This website strives to be a cut above other haunted websites. If you go to practically any other “ghost site” that all seem to have the same stock entries on ‘haunted hotspots’ you will find an entry like this under the Emily Morgan Hotel: “Floor nine is a very active floor. Having been unaware that the building housed wounded soldiers during the battle of the Alamo…”. Yes, I imagine most people would be unaware that a building that wasn’t built until almost a hundred years after the Battle of the Alamo somehow managed to house soldiers that were injured in it. While the hotel site was once a medical office complex, it was well after the Battle of the Alamo, and therefore any hauntings that may be occurring there probably have very little to do with the Alamo.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 705 E Houston St
San Antonio, TX 78205
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 29.42657, -98.485769
- County:
- Bexar County, Texas
- Nearest Towns:
- San Antonio, TX (0.5 mi.)
Olmos Park, TX (3.6 mi.)
Terrell Hills, TX (3.9 mi.)
Alamo Heights, TX (4.2 mi.)
Balcones Heights, TX (5.8 mi.)
Kirby, TX (6.5 mi.)
Castle Hills, TX (6.9 mi.)
Lackland Air Force Base, TX (8.4 mi.)
China Grove, TX (8.6 mi.)
Windcrest, TX (8.8 mi.)
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Disclaimer: The stories posted here are user-submitted and are, in the nature of "ghost stories," largely unverifiable. HauntedPlaces.org makes no claims that any of the statements posted here are factually accurate. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends.
I will be staying at the Emily Morgan hotel on October 4th. I booked the hotel not having any idea that it was haunted. With that being said, the day before I booked the hotel I coincenentaly had been watching the most haunted places in America (and no the hotel was not amongst any of the places) which is completely out of character for me(I’m still afraid of the dark and I’m 26 lol). The following day a good friend of mine came into town on vacation and as a surprise told me to pick anywhere we could drive to and book a hotel for the weekend, his treat. So naturally I scoured the internet for anything and everything, I considered Dallas, Houston, hill country, Austin and a million other little places in Texas. I naturally am a very indecisive person…but when I stumbled upon the Emily Morgan Hotel I was immediately drawn to the building itself not the rooms or area. I booked the hotel and then went home and thought nothing of it. A few hours later my friend called and informed me that the hotel was one of the most haunted places in Texas and was concerned that it would freak out lol. I told him it was fine and not to worry. It was only until I was laying in bed that night did I started to wonder of this was all a coincidence or if I was being drawn to it somehow. I will report back after my stay and let you know what happens!!!!!!!
so… it’s been almost 3 years… did you die?
I stayed here Sept. 16 through the 20th 2014 and it is definitely haunted!!!!
I stayed at the Emily Morgan a few years ago (on 7th floor near elevator), unaware of its reputation for being haunted. The room had sliding doors to the bathroom, which I closed before getting into bed. Nothing paranormal has ever happened to me and I’m 45 years old. Later that night I was lying in bed awake and I felt a weight “sit” next to me on the bed, even felt the pressure against my leg above the knee, as if a smallish person sat down. I freaked out and said, “Please leave now!” I didn’t sleep after that but when I got up, the sliding doors were open. I won’t be staying there again, but it was a beautiful property.
I stayed at the Emily morgan with my family,my daughter and i went to the restroom . Down stairs and heard a little girl humming row row row your boat we ran out after we realized we were the only ones in there. And i have a video of an orb floating in my room.
It could be haunted by the Mexicans that were killed on the ground during the final attack. The post office sits on the site Travis was killed and the hotel is located on ground the Mexicans would have crossed.
My girlfriend booked a room here at The Emily Morgan Hilton back in January of this year. I wasn’t aware of this hotel being haunted mind you we were on the 9th floor. That we night we decided to get some snacks and bring them back to our hotel room so that we could enjoy looking at movies late night. We got in about 12a.m. took our showers and we were just going to turn a movie on using the laptop when suddenly we heard the shower handle slowly turn on and it made a screeching sound then the shower cut on and ran for about 15 secs then you could hear the handle turn the other way again screeching to shut off. My girlfriend nudged me to check out the bathroom I was scared I went inside and no one was there. I look at ghost shows all the time on TV for hours to experience this was scary but amazing I have always believed in ghosts, entities, and other paranormal things. But now I will never forget this experience. If you ask me would I stay again I would say yes but with my own equipment to capture evidence to prove to those who are skeptical.
