Almost everyone’s been on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disney World… but did you know that many believe the ride is haunted? According to employees, a welder named George died while the ride was originally under construction in the 1970s. His ghost still lingers according to many who have worked at the attraction. The first and last things employees do on the ride each day is to tell George good morning and good night. If they forget to do that, supposedly strange things will happen…
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- Pirates of the Caribbean
Caribbean Way, Bay Lake, FL
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 28.41781633986095, -81.58501318968808
- County:
- Orange County, Florida
- Nearest Towns:
- Bay Lake, FL (2.3 mi.)
Lake Buena Vista, FL (3.3 mi.)
Bay Hill, FL (5.4 mi.)
Doctor Phillips, FL (6.0 mi.)
Windermere, FL (6.2 mi.)
Lake Butler, FL (6.4 mi.)
Citrus Ridge, FL (6.8 mi.)
Four Corners, FL (7.0 mi.)
Celebration, FL (7.1 mi.)
Gotha, FL (8.5 mi.)
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Disclaimer: The stories posted here are user-submitted and are, in the nature of "ghost stories," largely unverifiable. HauntedPlaces.org makes no claims that any of the statements posted here are factually accurate. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends.
It’s true, Cast do say good morning and good night to George. It’s not uncommon for guests to do the same. Next time you ride, ask the cast if they know George, most will have a story to tell you.
I’ve actually seen him….I was on 3rd shift in the late 90s. I had heard the stories several times and during a late night discussion some fellow Cast Members and I decided we would walk the ride around 2am in the morning.
We entered the ride from the tunnel and after making sure no engineers were working on the ride we proceeded to start walking it. We were laughing about George and how scared the 3 of us were. We had gotten to the ‘Red Head’ when suddenly the light started around us started flickering,,,we weren’t really concerned until we heard a very raspy voice say, “YOU NEED TO LEAVE” it was so faint that we all just looked at each. Then out of no where…because we would’ve seen someone walk up on us….a man appeared. He was about 20 feet from us and just glared. He didn’t say a word and when we shined a flashlight on him it went right through him. it was at this point that we decided to leave quickly….as we started to leave this man remained behind us at about the same distance. He never said a word, nor got any closer.
After we had exited back into the tunnel the last guy commented that the man wasn’t walking he was hovering. I believe that is that were an Imagineer he would’ve commented or asked what we were doing in the ride at 2am……I to this day believe that was George and he was simply protecting the ride.
I actually went there and asked a bunch of cast if they know about George. EVERY SINGLE ONE said they knew him