Frederic Remington Art Museum
Ogdensburg, New York
7 miles from Heuvelton, NY
Frederic Remington Art Museum is known for its large collection of original Remington works, but it's also famous for its ghost—that of Madame Vespucci. Reports say the building was her former home; the mystifying sound of her voice has been reported by visitors on the museum's upper level.
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Ogdensburg Public Library
Ogdensburg, New York
7 miles from Heuvelton, NY
The Ogdensburg Public Library building dates back to 1895, and is a regular stop on the local ghost tours. Librarians working there often have peculiar experiences, which almost all of them ascribe to the friendly library ghosts.
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Mater Dei College - Academy at Ivy Ridge
Ogdensburg, New York
8.1 miles from Heuvelton, NY
The former Mater Dei College, later the Academy at Ivy Ridge, was a school for troubled teens. Reports are unclear as to its status today, but the building is said to still stand, with plenty of ghosts inside. Witnesses claim that there is a ghost boy, a phantom nun, a ...
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The Hub
Canton, New York
12 miles from Heuvelton, NY
This old cottage, called "The Hub" on the St Lawrence University campus, is said to be haunted by the ghost of Florence Lee Whitman, the daughter of John Stebbins Lee, a former President of the college. The famous ghost hunting couple, Ed and Lorraine Warren, visited this location in ...
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Herring-Cole Hall
Canton, New York
12.1 miles from Heuvelton, NY
Herring-Cole Hall at St. Lawrence University is a T-shaped sandstone building said to be a hot spot for spirits. Rumor has it that the haunts who live here along with the great acoustics make it a favorite spot for séances and meditation.
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Fulford Place Museum
Brockville, Ontario
13 miles from Heuvelton, NY
The turn-of-the-century Fulford Place Museum is the former home of George Taylor Fulford, senator and manufacturer of the famed Dr. William's Pink Pills for Pale People. His wife Mary was a spiritualist who held séances here, and it is she who is believed to haunt the mansion today. Mary was ...
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Holcroft House
Potsdam, New York
20.4 miles from Heuvelton, NY
Holcroft House, which contains Clarkson University's Office of Admissions and Welcome Center, was built way back in 1822 and houses many Clarkson family heirlooms--including a ghost believed to be Elizabeth Clarkson, the mother of the college's namesake. Witnesses have described apparitions, lights that come on by themselves, footsteps, moving furniture, ...
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SUNY Potsdam
Potsdam, New York
21.7 miles from Heuvelton, NY
SUNY Potsdam is said to have ghosts in residence at Satterlee Hall, where namesake and first dean Dr. Howard Satterlee is said to walk the third floor and sometimes even turn on the clock tower light at night, and in the Knowles basement, where students have seen apparitions and doors ...
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Boldt Castle
Wellesley Island, New York
31.7 miles from Heuvelton, NY
Millionaire businessman George C. Boldt, proprietor of the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City, built the castle for his wife around 1900 for $2.5 million. It was to be a Valentine’s Day gift to his wife on 1905. But in January 1904, Louise Boldt suddenly died. Heartbroken, Boldt stopped the ...
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Spanky's Diner
Massena, New York
33.4 miles from Heuvelton, NY
Spanky’s Diner is rumored to be haunted by many ghosts, including one who once tied a patron's shoelaces together while she was eating. Other paranormal experiences here have included uneasy feelings, apparitions, orbs with faces, electronic voice phenomena, and more.
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Isle of Pines
Pines, New York
38 miles from Heuvelton, NY
Isle of Pines is a private island residence that has been investigated by TV's Ghost Hunters together with the musician Meat Loaf. Among the many paranormal claims they experienced were unexplained noises, footsteps, shadows, apparitions, objects that move by themselves, and lights that flicker. Further, young relatives of the residents ...
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Evans Mills Volunteer Ambulance Squad
Evans Mills, New York
41.6 miles from Heuvelton, NY
The Evans Mills Volunteer Ambulance Squad, established in 1980, is said to have a couple of ghosts on the staff. The friendly spirits include an elderly woman who tinkers with the TV and an elderly man who peers in from the vehicle bay.
