Patterson Road Bridge

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At this bridge on Patterson Road, which runs between Highway 6 and Eldridge, visitors have experienced some strange events. It is said that if you park your car on it at night, you will hear tapping all over it. The spirits doing it are reported to be ghostly soldiers who linger from a Civil War battle said to have occurred near the site.

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    Geographic Information

    14350 Patterson Road
    Houston, TX
    United States

    Get Directions »
    29.813358, -95.62901679999999
    Harris County, Texas
    Nearest Towns:
    Jersey Village, TX (6.5 mi.)
    Bunker Hill Village, TX (6.7 mi.)
    Hedwig Village, TX (7.2 mi.)
    Piney Point Village, TX (7.7 mi.)
    Spring Valley, TX (7.7 mi.)
    Oak Cliff Place, TX (7.9 mi.)
    Hilshire Village, TX (8.5 mi.)
    Mission Bend, TX (8.5 mi.)
    Hunters Creek Village, TX (8.5 mi.)
    Cinco Ranch, TX (9.3 mi.)


    Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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    1. have seen a tall ghostly all white like a man walked across in the woods by the bridge with his head looking down than banish out of no where

    2. Have also seen a women in white later on down the road going to highway 6 but u can see het when like your head lights pass by she is just standing there whit here white dress

    3. I was there today it’s a lie the is absolutely nothing there plus there was no civil war in Harris County people don’t waste your pelican in there don’t play neither put your lights off is dangerous I also heard about a cross in Google some like that is just bs there is a road hidden after the second bring n it will just lead yuh to an abandoned house ._.

      • My friends and I hiked into the woods to find the cross and the house. The house is literally just some burnt junk lying around- nothing really left of the structure, and the cross was just a big swamp. You could see it from google maps, but when you’re actually there, you can’t tell its a cross.
        There were spray painted markings on the trees to lead you to the cross, but it wasn’t in a straight line and so we used google maps as a GPS to get there more quickly. Pretty much the only strange thing that happened was a banging in the woods coming from random directions, but I suppose it could be explained by other stuff.
        The road is pretty much an old cattle trail, and at some point there is one of those cattle guards or whatever they’re called.

    4. my friends and I came to this bridge at 2:00 am. After waiting for a few minutes with the car off we saw movement in the woods and heard strange noises. The Air here was significantly cooler than just a mile to the west.

    5. My friend and I went at night once. We drove all the way down. There are 2 bridges on that road, and every time we reached a bridge, this red truck drove by with no driver. We saw the truck driving past us, but when you looked in the rearview mirror it was gone. I don’t know why we saw the truck but it happened twice in the span of one hour

    6. Me and a couple friends drove through there to see if anything unusual happened a couple years ago. And I must say, it was very strange. We went at around midnight or so, maybe 1 or 2am, and the bridge was blocked off but from highway 6 to the bridge it was open. Well, as we were pulling in, a lady’s vehicle was in the ditch backwards, she said when she was turning around because the bridge was closed she felt something or someone push her car back into the ditch, and her gas nor brake worked to try and stop it so a wrecker had to get her out, after that we left and came back when the sun started to come up, then drove a bit more into the road before the first bridge and stopped and turned the vehicle off and we heard country music from what sounded like an old school radio (not so strange, I know) until we saw a man in the woods walking with the radio until he disappeared and the sound stayed the same volume. Then after walking the bridge a little bit we went back to the car and were talking before we decided it was time to leave, but before we put the vehicle in reverse, a cop pulled beside us and told us we weren’t allowed to be there and that he doesn’t think we want to see what’s further than the first bridge, we told him okay and left and he went through the signs into the bridge, and when we looked in the rearview mirror before pulling out of the road we noticed the brake lights from the cop car were gone, he literally disappeared within a matter of seconds

      • BRO! I had a weirdly similar experience!

        This had to be back in 2017 maybe 2018. My friends and I were all hanging out, and I brought up the idea that we should go to Patterson Rd, they all thought the idea of ghost hunting at night would be fun, so we got in the car and headed off.

        It was about 4 of us in the car, and as we started getting closer to Patterson, we all started getting more and more nervous. You could tel the energy was changing. The road wasn’t blocked off that night (although another night when we visited it was).

