Potato Creek State Park

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Potato Creek State Park has 327 acres of fields, woodlands, prairies and wetlands. It is said to be haunted by ghostly children who have drowned here while swimming or fishing over the years. The plaintive sound of a child crying or calling for its mother has been rumored to come from the beach area.

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Geographic Information

25601 State Route 4
North Liberty, IN 46554
United States

Get Directions »
41.5357718, -86.36086260000002
St. Joseph County, Indiana
Nearest Towns:
North Liberty, IN (3.4 mi.)
Lakeville, IN (4.6 mi.)
La Paz, IN (5.9 mi.)
Walkerton, IN (7.9 mi.)
Gulivoire Park, IN (8.0 mi.)
Fish Lake, IN (10.1 mi.)
Koontz Lake, IN (10.4 mi.)
Hamlet, IN (11.5 mi.)
South Bend, IN (11.7 mi.)
Bremen, IN (12.6 mi.)


Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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Comments (13)

  1. I have been here ghost hunting. If you go to the farthest fishing pier at night you can hear a little boy screaming for help and splashing in the water. Also the cemetery in the park itself is haunted. You can feel people touching you and feels as if someone is peering at you.

  2. i have been here several times and once when i was maybe 4 or 5 we stayed at the cabins……. i felt someone or something was watching us and i wouldnt stay in one room alone.

    • I camped outside with my Boy Scout troop a few years ago. I kept hearing odd moaning noises in the woods in the middle of the night, and the entire time I was there I felt like I was being watched. It was very creepy.

  3. I used to come here with my family as a kid with my moms best friend and her sisters and their families! From ages 6-14 for a week every June we would rent the cabins and pretty much have free roam of this place. We used to play capture the flag all over the park at night and I remember more than once feeling like there was someone either right behind me or coming upon me and when I would shine my light there wouldn’t be anything…

    • If there’s a so called god then explain if he created angels before good and evil but he’s a good god then how could he create something evil ? And if we were created by god how would he have right to judge us when we die he’s the one that made the mistake not us and the concept of the devil is just a excuse

      • He has the right to judge His own creation. He gave us free will to find out who will love Him and who has contempt for Him. I promise you, at the judgement, if you try to claim He hasn’t the right to judge you, your argument will be counted against you. Only the selfless who live to aid others will have contentment on earth, and will find they live forever. Egocentrics destroy their own souls through their selfishness. Apostates have nothing left to turn to but egotism; it is a road that leads to mental illness and spiritual obliteration. If you want contentment in this life, seek to better the lives of those around you. How much better if we can do it with the wisdom that a thorough study of the scriptures will bring!

  4. Hi I lived near Potato creek cemetery
    i visited one night probably 2008 or 2009. i waited until almost dark to take some pictures of the beautiful cemetery. i think it was the day before or the day after Halloween i was there. i took pictures and just talked quietly telling spirits i just want to take a few pictures and thanking them for allowing me to visit. all the time i was there i felt spirits watching me. then i felt a very strong spirit behind me. i started walking to my car thanking them for letting me visit. i felt a touch and a pull on my hair. it scared me and i got into my car and drove to another parking lot nearby. i sat to catch my breath and i got out of my car to take a few more pictures. as i looked around in the dark i saw several spirits all ages coming toward me i could see them. i could see through them but i could see them . i got really scared and jumped in my little car and locked the doors and my car would not start. my car would not start. i kept trying and after 6 times trying it started. this was the most scariest experience. i drove away and i kept thanking them for letting me visit. but i was scared.
    I am always respectful to spirit. and in cemeteries. i have more to share.

  5. Kiersten Chapman  |  

    My grandma and her son went hiking on the trails in the woods and my uncle said he could hear this womans laugh but my grandma couldn’t hear it. I wasn’t there, my grandma told me the story. I’m into paranormal anything and I read an article the day she left for Potato Creek. I tried to call her but she didnt answer. I eventually got ahold of her.

  6. Whatever you do don’t go near trail 4. Yes there are friendly spirits but this one is not friendly! Causes extreme chaos and unpredictable actions in people. Come across a shadow moving through the trees, don’t acknowledge just run. Dont try to be friendly.

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Disclaimer: The stories posted here are user-submitted and are, in the nature of "ghost stories," largely unverifiable. HauntedPlaces.org makes no claims that any of the statements posted here are factually accurate. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends.