Posey Chapel

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According to stories, over 150 years the church burned down and its preacher hanged himself from the tree near the gate. Now, folks say red eyes and a red light are seen here and in the woods. Orbs and the voice of a woman singing to guitar music also have been reported.

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Geographic Information

3789 E. 1000 N
La Porte, IN
United States

Get Directions »
41.753289722817414, -86.62754774082714
LaPorte County, Indiana
Nearest Towns:
Three Oaks, MI (3.3 mi.)
Hudson Lake, IN (5.7 mi.)
Rolling Prairie, IN (5.7 mi.)
New Buffalo, MI (6.6 mi.)
New Carlisle, IN (7.1 mi.)
Galien, MI (7.3 mi.)
Grand Beach, MI (8.9 mi.)
Shorewood-Tower Hills-Harbert, MI (8.9 mi.)
New Troy, MI (9.4 mi.)
Michiana, MI (9.6 mi.)


Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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  1. I have remodeled the old house of the preacher and in the back of the house he kept the sick and nursed them back to health. But many have died in the house and on the property. I have seen things fall off the wall doors slam shut , and I’ve heard people walking while just me and my helper were in the house alone.While walking one the property it feels like someone is watching you..There is a book about the property that was wrote by one of the tenets.

    • me and a group of friends went there we 2 me and another person heard a scream and and horse galloping and the other 2 didn’t then we ran back to the car and came back out and heard footsteps and like people stepping on branches and then breaking

  2. I have been there several times and the story is actually that the priest locked the parishioners in the church and set it ablaze. There are warm spots within the cemetery and friends and I have taken pictures there in which several orbs have appeared. Once I find these pictures I will upload them or go there and take more

  3. I went there when i was 7months pregnant with my ten year old i. A brand new car with a full tank if gas and all. I had pics of red eyes on my belly and many many orbs.when we went to leave our car would not start we had to push the car down the road for it to start. I have not yet went back there. That plaxe creeps me out!!!

    • Scary had the same happened to me same name I was 8 months pregnant my brother took pictures and I had the red eyes on my belly had a new 2006 Chevy impala that we had to push to the bottom of the hill for it to start it was a fun but scary experience I’d do it again if I had to but creeped me out that I had eyes appear on my belly where my unborn daughter was. I had her one week after that picture was taken of me that night.

  4. I went there today, and it was the eeriest place I have ever explored. It was very easy to find, the gate was open. As soon as I stepped into the cemetery, my muscles tightened and would continue to do so for the rest of my visit. I started to take pictures of the tree that the priest was said to have hanged himself from and didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. Shortly after, we hear a rifle shot which could be from the farm behind the cemetery, but it was still creepy. I kept hearing footsteps behind me, and the sound of music. I could not figure out where the sounds were coming from though. My friend who I went with was making his way up the hill, and all of a sudden turned around quickly and wanted to leave. He said he had heard someone say “hello” and creeped him out so much. After he said that my heart started beating so fast, but I was not scared. We decided to leave since we heard voices behind the cemetery. But now that I’m thinking, was it actually people, or the ghost of Posey?

  5. Me and my family went and we saw weird figures moving grave to grave. we heard a weird scream that sounded demonic. we have pictures of weird lady like figures and doll like features in the fog. im exited to go to go again

  6. went here with my friends at night. asked for a couple signs & heard crackling of sticks in the woods, cold spots & also ran into a couple people who were also visiting. told us their stories & there were pretty creepy. heard sounds of whimpering & also shadows behind the tombstones. even walking in through the gate gave me a weird feeling in my stomach. no problems with starting my car like others have reported but definitely worth going there. especially with a group of people just make sure to respect the place. this shits no joke heard a ton of noises & would definitely go back. seriously go here

  7. I have been here time after time, the first time i was with my friends and little brother we were in my friends jeep, we parked across from the chapel. We were all so slightly scared so we sat in the Jeep for a little bit the vehicle off and the windows started fogging up and you can see hand prints among the windows and if that wasnt creepy enough you could hear “yoohooooo” in a womans voice it didn’t seem demonic or anything but my friend who i will name “B” and I decided to go and see while his girlfriend and my brother stayed back but passing that gate you felt your body get tense like something more to all the stories happened, by the time we even got in and was there for a minute, “B” ran to the Jeep and i followed and he kept saying “leave fucking leave now” to his girlfriend and i ended up staying the night at their house and they had a dark shadow in their room that only me and B saw. Eventually it went away, the second time I dont remember much. The last time i went was with my boyfriend and my brother. My boyfriend was a skeptic and i wanted to change his mind. Walking in the gate was chained so we jumped it and we all had flash lights and as we went deeper i started seeing dark figures jumping in between tombstones and i kept begging to go back to the truck but my boyfriend didn’t see anything so we kept going eventually i got too scared and i left and before jumping over the gate i saw two pairs of red eyes and a dark figure coming closer so i ran to the truck and i sat there just scared and it seemed too real, like was this really happening? I felt something jump in the back of his truck that i at this point im hitting the horn and screaming because i felt eyes on me and i did not like it, my boyfriend and brother ran to me and my brother stayed but boyfriend went back because he was still skeptical and he said when he went in there alone everything changed he saw red eyes in the woods he saw black shadows jumping from the tombstones his phone flashlight kept going out, as he was walking back to his truck he turned around and he just changed like he didnt look the same and he walked to the tree the priest supposedly hung himself he said he saw a black figure in a black gown but with a black plague mask from the old times with the matching hat telling him to come with a finger and when he reached the figure the figure had disappeared. When we got home that night he was visibly scared he couldn’t sleep and he said he didnt feel right for awhile and every since then we will not go back we refuse and to say the least my boyfriend is not a skeptic anymore

