few have seen a bright white ghostly figure walking up and down the road. Locals refer to her as "Julia".

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    Warren W. Willis United Methodist Camp

    Fruitland Park, Florida

    33.3 miles from Lake Lindsey, FL

    Two cabins are alleged to be haunted: North Boys Cabin 5 - items are moved inside the cabin, particularly suitcases. Girls Cabin 41A - lights turn on and off, bathroom flushes on its own. No one feels threatened by these spirits - they just seem to be playful.

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    Riverside Drive

    Yankeetown, Florida

    34.8 miles from Lake Lindsey, FL

    I have heard many ghost stories about some of the houses on Riverside Dr. The one I know happened was the old house across from Izaac Walton Lodge. Yankeetown is called an "original cracker town" and the houses by the river still had the slave quarter houses standing. My ...

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    Harden House

    Clermont, Florida

    36.6 miles from Lake Lindsey, FL

    The ghost that walks here is said to be John W. Hardin, who was shot to death in the back yard in 1975 sometime during or after his truck caught on fire. The mystery of who killed Hardin is unsolved, but his wife, Victoria Mango Hardin, claimed to see his ...

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    Ma Barker's House

    Lake Lindsey, Florida

    38.1 miles from Lake Lindsey, FL

    Ma Barker - once Public Enemy #1 - met her end along with her son Freddy at this lakefront house in Ocklawaha, FL. The town does a re-enactment of the shootout (which consumed more than 2,000 bullets) every January. Some say the Barkers' spirits still haunt the place. The ...

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    Lakeview Rodeo

    Holiday, Florida

    38.3 miles from Lake Lindsey, FL

    A 2002 fire gutted the Lakeview Rodeo that used to be a hot spot for line-dancing in Holiday, FL... and ever since, some claim they see the spectre of a man standing in the exact location where the building once stood. We're not sure but it looks like its ...

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    Silver Lake Lodge / Panorama Inn

    Ocala, Florida

    38.6 miles from Lake Lindsey, FL

    This place no longer exists, but at one time it was a huge hotel with about 200 rooms. It was the Panorama Inn, then the Silver Lake Lodge, then it was left to ruin in the 1980s for about twenty years before finally being demolished around 2006. Before ...

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    HMS Architecture Building - USF Tampa

    Tampa, Florida

    39.6 miles from Lake Lindsey, FL

    The fourth floor of this building - particularly room 469 - is considered to be haunted by a malevolent-feeling spirit by the late-night staff. Voices are heard, and on at least one occasion a wind-chime started jangling all by itself. One worker saw a spectral German Shepherd dog ...

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    University of South Florida Library

    Tampa, Florida

    39.9 miles from Lake Lindsey, FL

    Ghostly legend here tells of a young woman named Gottlieb, an English major who worked on the library's fourth floor, was found hanging from an oak tree. Foul play was suspected, and after that, strange things happened at the library. Book carts moved by themselves, automatic doors opened without being ...

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    720 SE Osceola Ave.

    Ocala, Florida

    40.1 miles from Lake Lindsey, FL

    I worked as a counselor at this facility for several years, and have too many stories and accounts about all the paranormal activity in this building. It was built sometime in the early 1900's and transported to Florida from some other state. My boss told me that the original owner ...

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    Muse Cafe

    Ocala, Florida

    40.4 miles from Lake Lindsey, FL

    The 1888 mansion and restaurant is haunted by the apparition of a woman in an old-fashioned dress, who has been known to appear on the grand staircase. (Submitted by Callum Swift)

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    Seven Sisters Inn

    Ocala, Florida

    40.5 miles from Lake Lindsey, FL

    Ghost Hunters has featured this inn on the TV show, and it is said to have several spirits. Apparitions of a man, woman, and child have been seen, and the woman has been reported to check out guests in the bathroom. She wears white and has the ability to pass ...

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    Rose Cemetery

    Tarpon Springs, Florida

    40.6 miles from Lake Lindsey, FL

    This is one of those places that everyone "knows" is haunted, but no one seems to have a solid story about it. All that's said is that there's some sort of malevolent force or forces here, and that people get really creeped out and sometimes even physically attacked by ...