My family and I stayed there about 8 years ago.We stayed on the 8th floor.Very haunted.Our room was 811.Radio went on and off.We recorded the night and spoke to the spirit.We asked how they died.According to what he said he was a painter and was working.He said he was pushed and did not see them he said he hit concrete and was killed instantly..That sent chills down my spine.The elevators stopped on every floor and no one was there.In the elevators you could sense that someone was there with you
I stayed here in 2009 and was not aware of the hotels haunting at the time. I stayed with a former boyfriend on the 3rd floor. We ended up going to bed around 10:00pm after having a long day and within 20 minutes of laying down on my right side I started to feel pressure. As if something was pushing me into the bed. I readjusted myself and within a few more minutes the pressure started again. It felt like someone was sitting on my chest and pushing me into the bed. I could still breath but the longer the pressure the harder it became to breath. Every time i would readjust and switch sides the pressure would stop. I never say anything. I woke my boyfriend up and told him what was going on and he said it was just me drifting off to sleep. I reluctantly agreed and tried to sleep again. This time around I knew it was not me falling asleep because when the pressure started i heard the bed creak as i was being pushed in. I freaked out asked my boyfriend to hold me and the sensation stopped until he decided to roll over 40 minutes later. The pressure started again immediately . This went on until 2AM. I could not get any sleep. I was woken up every time.
At this point I asked my boyfriend to switch sides with me and told myself if this sensation starts again I would ignore it, i wouldn’t react. Sure enough the pressure started and I laid perfectly still. The pressure became more and more intense as each second passed. I was started to have trouble breathing and was about to yell out in pain when the pressure just stopped. It disappeared. I continue to lay perfecting still and kept my eyes closed tight because i knew if i opened them I was going to see something looking right into my face. I could feel something staring at me as if to test me. Eventually i feel asleep and woke up in the morning and immediately googled the hotel. Of course i found all of these stories about people’s paranormal experiences. One experience stuck out to me as it was on the 3rd floor. A woman said a young girl was singing at the foot of her bed. I believe this was a child messing with me and having a good laugh keeping me awake. I worked at a Montessori School at the time and I believe this ghost could sense I liked children. Never staying there again!
So me and my bestie went to this place last night and went to the front desk a lady was telling us stories that she has been hearing about at this hotel she let us roam around to see if it’s true dare go to the 14 floor well it smells like a hospital and they still have the hospital beds from back then went to the lobby took us up to the 4th floor then went to the ground floor which is main lobby where you enter took the stairs to the basement of the hotel had the most eerie feeling ever you are allowed to go they want you to go that’s where the bar is located and employee break room so we really had a good time
I have not been to the Emily Morgan hotel but I have heard roomers about it. I’ve heard that one of the women who spent the night there went missing and was found dead on the roof in the water tank. she was in the tank for about 3 months until she was finally found. all that was left of her was bones. the legend has it, that she was possessed by a spirit and committed suiside. either that or she had depression probloms.
You heard wrong.
This place is definitely haunted. My wife and i stayed there last night in room 1003 on the 10th floor. At 9pm the jets in the tub suddenly turned on. I ran into the bathroom to turn them off and the jets started blowing harder and harder then turned completely off when i approached the tub. At 3am i woke up because it smelled like someone blew cigarette smoke into my face, a few seconds later the smell completely disappeared. Right after i woke up i heard a loud sound that sounded like someone slapping the tub. I rolled over and my wife was awake staring at the bathroom saying that it has been making that sound every 10 seconds or so for about 10 minutes. I went into the bathroom and the sound stopped. The next morning we heard the same sound and the same thing happened, i went into the bathroom to investigate and the sound stopped.