Built in 2000, the Jameson Inn started off with a bang – almost immediately the ghost of a man was seen repeatedly walking the second floor hallways, hanging about near the elevators. Some employees claim room 208 is particularly active.
Other stories are a bit more gruesome:
On one occasion, William Blair was sleeping peacefully in his hotel room at the Jameson Inn, in Crestview, Florida. It was very cold night, when a cool breeze began to stir in the room, moving the bed covers, ruffling his hair. All the windows were closed. It was the middle of winter. “All of a sudden I woke up from the breeze”, said William Blair, a music teacher by trade. And there, as I sat up from the bed, I saw this headless woman in a long white nightgown walking towards me. There was blood dripping from her neck and her veins were sticking out. Then all of a sudden, she vanished through the wall and into the attic as inexplicably as she appeared. Although William never felt threatened by her presence, even when she walked passed his bedside, the experience did leave William so shaken up it required a shot of whiskey to settle his nerves.”I have never believed in ghosts, replied William. But on that particular night, I saw one”. This encounter occurred about 9 years ago, right after he rented the room on Cracker Barrel Dr.in Crestview, Florida.
It looks like this may now be branded as a “Quality Inn” according to the latest land records. (Anyone know for sure?)
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 151 Cracker Barrel Dr
Crestview, FL 32536
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 30.723612, -86.57138099999997
- County:
- Okaloosa County, Florida
- Nearest Towns:
- Crestview, FL (2.7 mi.)
Niceville, FL (15.2 mi.)
Valparaiso, FL (15.4 mi.)
Laurel Hill, FL (18.0 mi.)
Eglin Village, FL (18.1 mi.)
Eglin Air Force Base, FL (18.3 mi.)
Harold, FL (18.9 mi.)
Wright, FL (18.9 mi.)
Shalimar, FL (19.2 mi.)
Lake Lorraine, FL (19.5 mi.)
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Disclaimer: The stories posted here are user-submitted and are, in the nature of "ghost stories," largely unverifiable. HauntedPlaces.org makes no claims that any of the statements posted here are factually accurate. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends.
It is now Quality Inn.
yes it is quality inn
I stayed in room 208 on Halloween night in 2001. The only weird thing that happened was when 3 curious, goth-looking people came to the door asking if I had “experienced anything in the room”. Now THAT was creepy…
My girlfriend is a house keeper there the girls there dread the room 208 and will not clean it alone
I live 25 minutes away and we just went through there. Jameson Inn is still called that I believe. The Quality Inn is next door.
I work there now, but I don’t believe it is the 2nd floor. I believe it is the third floor……this is why….today while cleaning on the 3rd floor I kept hearing someone stomping their feet and whispering my name and then saying what are you doing hey hey what are you doing and giggling I was alone on the third floor today none of the other girls were up on the third floor while I was up there I kept running out to see who was doing it because I thought it was one of them but it was not so I go back into room 324 and continue to clean the room well I’m bent down and the next thing I know I get hit in the head with a balled-up piece of paper so I go downstairs to see if any of the other girls were just messing with me so about this time I’m getting tired of whatever it is that’s messing with me so I take out my phone and snap some pictures as the elevator door opens on the third floor these are just 2 of the many pics I have if u want more contact me this went on all day long
I work there now and have not experienced anything abnormal. The housekeepers still do not like to clean 208. They feel very strange in the room. But 2 days before Halloween who knows what will happen.
My husband and I will be staying there tomorrow night 🙂
I stayed in room #208 in December 2013, without knowing anything about the history of the place. Whatever’s in that room is EVIL, and dangerous. It means to do somebody harm and eventually will, I’m sure.
I don’t know if someone committed suicide there, or was murdered, and some sort of angry energy remains or what. I think it’s far more likely it’s inhabited by some dark force, some creature from a demonic realm.
I saw the headless female there. It woke me up in the middle of the night by tugging at my blanket, and pulling at my hair. It was the most horrible thing I’ve ever encountered in my life. I saw it.at three fifteen in the morning, sitting on the edge of the bed next to me. It smelled like a combination of body gases, and the fresh dirt from an open grave.
It was wearing what looked like a white nightgown, bloody at the top, with only ground meat for a neck where it’s head should have been. I had the distinct impression it wanted to lead me someplace awful.
When I rolled back away from the creature, it slowly stood up, beckoned for me to follow, and disappeared through a wall. The hotel was full that night, so there was no place else to go besides out to my car. It had me so shook up, that I stayed awake until dawn. The rest of the night I felt as if I was being watched. When I mentioned it at the front desk at checkout, the clerk gave me a strange smile, and suggested I’d been dreaming.
Whatever’s in that room is nothing to mess with.
We were there in room 208 in June 2019 for training at Eglin AFB. At first my wife was there alone for 3 nights before I arrive and said she feels someone else was sleeping with her every night but she never experienced anything other than constantly feeling someone is beside her it seems as if they enjoy the company
Now 3 days later when I arrive things became spooky I was constantly complaining about feeling as if someone is lifting me up and making me a bit dizzy pretty much for several days I was being levitated only me not my wife next episode I bought a pound cake when I opened it in the morning someone had scratched the entire cake as if scratched with long nails last episode before we moved to a different room was bloody hand prints and bloody nose prints on the sheets