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    Ritz Historical Inn

    Ocala, Florida

    40.7 miles from Lake Lindsey, FL

    Built in 1925, the Ritz Historical Inn was said to have experienced a fire in its early days which killed several guests. Their ghosts apparently still haunt the premises. The building was handed over in 2010 to Volunteers of America, and plans are underway to convert the building to housing ...

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    Sea Horse-On the Docks - Getaguru

    Tarpon Springs, Florida

    41.2 miles from Lake Lindsey, FL

    This shop has been known as "Sea Horse On the Docks" but the sign above the door currently says "Getaguru". It's the same people - they sell handmade soap and local art. There are several claims at this location, including a "vortex wall" where a woman seemed to ...

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    Crown Colony House

    Tampa, Florida

    41.6 miles from Lake Lindsey, FL

    Built in 1964, the Crown Colony is a four-story building offering both a full-service restaurant and quick-serve café. If the stories are true, the building also harbors a few ghosts. In 2008, officials at Busch Gardens invited Haunted South and select members of the media to explore the park’s Crown Colony ...

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    Zellie's Pub

    Mount Dora, Florida

    42.6 miles from Lake Lindsey, FL

    This modern-day pub has its fair share of paranormal activity. Some workers have been physically pushed by unseen entities in the bathroom. One story has it that a beer mug was thrown across the length of the bar, all on its own. Lights go on and off ...

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    Sulphur Springs Tower

    Tampa, Florida

    42.8 miles from Lake Lindsey, FL

    Stories say the historic tower was often used as a landmark on pirates' maps, a tale that may support the fact that a ghostly pirate is said to roam the area. Another story told around these parts is that of a marine monster who lives in the waters adjacent to ...

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    Bay Street Theatre

    Eustis, Florida

    43.5 miles from Lake Lindsey, FL

    Lots of paranormal claims here, including screams from the upstairs rooms, orbs appearing in photographs, eerie phantom presences felt around the building... one visitor was unlucky enough to see a glimpse of a man hanging from the balcony. Lights turn on and off on their own without explanation. Of particular ...

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    Eustis Historical Museum

    Eustis, Florida

    43.6 miles from Lake Lindsey, FL

    This 1910 private residence is now the local historical museum, but the ghosts of the past appear to have never really left. Staff and visitors have reported hearing conversation emanating from empty rooms, disembodied footsteps, cold spots and the apparition of a man in period clothing. (Submitted by Callum Swift)

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    The Palms Mansion

    Eustis, Florida

    43.8 miles from Lake Lindsey, FL

    This Queen Anne style mansion was built in 1876 for a wealthy citrus grower, and is best known for its owner William Pendleton, the president of an arts college. Due to ailing health, he moved to the house in 1886, but died several years later prior to the turn ...

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    The Bridal Chamber

    Silver Springs, Florida

    44.2 miles from Lake Lindsey, FL

    The Bridal Chamber Spring is believed by many to be haunted by the ghosts of two star-crossed lovers. Rich boy Claire Douglas and poor girl Bernice Mayo declared their love for each other here, but when Claire's father found out, he sent his son to Europe to get him away ...

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    Greenwood Cemetery

    Eustis, Florida

    44.5 miles from Lake Lindsey, FL

    This cemetery dates back to the late 1800s, and is one of the largest in Lake County. There are numerous reports of the ghost of a woman seen (and heard) weeping over one of the gravestones.

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    Windsor Rose Tea Room

    Mount Dora, Florida

    44.7 miles from Lake Lindsey, FL

    Paranormal activities include sightings of shadows of a female in period costume sitting alone at table four. A young lad walking in through the front door going into the restroom locking the door only to find the door locked without anyone in there. Food sliding across the table at table ...

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    Lakeside Inn

    Mount Dora, Florida

    44.7 miles from Lake Lindsey, FL

    Several ghosts are said to reside in the charming Lakeside Inn, which was built in 1883. Two of the inn's ghosts are young girls from the 1890s to 1920s. One is about 9 who wears a frilly red dress. She is believed to be Amy, a little girl who disappeared ...