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Cornwall Jail
Cornwall, Ontario
43.2 miles from Heuvelton, NY
The Jail which was in operation until 2002 runs the gamut of haunted claims. People claim to have seen full body apparitions, usually of a woman and child, hear male voices and one that hums. People also say they often hear "operational sounds" of the jail, such as carts going ...
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Watson's Mill
Ottawa, Ontario
44.2 miles from Heuvelton, NY
The 1860 Watson's Mill, a working mill and museum that still sells stone-ground whole wheat flour, has a ghost story. The spirit here is Ann Crosby Currier, the wife of Joseph Merrill Currier, a mill co-owner. At a party there on March 11, 1861 to celebrate their honeymoon, Ann's dress ...
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State Street
Carthage, New York
45 miles from Heuvelton, NY
There are vague reports online of people seeing the ghosts of two couples who died in a 1950s car crash on State Street.
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Fairview Cemetery
Carthage, New York
45.3 miles from Heuvelton, NY
At least one ghost hunting group claims to have captured a "knocking" EVP while investigating Fairview Cemetery in Carthage, New York.
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Perth Museum
Perth, Ontario
45.8 miles from Heuvelton, NY
Perth Museum consists of the 1840 stone home built for Canadian senator and merchant, the Honorable Roderick Matheson. It has been restored to reflect the 1800s era--so well, in fact, that the family members have known to appear in spirit. Caretakers and visitors alike have reported seeing their apparitions.
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Perth and Smiths Falls District Hospital
Perth, Ontario
46 miles from Heuvelton, NY
Perth and Smiths Falls District Hospital was once known as the Great War Memorial Hospital, and legend has it that it has a curse upon it. Apparitions of members of the Malloch family, appearing haggard and unwell, have been known to appear at second-story windows and in the upstairs halls.
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Thompson Park Vortex
Watertown, New York
51.3 miles from Heuvelton, NY
Over the past century, folks have regularly disappeared from Thompson Park--at least for a few minutes. Then they return suddenly, disoriented, claiming to have had a visit to the past. Many feel Thompson Park has a vortex that warps folks right out of time. Some investigators believe that the warping ...
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Parkhurt House - Nye Manor
Fort Covington, New York
51.7 miles from Heuvelton, NY
Parkhurt House - Nye Manor is a circa-1820 stone house constructed for Army major Jabez Parkhurst, one of the six confirmed folks to pass away inside the home. Witnesses claim the place is haunted by some of the spirits who linger here, as evidenced by multiple flashlights going dead at ...
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Parkhurt House - Nye Manor
Fort Covington, New York
51.7 miles from Heuvelton, NY
Parkhurt House - Nye Manor is a circa-1820 stone house constructed for Army major Jabez Parkhurst, one of the six confirmed folks to pass away inside the home. Witnesses claim the place is haunted by some of the spirits who linger here, as evidenced by multiple flashlights going dead at ...
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Canadian Museum of Nature
Ottawa, Ontario
56.6 miles from Heuvelton, NY
It is rumored that late at night on the fourth floor of the Canadian Museum of Nature, things move about by themselves. Native masks and artifacts have moved or rotated, and lights have been known to come on or off by themselves. Unexplained noises, such as howling, and cold spots ...
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Ottawa City Hall
Ottawa, Ontario
57.2 miles from Heuvelton, NY
At Ottawa City Hall, employees have felt an invisible presence and noticed the sound of footsteps at night when no one was in the building.
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Ottawa Jail Hostel
Ottawa, Ontario
57.4 miles from Heuvelton, NY
Ottawa Jail Hostel in Ottawa is believed to be haunted by some former prisoners, who after death were burned and buried behind the building. The Death Row area also is said to be visited by ghosts who were executed here; one of them that has been seen in apparition form ...
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Château Laurier
Ottawa, Ontario
57.5 miles from Heuvelton, NY
The Château Laurier is a gorgeous luxury hotel done in French Gothic style. Completed in 1912, it is believed to be haunted by the former owner of the hotel, Charles Melville Hays who unfortunately died just two months before it opened. He was returning from England on ...
