Stafford's Weathervane Restaurant

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The Weathervane is housed in a former 1800s grist mill, and its bar is constructed with planks from a shipwreck. The ghost of a miller who was killed on the job is said to haunt the restaurant. Witnesses have heard his footsteps and seen dishes move on their own, and cold spots sometimes appear in the dining room.

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Geographic Information

106 Pine River Ln
Charlevoix, MI 49720
United States

Get Directions »
45.31942470000001, -85.25888370000001
Charlevoix County, Michigan
Nearest Towns:
Charlevoix, MI (0.1 mi.)
Ironton, MI (5.6 mi.)
Horton Bay, MI (9.1 mi.)
Norwood, MI (9.3 mi.)
Ellsworth, MI (10.6 mi.)
Advance, MI (11.1 mi.)
East Jordan, MI (12.9 mi.)
Boyne City, MI (13.9 mi.)
Harbor Springs, MI (15.1 mi.)
Petoskey, MI (15.2 mi.)

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Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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  1. It has come to our attention that there are 3 lost souls haunting at Stafford’s Weathervane in Charlevoix and a few visiting spirits as well.

    The first is the most active. Most of our staff call him Frank ( some call him Charles- long story). He will move items, shake door handles, slam drawers & doors. He smells bad and enjoys the company of women. We found out thru a “sensitive” person he did not die here but elsewhere in the early 1900’s of influenza. He is not seen by many but is felt and heard by many. We have many “Frank” stories.

    The second is a lady with a white veil. She is seen and felt in the Lower Level Museum area.

    The third is a quiet man in a top hat. He is seen standing alone looking out one of our giant windows into the channel. When seen he looks like a real person. When spoken to he does not respond, just keeps looking out the window. He is usually seen and approached by a teenage person. When they don’t get a response the go to a superior and ask about the strange man with the top hat by the window. I now know to tell them not to worry, he will be gone by the time we get back to him.

    One visiting ghost is a former co-worker. I know it was him because the first time his best friend came in to eat after his passing the friends lunch plate levitated off the tray and flew forward thru the dining room onto the floor. Only this co-worker would make himself known to us in this fashion.

    The second visiting spirit is Earl A Young himself. Earl does not trust the one we call Frank so he stops by on his rounds to his other beloved mushroom houses to entice him to leave. This information is from our “sensitive” friend.

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