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    Myrtle Hill Cemetery

    Tampa, Florida

    45.2 miles from Lake Lindsey, FL

    The mausoleum here is supposedly haunted by a girl named Stephanie, who was killed in a car crash.

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    Mount Carmel Simpson Cemetery

    Mount Dora, Florida

    45.4 miles from Lake Lindsey, FL

    This is a long-disused "black cemetery" from the days of segregation. It dates back to the late 1880s. It was all but forgotten until recently when the Mount Dora Historical Society began cleaning up the area and identifying grave sites whose markers have long since disintegrated. They've begun ...

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  • Field Guide To Haunted Orlando
    David W. Whitehead

    Florida Ghost Stories
    Robert R Jones
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    Umatilla Cemetery

    Umatilla, Florida

    45.8 miles from Lake Lindsey, FL

    Female screams, calls for help and other strange noises are heard in this cemetery late at night. Lots of orbs/mist photos have been taken here. Most of the activity centers on the older section, near the back of the cemetery.

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    Stanna's Restaurant

    Umatilla, Florida

    46.4 miles from Lake Lindsey, FL

    The ghost of a young woman is said to haunt this restaurant. Supposedly she hung herself on the third floor sometime in the early 1900s. Shadows of a woman in a long flowing dress are seen, and objects are thrown around in the women's bathroom. Cold spots ...

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    Ybor City Museum

    Tampa, Florida

    46.7 miles from Lake Lindsey, FL

    Kim Cool mentions this haunting briefly in her book, "Ghost Stories of Tampa Bay." The claim revolves around the Ybor City Museum gift shop, and a particular book that frequently moves to different places around the shelves, and sometimes even flies violently to the floor when no one is ...

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    Sugar Palm Ballroom - 1550 E. Palm Ave

    Tampa, Florida

    46.7 miles from Lake Lindsey, FL

    For a short time in the late 1990s, this building housed the "Sugar Palm Ballroom". Guests at the Sugar Palm would occasionally see a ghostly figure wandering the hallways. During renovations in 2000 workmen complained that they were constantly harassed by unseen entities.

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    Cuban Club - Circulo Cubano de Tampa

    Tampa, Florida

    46.8 miles from Lake Lindsey, FL

    The Cuban Club, now a site rented out for events, was built in 1917 to serve the Cuban community. It has been the site of two deaths: One was an actor who committed suicide on the stage, the other was a murder in which one board member shot another in ...

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    Old Cemetery - Mount Dora Country Club

    Mount Dora, Florida

    46.8 miles from Lake Lindsey, FL

    This long forgotten and overgrown cemetery is now on land belonging to the Mount Dora Country Club. Locals claim they've heard the cries of a woman around here, and seen a ghostly green light floating around the area. The graves here are not taken care of and only ...

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    Trelles Clinic - Ybor Resort and Spa

    Tampa, Florida

    46.8 miles from Lake Lindsey, FL

    The former Trelles Clinic, now the Ybor Resort and Spa, is housed in a 1904 building. Witnesses say the many ghostly phenomena here include a child that tugs on people's clothing, unexplained slamming windows, and an apparition of Conchita, a deceased wife of a doctor. TV's Ghost Hunters featured the ...

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    Ybor Factory Building - Ybor Square

    Tampa, Florida

    46.8 miles from Lake Lindsey, FL

    This factory was built in 1886 by Vicente Martinez-Ybor - at the time it was the largest cigar-factory in the world. It changed hands a number of times through the 1950s, but always remained in the cigar business, until it became Ybor Square in the 1970s. Now it ...

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    Don Vicente Inn

    Tampa, Florida

    46.8 miles from Lake Lindsey, FL

    Staff report a ghost in the lady's basement bathroom. The Travel Channel once ran a TV special on this hotel.

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    Tampa, Florida

    46.8 miles from Lake Lindsey, FL

    At least one waitress at Carmine's Restaurant in Tampa is convinced the place is haunted, according to Kim Cool in her book "Ghost Stories of Tampa Bay." She swears she hears ghostly footsteps on the second floor, and every time someone goes up to investigate, no one is there.

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  • Haunted Monticello, Florida
    Betty Davis and Big Bend Ghost Trackers

    Ghosthunting Florida
    Dave Lapham

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