        We pulled onto Patterson, and drove down to the bigger bridge, and turned the car off. We waited, and didn’t feel or hear anything tapping on our car. At this point we were all a little disappointed, so we got out of the car and walked around in the bridge. Still to no avail, we didn’t see or hear anything.

        At this point it was a little after 3:00am, and we decided to had back. We got in our car, and started to drive a little bit down the road, toward Highway 6. Before we could get to the turn off though, an old 90’s beat up sedan drove past us. I jokingly said out loud: “I bet they’re gunna park on the bridge, we should wait and see if they hear anything.”

        So we put the car and park, and all turned around and looked out the back window of the car. We saw the old beat up sedan, drive down to the bridge, park, and the tail lights go out.

        We then waited…. and waited… and kept waiting… eventually we all started to get uneasy, not sure why the car hadn’t moved yet. Just as I was about to say something, we saw a 2 very bright headlights drive though the same spot on the bridge where the car had parked.

        We all started freaking out, because we NEVER saw that old sedan turn back on, and the the shifter into gear.

        Now scared and confused, we turned around and hightailed it toward the Eldridge turn off, and looked around and it was deserted, not even one late night commuter coming home. We then turned back around and high tailed it down to the Highway 6 side, and the only car we saw was the truck who had just driven past us.

        I’ll never forget the night we saw a car disappear.

      • BRO! I had a weirdly similar experience!

        This had to be back in 2017 maybe 2018. My friends and I were all hanging out, and I brought up the idea that we should go to Patterson Rd, they all thought the idea of ghost hunting at night would be fun, so we got in the car and headed off.

        It was about 4 of us in the car, and as we started getting closer to Patterson, we all started getting more and more nervous. You could tell the energy was changing. The road wasn’t blocked off that night (although another night when we visited it was).

        We pulled onto Patterson, and drove down to the bigger bridge, and turned the car off. We waited, and didn’t feel or hear anything tapping on our car. At this point we were all a little disappointed, so we got out of the car and walked around in the bridge. Still to no avail, we didn’t see or hear anything.

        At this point it was a little after 3:00am, and we decided to had back. We got in our car, and started to drive a little bit down the road, toward Highway 6. Before we could get to the turn off though, an old 90’s beat up sedan drove past us. I jokingly said out loud: “I bet they’re gunna park on the bridge, we should wait and see if they hear anything.”

        So we put the car in park, and all turned around and looked out the back window of the car. We saw the old beat up sedan, drive down to the bridge, park, and the tail lights go out.

        We then waited…. and waited… and kept waiting… eventually we all started to get uneasy, not sure why the car hadn’t moved yet. Just as I was about to say something, we saw a 2 very bright headlights drive though the very same spot on the bridge where the car had parked.

        We all started freaking out, because we NEVER saw that old sedan turn back on, and the tail lights light up again.

        Now scared and confused, we turned around and hightailed it toward the Eldridge turn off, and looked around and it was deserted, not even one late night commuter coming home. We then turned back around and high tailed it down to the Highway 6 side, and the only car we saw was the truck who had just driven past us.

        I’ll never forget the night we saw a car disappear.

    7. Me and a couple of friends went out there last night to see if we’ll see anything, after talking to a few people and walking around the bridge we decided to leave we had a problem with the car not wanting to start we had to push the button maybe three times at first we found it a little odd but then brushed it off, But then when we were making a u-turn and we had the car in reverse but the car was going foward right towards the ditch into the river at first I just thought it was a little foul play from my friend knowing I get spooked easily but when I saw the gear shift in reverse and the car was going foward I was spooked.

      • I also experienced a problem with my car starting. After getting it started, I had to craw down patterson with hazZards on. Had no acceleration. Took a good 4-5 miles to snap out of it. Idk what was going on

    8. I got there every other month and there is always something going on first time we heard wolfs then after a while we heard a boom i thought it was a gun shot my friends say it sounded like a cannon, after that we went to sit on the bridge and to see if there was anything near the little river five minutes after that i don’t remember but my friends told me i was laughing like i would kill them kind of laugh and i was telling them that id stab them the same way they stabbed me then when they got me to the car i couldn’t stop crying second time i went with my little brother and boy friend we were there only ten minutes before my brother got really spooked we went back to sit on the bridge to see if i could remember we looked around there were no crickets no noise what so ever we turned away from the river and with our backs to the river and as soon as that happened we heard the same cannon shot and moments after we heard something come out of the river i flashed a light and the grass going up the little hill was wet that’s when my brother was like nope bye but we are going back tonight with a couple of other friends to see if there might be something else.

