Veteran's Lake

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There are a few stories surrounding this public lake. Some say a boy swimming here once drowned, and his mother also drowned trying to rescue him; her apparition has been seen hovering on the lake’s surface. Another story is that it was a teen girl who died in a boating accident, and it is her apparition that can be seen on the lake.

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Geographic Information

Veteran's Lake
Sulphur, OK
United States

Get Directions »
34.4896464, -96.98467579999999
Murray County, Oklahoma
Nearest Towns:
Sulphur, OK (1.6 mi.)
Dougherty, OK (7.4 mi.)
Davis, OK (7.7 mi.)
Hickory, OK (8.5 mi.)
Mill Creek, OK (10.8 mi.)
Roff, OK (12.6 mi.)
Gene Autry, OK (14.6 mi.)
Wynnewood, OK (14.7 mi.)
Springer, OK (15.1 mi.)
Fitzhugh, OK (17.0 mi.)


Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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Comments (6)

  1. so….. I’ve been in the Veteran’s Lake and saw a little boy he looked like an actual kid but he was drowning I was going to jump in but then this older woman did before I could and then they just disappeared it was like it was a vision of what happened

  2. I’ve been here for a day at the lake. I heard screaming from what sounded like a little girl. When I looked behind me I saw a little girl. I looked away and looked back and she was gone.

  3. Growing up in sulphur you hear about the lake, everyone thought it was just a story to scare you away.meand a couple friends went down there one night it was a lil after midnight,a slow steady like fog came over the lake,as the fog got got closer we heard screaming of what sounded like a child..we also heard thrashing in the water,at this point we had enough and started to run back to the car,I looked back while we were running and seen a white like figure hovering over the water,I will never forget this.i go back frequently to see if I can maybe catch
    something on video but nothing so far.

  4. My family has been from Sulphur for several generations. The story I now is of the woman. You can’t see her unless you are a virgin, and you need to be the after midnight. She wears a long white dress and floats across the water. This is the story told by many of the old-timers around Sulphur.

  5. I have lived in this area of Oklahoma my whole life. So has my husband and all of his family. A couple of years ago around July of 2018 we had went with family and friends to spend a few hours at Veteran’s Lake after having spent the day at Panther Falls and Little Niagra. A few of us decided to swim across the lake, not a good idea I realize now as we are lucky one of us didn’t cramp and drown.. a little over half way across I caught a glimpse of something, almost like an apparition, glide beneath me. It was definitely not a fish. I then focused, and it looked like a woman was swimming underneath me about 5′ below me. I could just make out a shadow with what only could’ve been hair drifting behind. I completely panicked and took off swimming as fast as I could toward the opposite side. I told my husband- boy friend at the time- and all of my friends what had happened. About a year later we were looking online at haunted places in Oklahoma.. I could’ve passed out when I read that Veteran’s Lake was on the list and why. The thought of what happened still gives me chills. I decided to come back to this website, almost a year after finding it, to post my experience. I HAVE been back since.. I just get out of the lake once the sun starts to set.

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Disclaimer: The stories posted here are user-submitted and are, in the nature of "ghost stories," largely unverifiable. makes no claims that any of the statements posted here are factually accurate. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends.