J.J. Live Oak Steakhouse - Rockefellas Bar

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Once J.J. Live Oak Steakhouse and El Cerrito Inn and now Rockefellas Bar, the place is said to be haunted. Local legend tells of a 1988 waitress who was strangled and left in the trunk of a car behind the inn. Her ghost is said to flush toilets near closing time or ring the food bell. Another point of interest is an oak tree in front, said to have been used for hangings long ago. The tree appears to be growing out of an old noose.

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Geographic Information

21700 Temescal Canyon Rd
Corona, CA 92883
United States

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33.804874, -117.50428699999998
Riverside County, California
Nearest Towns:
El Cerrito, CA (2.7 mi.)
Home Gardens, CA (5.1 mi.)
Corona, CA (6.0 mi.)
Norco, CA (9.1 mi.)
Woodcrest, CA (10.0 mi.)
Trabuco Canyon, CA (11.0 mi.)
Portola Hills, CA (11.3 mi.)
Pedley, CA (11.9 mi.)
Riverside, CA (12.0 mi.)
Mead Valley, CA (12.1 mi.)

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  1. In around 1999 the new owner was doing some remodeling. Workers sometimes complained about tools being moved, doors opening and closing, and strange noises. No one wanted to be there aline…. and the were big ol’ construction workers!

  2. I use to live in the creek side mobile estates and use to go jogging at night and every time I passed that place I always had a creepy feeling with the hairs on my back standing. Pretty scary it was all the time

  3. Unfortunately, you have posted the legend of the Live Oak Inn. The BIM has conducted 2 investigations of that property but not before we did some research. The team pulled property records, criminal records, etc… long before stepping foot in the place. The BIM Team found that the “watress named Michelle” was not a waitress and her name was not Michelle, it was Kim Quinn. She was not employed by the Live Oak at all. She went there to “party” with the short order cook and his friend. Long story short, she was raped and strangled in the back of Steven Mondares’ trailer that was parked behind the Live Oak Inn. He later roller her body up in the carpet she died on and stuffed her in the trunk of his car parked on the North side of the Live Oak. A few days later, Mondares tried to sell the vehicle to Donald Gay with the body still in the trunk. The claim by Gay is that he had nothing to do with the murder and furthermore wanted nothing to do with the car after finding the body in the trunk while it was still broken down in the Live Oak parking lot. Both men were arrested but Gay was released a few days after since the Sheriff’s Dept was unable to find enough evidence to proveGay was in on it. Mondares confessed and was sent to prison and refused his own right to a probation hearing stating he “did not deserve it.”The tree out front (The Live Oak) was in no way used as a hanging tree as a matter of fact it was planted as a sapling in the late 1930’s when The Live Oak Inn was built. The wire/cord/rope seen on the tree was used as a tie dow since that area is subject to very high winds.Larry, the owner, did shot himself but it was in no way shape or form connected to the murder of Kim. As a matter of fact, his statement to the Sheriff was that he recognized Kim as someone that had been in the place a couple of times before but didn’t know her personally. Larry did shoot himself, but it was many years later, long after he had sold the place and he was found dead in his home, not The Live Oak Inn.The property changed hands and the owner at the time (John Martin) the BIM Team investigated the place twice was nice enough to allows the team to conduct the investigations whenever and forever how long the team needed. Unfortunately, John sold the property to a young couple that wanted to take a stab at the place which they opened but had to close not too long after due to construction of the main road. We have been told that the coupel sold the place to a mortuary company but we have yet to confirm that.Hope that helps,The BIM Team- See more at: http://www.strangeusa.com/PrinterFriendly.aspx?locationid=360#.dpuf

    • Hello, is there any ghost stories what is now Toms Farm? Reason I ask is because a bunny of mine took family photos at Toms near a barn and there’s a noticeable ghost in the window of a woman. She’s wearing pre 1930’s clothes and looks to be yelling..

      Attached photo: The photo attached hasn’t been altered except the two yellow circles. The smaller bottom yellow circle is what originally caught my eye when I noticed what I thought was a cross. When I zoomed in I noticed eyes in the glass panel above the cross but nothing else stuck out till I flipped the photo. When I flipped the photo upside down I noticed in the area of large yellow circle a Victorian woman with a button up top, pearl earrings and a grimace mouth that looks to be open and piercing evil eyes. Every feature from her hair, jawline and blouse top is clearly visible once you flip the photo. My hair on my arms immediately stood up when I realized I was looking at a ghostly face in the family photo. I immediately messaged my friend showing him the photo and he seemed to be too freaked out to except it. I have yet to find any incidents online that support a death of a person from 1860s-1920s or other ghost stories on the site Tom’s Farm was built on.

      Note: I cropped the photo so that my friends family was not in the photo I posted. I have the original on my phone and know the exact spot they stood to take the picture. Please respond if you have any information that’ll bring light to why this woman is in this photo.

    • Kirsten Baillargeon  |  

      My husband was the dish washer when the body was found. Michelle the waitress did not show up to work that night or any night after. That is why she was believed to be the body in the trunk. he stated that she and the cook flirted often.

  4. I just about grew up in the Live Oak Inn. Robert Burrell and Dominick owned through my early childhood. Bob, as I knew Him, gave me piano lessons in the back of this restaurant for 10 years. Probably from 1960-1970 three times a week. He was an awesome concert pianist. My mom worked in there as a waitress for years too. I don’t remember any paranormal action. These were the neatest men, and I sure do love them..Time passes on..Thank you Bob and DOM for all the good times..

  5. I worked there around the summer of 1980 as a bus boy. In the bar room ,i always felt something errie in there and would see something out the corner of my eye. I didn’t like going in there.

  6. Omg …. now that I’m older I’m finally looking into the house that was made right in front of that old inn … at the time I was very young and had 2 younger brothers and my older sister and well as our mother. I still remember how scary that place used to be….. long story short my family and I fled the house after so many scary incidents… now I finally have proof that we weren’t crazy!

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