    9. once i went there w my family and i swear to god we heard like a shit ton of bubbles in the water, as if somebody was suddenly there, under the water, drowning. it was like in june of 2012.

      • I’ve seen that same light, years ago when I used to convince people to take me to the haunted road. Another time, a few friends and I got out of our car at the bridge, and started walking down the road. We only made it a few feet when we heard the leaves rustling as though a lot of people were suddenly walking in the woods surrounding us. That was when we all ran back to the car and hauled ass out of there.

    10. I went to the cemetery off patterson rd and i can tell you it is very active. I snapped two photos of an area where i was seeing what looked like soilders. There are many apparitions in the photo . Many faces, lots of fog. There was a giant snake hanging from a tree and apparently what looked like a marine in the tree. While walking thru the woods i was running echovox. I thought i saw several times men in yowies or camouflage, and im 100% certain one guy way laying on a log and got startled by my echovox. He was soo well blended in i could barley see him. It was getting dark and i had no idea if it was a ghost or real person. Im actually leaning towards there having been marines in the woods playing war games, on top of everything else. What they were doing there, IDK. i had been several times, but after this experience, im hesitant to go alone again. It was a very scary experience

      • sounds more like these guys in camo were playing pranks on people visiting. I’m sure the place is still haunted but i also believe that people have nothing better to do but scare people.

      • Tiffany Anderson  |  

        Hi falcorr! I’m interested in checking the location out as a first visit. I definitely don’t want to go by myself and since you’re a little more familiar with the area and the cemetery, I was wondering if you might be interested in pairing up for an investigation with me?

    11. I went to this road thinking nothing would happen. I went there and turned off lights and engine for 15 minutes nothing happened looking out the Windows my brother was being a wise ass calling out to a “ghost” ,nothing happened. Once we got home went inside to rent a scary movie “scene we did get scared from Patterson rd” then a loud BOOM came from outside I got up to go out side to see my back windshield shattered !! My car was backed up under my carport. Yeah nothing fell on my car my window had shattered all by itself. Final cost of a cheap thrill $198.00 to replace window.Don’t go there!!!!

    12. I went tonight on a full moon with two girlfriends at about 3:20. We turned the car off and just sat in silence. I checked the time and it was 3:30. I mentioned that it was almost 3:33 am. A few minutes later we all said that we saw movement over the street and in the woods. We heard walking sounds too. It looked like shadows walking quickly across the street. After a few minutes we decided to bail. It was very cool

    13. If you look at Patterson road using the satellite imaging from google maps, you can see a cross in the middle of the woods. Me and my friends have known this for a few years now and all have experoenced weird things at Patterson road. One day me and a few friends decided to walk to that cross in the middle of the woods and it took us about an hour and a half. It was insane, there are strange bridges built into the ground, weird random items scattered everywhere and the most terrifying part is all of the children’s toys that we found… The cross is hard to make out from the ground because it is so big, it is about 100 trees long and about 75 trees across. It was quite a site to see.