    • This is nuts! I’ve been there with some friends and after I realize this place isn’t a game! You gotta be safe here! When I was there we heard a baby cry I heard a little boy whisper “get out” or something close to that articulation. I also got a picture of some old farmer or scarecrow looking apparition that followed me for a week. Plates would go flying at my place of work and I would hear my name whispered and other co workers would only hear a whisper they couldn’t make out but scared them nonetheless here is a pic of what I found. I edited it making it black and white and outlined the body to easily see it.

  8. the shadows your seeing are called shadow creatures they take many forms they are harmful and a danger zone i know because i deal with them only gifted can see them if you see them i will give you my number and you call me and give me details and i will tell you what you need and what to do in a situation if it happens again if you need more info go to http://www.shadow creatures .com

  9. Just went there last night and walked around for an hour and didnt see anything. Looked around walked to a bunch of individual graves and saw nothing. Ended up playing a game with the girl i was with to see if we can find graves with matching birthdays. Right before we walked out i saw a very small bright red or orange light way in the woods. It didnt move, only 1 light and we walked around and came back to it and it was still in the same spot. The girl i was with said it was definitely blue but i saw red. No noises were heard, no sights to see. The ride up there right before we parked was scarier due to fog and the fall setting. Makes me want to go there for a picnic

  10. All the times I have went to this cemetery, there were always things growling in my friends ears. I have looked a demon in its eyes, it made me black out. I couldn’t see anything and I felt really sick and I felt as if I was going to pass out. I had a camera with me at the time. I was taking pictures and took two at the same spot seconds apart. I caught this thing on camera. It had wings, and horns on its head. It turned up a bright green on my camera. I have also caught orbs on camera. Every time I go back to this place I get the same feeling as I did the first time I went and experienced all of this. I would hear knocking on the pavilion roof. Before I ever went, my friends would tell me stories of them getting possessed. They were very detailed telling me. Who ever goes there next, please be strong minded and careful. This place is very dangerous.

  11. I just went there last weekend. As I drove towards it I got sick to my stomach, and when I walked in a rooster started crowing over and over from a nearby farm. I heard the scream everyone talks about – it seemed to come from all around me and was terrifying. A hornet followed me around and kept bouncing off my back as I explored the grounds (this was daytime). What added to it was people who drove through and stared at me with blank looks on their faces, even when I would wave. I found the older graves on the hill, most of which you can’t read. I’m guessing the church once stood where the pavilion is now? Had a horrible feeling when several men got out of an old truck and stood by it which was near where my car was parked. Decided to get out of there.

  12. I just wanna show the picture I got there. This thing followed me around for a week after going… the photo was edited to black and white to enhance the picture and the second photo I drew an outline of the full body to better show the apparition.

  13. I went there once with a group of friends in the summer of 2019 and had an insane experience… to be short we heard screams from out in the woods, almost like a moan, as well as cold spots and shadows darting from behind the graves!!! Two unbelievable things happened to me while I was there. I passed a grave stone on the top of the hill and read infant son. I don’t remember the dates but I remember he died at 3 (the dates are hard to read since they are so old). Moments after seeing that a friend and I both distinctly heard a baby cry. That’s when I had enough and wanted to head to the pavilion to wrap it up and heard you could get pictures of orbs or red eyes. I started taking pictures when I noticed, with my eyes, when the flash went off I saw most of smoke floating under a tree so I got excited and went to check it and what I saw wasn’t a mist at all…. This thing Ive captured followed me home and to work for about a week after that night. Plates would go flying while I took customers orders. I could feel eyes on me watching my back from behind. Lights would turn on and off as well as I could hear my name being whispered when there was no one there. Some people experienced these things around me and thought it was the place we worked at that was haunted but it was me!!! Here’s the photo of what followed me. He’s got a hat and you can see his fingers and upper half of the body. It is too insane. Be careful here everyone and be safe!

  14. My uncle lived down the hill from Posey and was the cemetery’s caretaker and grave digger. We used to play in the graveyard at night as kids. And YES! It is haunted! I saw so many spirits as a kid!I It is so spooky because it has so many hills. I have family buried there. When the chapel burned down my uncle salvaged the wooden foundation beams. He gave them to my dad who built a fireplace mantel out of them in our house. Talk about scary!! My friends didn’t want to stay the night lol. We always heard whispers and foot steps in that part of our house. We see orbs everytime we go to the cemetery. You can feel it in the air even during the day. Don’t go on Halloween because the cops will run you off.

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