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Courtyard Restaurant
Ottawa, Ontario
57.6 miles from Heuvelton, NY
At the Courtyard Restaurant, workers have reported the sound of disembodied footsteps at night, and a woman's apparition has been noticed peering from the second-story windows. Local lore says she is the ghost of a woman who was trapped in the building during a long-ago fire, and is still watching ...
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Bytown Museum
Ottawa, Ontario
57.6 miles from Heuvelton, NY
This museum is possibly the oldest stone structure in Ottawa and dates back to 1827 when the British army had it built to house money and store goods. Claimed to be haunted by Colonel John By who founded the town as a military camp in the early 29th century, however ...
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New York Pizzeria
Lowville, New York
57.6 miles from Heuvelton, NY
On New York Pizzeria's third floor is said to be an old apartment where witnesses have felt presences and a sensation of being pushed.
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Fort Henry
Kingston, Ontario
58.4 miles from Heuvelton, NY
At Fort Henry, sitings have been made of the ghost of Nils von Schoultz, who was hanged for treason after leading a failed American invasion. The gallows where he was hanged, which were dismantled over a century ago, also materialize to some visitors, and some have reported moving objects, opening/closing ...
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Big Moose Lake
Eagle Bay, New York
61.1 miles from Heuvelton, NY
This upstate New York lake, 5 miles north of Fourth Lake in the Adirondacks, is known by some as the site where Grace Brown's spirit resides. Grace was allegedly murdered by Chester Gillette in a cabin, and her apparition has been seen around and inside Covewood Lodge. She has also ...
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Kingston Penitentiary
Kingston, Ontario
61.1 miles from Heuvelton, NY
Kingston Penitentiary has a ghostly prisoner, George Hewell, who was, in life, a handful for the guards. He was known for attacking guards and other inmates, and in one incidence in 1897, a guard was forced to kill Hewell in self defence. Hewell swore as he lay dying that he ...
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The Big Moose Inn
Eagle Bay, New York
61.2 miles from Heuvelton, NY
The Big Moose Inn is allegedly haunted by the ghost of a pregnant woman named Grace who was murdered there. Her lover was convicted of hitting her on the head and throwing her in the lake to drown. It is believed that you can still see her ghost wandering the ...
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The Duford House
Ottawa, Ontario
62.1 miles from Heuvelton, NY
The 1825 Duford House belonged to the family until 1977. It was then moved to its current location as a museum. It is said to have a ghost girl who plays with the two porcelain dolls, which move from place to place, float in the air, or even disappear for ...
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Tug Hill Annie
Lowville, New York
62.4 miles from Heuvelton, NY
Tug Hill Annie was born as Anna Joan Machowski in 1917, and she is the subject of a popular ghost legend in these parts. By her twenties she found herself married to a man called Alfred with four children, but she wasn't happy, and took to drink. One night in ...
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Brightside on Raquette
Raquette Lake, New York
65.6 miles from Heuvelton, NY
This secluded inn, which is only accessible via water taxi, is alleged to be haunted by the ghost of a woman whose husband disappeared from the inn one night during a blizzard. The story claims that she remains in the room waiting for her husband and can frequently seen ...
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The Hulbert House
Boonville, New York
78.4 miles from Heuvelton, NY
The Hulbert House is a self-proclaimed haunted mansion originally built in 1812. Among the ghostly activity here are apparitions, the sounds of children playing, heavy footsteps and touches from unseen hands. The place has been featured on TV's Haunted Collector and is open for haunted sleepovers and tours.
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Lover's Lane
Boonville, New York
79 miles from Heuvelton, NY
It is said that back in the 18th century this was part of a well-known road used by French settlers. Some of them seem to have liked it enough to stick around - on some nights locals swear they can hear an eerie creaking sound, as if of wagon ...
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North Lake Road
Forestport, New York
81.9 miles from Heuvelton, NY
North Lake Road is known for being the route taken by British soldiers after their retreat from the siege of Fort Stanwix. It is said that on some misty mornings the retreat scene is played out in a ghostly retelling, accompanied by moans of wounded soldiers and creaks of wagon ...