    14. I’ve visited this road a number of times of the last year, and every experience is very different.
      The first time I went with my boyfriend, we got out of the car onto the first bridge to take long exposure pictures, and suddenly heard a big thump like someone had slammed their hand against the hood. The car shook back and forth. We got back in, drove to the other bridge, and turned the car off. I was driving, and heard a scraping sound right underneath my window, and noped the hecK out of there.
      The second time I went out there was the time I went hiking into the forest. It was the middle of the afternoon, and so I could see very well. I took video, and might upload it one day, but nothing super eventful happened. I visited the cross, (you can get to it if you follow the spray painted trail on the trees) which just looks like a giant swamp from the ground, (It had been raining) and found the “secret road” which was what appeared to be an old cattle trail. At the end was what I suppose could be the abandoned house, but was just a bunch of burnt up junk with things like pieces of an old refrigerator or parts of an old engine. The cattle trail at some point splits off, and I took it thinking I could get back to the road more quickly, but the trail ended rather abruptly. at the end, I found a strange concrete… stage? It was about 4×5 feet, and seemed very randomly placed in the forest, and had a 2015 penny on it. Throughout the hike I could hear banging that seemed to change directions and get closer and further away.
      The third time I visited with a large group of friends. We had been to a shop called “oddities and curiosities” or something along the lines of, which contains a lot of haunted items, when we all had the idea to buy a Ouija board at the same time- which was strange, because I’m extremely against using them. We took it to Patterson, and saw that it was flooded over with about a varying foot of water. We pulled into the huge parking lot next to it, and saw a family- in the middle of the friCkinG NiGht- chiming bells and sitting in the parking lot. We started walking into the road, getting a bad feeling, when we met up with another group of people trying to hike in too. Now with a group of about 12-15, we started walking into the water, unnaturally determined to use the Ouija board on the bridge. As we turned around, we would see bright lights in cars- which was when the group we had met left us to go back. When we finally reached the bridge and sat down with the Ouija board, about half of us started to get an awful feeling of dread. We started seeing lights down the other end of the road, and decided to leave, and as we walked, realized it was a full moon, and arguing over whose idea it was the buy the Ouija board. We got back to the cars and sat in the parking lot, smoking and such, when all the lights only surrounding our cars turned off. We ran into our cars, my best friend insisting on bringing the Ouija board, and sped off. The family was still in the parking lot, and didn’t even turn their heads to look at us as we left. Later that night, we wrapped the Ouija board up in aluminium (to protect it) and went to gently get rid of it. As we left to do the deed, it started violently pouring. As I threw it away, shards of glass appeared around the dumpster I threw it in that hadn’t been there before. and that night when I dropped of my friend, another friend in the car with me, I felt the strongest sense of dread in my entire life. after I got home, my friend mentioned that they had felt the same feeling I had, without me ever mentioning it.
      Many of my friends refuse to go back. I’ve driven on it a couple times during the day to get from Eldridge from highway 6, but plan on visiting tonight- the first time since the parking lot incident.

      I support the idea that there are marines or something out there. If you pay attention, there’s some federal land around there that seems pretty secretive, and it would explain the banging I heard the first time. I’ve been over there more than three times and seen other evidence of them being there, but nothing eventful enough happened for me to list it here.

    15. I went to the first bridge with my friends and then when we stopped and parked to the side the miles on my car was 46669

    16. Back in the mid 1980’s about 4 of us drove to Patterson Rd, looking for what they called Blue Light cemetery. At that time Patterson dead ended before getting to Eldridge. We crossed over the bridge with lights shining looking for a break in the old barbed wire fence. The police installed the new fence after they ran an occult out of the cemetery.After crossing the bridge 2 of us saw someone run across the road. We turned around and went back over the bridge. We heard a big thud on top of the car. Being teenagers we turned around and again crossed the bridge. A few feet after the bridge we heard a huge crash. There was now a tree in the road. It took the truck to move the tree out of the way so we could leave, We went the next morning {in the daylight} to see the mess the tree was all the way across the road again. All that time spent there we never saw anyone again.

    17. so me and my friends and sister were going to that road because we heard it was haunted and so we went at like 6 pm and it was getting dark already but like us teenagers we dont really care about tht well thts what i think.. well anyways when we got there we parked in the second bridge and for me there was really nothing and my sister wasnt feeling it either , my friends and other sister got off to explore the place out and as they did tht i look at my sister and tell her lets drive off and come back again to scare them and so we did tht and let me tell you i feel bad they started crying and to let yk it was already dark and it was only like 7 pm but anyways for us when we drove away and came back took is like 3 or 4 mins and they say we took like 10 mins and we were like no we were fast as hell and then they said when they started running towards us to pick them up they saw someone or something in the woods running with them. my friend tht has her 3rd eye opened says tht there were many voices that were talking to her but she couldnt understand what they were saying it was like they were mumbling something and she almost cried. i feel bad and its fucked up tht we did tht ik , never again , if your going that road be careful pllease!!!

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