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Auberge Willow Place Inn
Hudson, Québec
85.5 miles from Heuvelton, NY
The 1820s Auberge Willow Place Inn is believed to be haunted by the ghost of a young servant girl named Maude. She was killed and buried in the basement in the 1930s by some men who were plotting a military uprising. Maude's ghost is still here, singing in the hallways, ...
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Happy Valley WMA
Williamstown, New York
85.9 miles from Heuvelton, NY
The town of Happy Valley simply disappeared long ago. No one knows for sure whether it was a disease epidemic, hardships from the Great Depression causing folks to move away, or the work of a more sinister force. The land the village once stood on is now the Happy Valley ...
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Haunted Hudson Valley: Ghosts and Strange Phenomena of New York's Sleepy Hollow Country
Cheri Farnsworth
Ghosts of Manhattan (NY): Legendary Spirits and Notorious Haunts (Haunted America)
Dr. Philip Ernest Schoenberg
Casey's Cottage
Mexico, New York
86.8 miles from Heuvelton, NY
Casey’s Cottage was once the 1906 Mexico Point Club House, and was renovated into a medieval manor house by Dr. William C. (Bill) Casey and Severin Bischof. After Dr. Casey passed away in 1978, the cottage was abandoned for years but has since been restored and can be rented for ...
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Scriba Intersection
Oswego, New York
94.5 miles from Heuvelton, NY
The deadly Scriba Intersection at Route 104 and Klocks Corners has been the unfortunate scene of many a car crash, a two-way stop obscured by a large hill. Locals say that the park near the intersection is a gathering place for the spirits of those who have lost their lives ...
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Oswego Harbor West Pierhead Lighthouse
St, New York
96.4 miles from Heuvelton, NY
The ghost legend at Oswego Harbor West Pierhead Lighthouse comes from a storm in December 1942, when six members of a lighthouse crew drowned as their boat collided with a breakwall. Now, their spirits are said to materialize as flickering lights.
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Fort Ontario
Oswego, New York
96.6 miles from Heuvelton, NY
Several ghosts are believed to reside at Fort Ontario, built in 1755. One is British lieutenant Basil Dunbar, who lost a duel here in 1759. His dazed ghost has been seen, seeming not to realize he is dead. Corporal Fykes died of disease here, and his apparition is paired with ...
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Francis Marion Brown Theatre
Oswego, New York
96.7 miles from Heuvelton, NY
Local legend has it that Francis Marion Brown Theatre is haunted by the spirit of a homeless person who died in its basement. The ghost is said to haunt the dressing rooms, rearranging objects, opening and closing doors and causing hangers to swing.
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Capitol Theatre
Rome, New York
97.2 miles from Heuvelton, NY
The Art Deco Capitol Theatre was built in 1927 and has been haunted for at least three decades, witnesses say. Reports have come in of a man's shadowy figure, music coming from a long-defunct organ, doors that open on their own, disembodied whispers, and the phantom sounds of a late-night ...
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Fort Stanwix
Rome, New York
97.3 miles from Heuvelton, NY
Fort Stanwix is a historical museum including an authentically restored 1758 fort. It is said to be haunted by apparitions and paranormal occirrences night or day. Witnesses say doorknobs turn, doors open and close, lights go on and off, alarms are tripped, footsteps, voices and a woman's crying are heard, ...
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St. John's Shrewsbury Anglican Church
Wentworth, Québec
97.5 miles from Heuvelton, NY
St. John's Shrewsbury Anglican Church was built in the 1850s and has an adjacent cemetery with graves that date from 1868 to the 2000s. Here, folks have reported disembodied voices, footsteps, strange lights, uneasy feelings and a sensation of being watched.
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Riverside Cemetery
Oswego, New York
98.2 miles from Heuvelton, NY
There is a good-sized pond near the back of this cemetery, where locals claim to see the ghost of a little boy who allegedly drowned there some many years ago.
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Waterman Theatre
Oswego, New York
98.4 miles from Heuvelton, NY
At Waterman Theatre in Tyler Hall, haunts are said to leave bloody handprints, dance onstage, turn the lights on and off, speak to each other in human voices, and rehearse plays.
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