Cochise Stronghold State Park

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The warrior Cochise and his army defeated a small force of Confederate soldiers at the Dragoon Mountains at the First Battle of Dragoon Springs but was defeated at the Second Battle of Dragoon Springs a few days later. Cochise Stronghold Memorial Park lies near Mt. Glen on the eastern slope of the range.

Visitors claim to see a man playing the flute, walking around the surrounding hills. Could it be Cochise himself?

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    Geographic Information

    Cochise Stronghold
    Pearce, AZ
    United States

    Get Directions »
    31.9442244, -109.95769919999998
    Cochise County, Arizona
    Nearest Towns:
    Dragoon, AZ (7.5 mi.)
    Saint David, AZ (15.3 mi.)
    Tombstone, AZ (17.2 mi.)
    Sunizona, AZ (18.4 mi.)
    Benson, AZ (19.8 mi.)
    Whetstone, AZ (22.5 mi.)
    Willcox, AZ (22.6 mi.)
    Elfrida, AZ (23.9 mi.)
    Mescal, AZ (28.2 mi.)
    Pimaco Two, AZ (29.0 mi.)


    Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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    1. I lived just outside of the Stronghold in the Richland Ranchets from 1998-25003rd and one year I went on a hike in the Stronghold with a friend.We hiked up the west side of the Stronghold just past the Ranger station at the entrance.We claimed up past all the rocks where the Chiracawa’s used to grind grains, there is a small cave with Indian paintings in it up beyond them and we were sitting in the entrance of this cave enjoying the cool morning when we hear in the eeriest unusually high pitch small voice from below,”Heeeeelp Me see!!!” We both look down and see a young girl around the age of 8 looking up at us from the tree line some 30 yards below us, we both stand up and before we can say anything a large man twenty feet or so appears from behind some trees.Our first instinct was to run down and ask the kid whats going on but before we could react the kid yells once more “Heeeeelp Meeeee!!!” And the voice just cut through us like broken glass raising hackles on both of us, this is when we look closer at the kid and notice huge un naturally large un blinking black eyes and my friend yells back “Go away you creepy little kid!!!! The man just stood half hid by a tree and the kid just stood there watching us and all of a sudden we felt it wasnt the kid in danger but us! So we got out of there and headed north across the mountain at a brisk pace.After some time we came across a small steam with a game trail going across it and a small water fall fifteen yards above it so we decided to go reast on the water fall and catch out breath, as we are sitting there trying to figure out if we made the right decision to not try to help the kid the loudest roar seemed to come from every direction at once it startled us so bad my friend fell into to the stream off the water fall and jumps back up soaked, as he does this the growl gets quieter slowly stopping.My friend asked me what the hell it was and I said I have no clue maybe a mountain lion so dont run lets walk slowly up stream and keep our eyes peeled.After about 20 minutes we stop to reast again and just as we sit down and he asked me if I thought we were safe, I tell him I think so we must have entrusted a mountain lions hunting spot so were safe this far from the game trail, just as I said it the growl happens exactly the same, it litterally sounded like a jet engine roaring, this time we bolted down the mountain only stopping a couple times to catch our breath til we got back to my truck and left I have heard mountain lions growl in the wild and this sounded nothing like one.I believe it was connected to the kid and the man.

    2. Was tent camping at the Sronghold around 12 years ago. Saw a Native man walking with old looking garb. He walked right up to my tent and walked right through it. He just casually looked at me and said hi. He kept on walking.

    3. i was siting on my grandmas porch outside when her husband tolled me a story about Cochise. he hand tolled me on occasions you could see Cochise or a man walking down the Mounting with a light in there hand i just so happening two see that light the night he was telling me about it.

    4. In 2011, I rented an old, stone, Forest Service cabin that sits just outside the main entrance to Cochise’s Stronghold for my young kids and me for a week in March. My daughter was 6 and my son was 2 at the time. We also had our dog, a medium sized mixed breed with us, too. The cabin was next to a pasture where the Forest Service kept a mule. My daughter was fascinated by the mule and was outside trying to make friends with it. We had arrived late the night before, and I had just finished up unpacking our stuff after fixing breakfast. It was around 10 or so in the morning. It was a bright, cool, early spring day in the high desert of the Dragoons, which meant the air was crisp and clear, very dry, and the sky was that intense blue that almost hurts your eyes to look at. My son and I were in the main room of the cabin. This room had an enormous fireplace that was boarded up and not accessible for fire building. It was particularly cold in this room compared to the rest of the house. I assumed it was colder because it was the central room of a house made of stone. My son was playing with his toys on the floor next to the fireplace. My dog was outside with my daughter. I was laying back on a small sofa that was next to the window so I could keep an eye on my her. I suddenly was overcome by emotions. It was the strangest thing. At the same moment, I felt a hand squeeze my shoulder. This touch sent waves of goosebumps down my arm and had the effect of making me instantly sit up and look around the room to determine if someone had come into the cabin with us. I was terrified! Being a single mom alone with my kiddos in that cabin, I was afraid someone had been hiding in it or had come in without my knowledge. As a I said before, I was also flooded with these strange emotions, chiefly that swell of happiness and proudness that can come from being a mother and watching your kids do something amazing. My nerves instantly calmed, and I knew that whatever had come to visit us was not of this world and only wanted to convey to me that I was being watched, they felt I was a good mom, and that I could remain in this place. It was a profound experience. We had no further experiences the rest of that week. I will never forget it.

    5. In 2011, I rented an old, stone, Forest Service cabin that sits just outside the Monument for my young kids and me for a week in March. My daughter was 6 and my son was 2 at the time. We also had our dog, a medium sized mixed breed with us, too. The cabin was next to a pasture where the Forest Service kept a mule. My daughter was fascinated by the mule and was outside trying to make friends with it. We had arrived late the night before, and I had just finished up unpacking our stuff after fixing breakfast. It was around 10 or so in the morning. It was a bright, cool, early spring day in the high desert of the Dragoons, which meant the air was crisp and clear, very dry, and the sky was that intense blue that almost hurts your eyes to look at. My son and I were in the main room of the cabin. This room had an enormous fireplace that was boarded up and not accessible for fire building. It was particularly cold in this room compared to the rest of the house. I assumed it was colder because it was the central room of a house made of stone. My son was playing with his toys on the floor next to the fireplace. My dog was outside with my daughter. I was laying back on a small sofa that was next to the window so I could keep an eye on her. I suddenly was overcome by emotions. It was the strangest thing. At the same moment, I felt a hand squeeze my shoulder. This touch sent waves of goosebumps down my arm and had the effect of making me instantly sit up and look around the room to determine if someone had come into the cabin with us. I was terrified! Being a single mom alone with my kiddos in that cabin, I was afraid someone had been hiding in it or had come in without my knowledge. As a I said before, I was also flooded with these strange emotions, chiefly that swell of happiness and proudness that can come from being a mother and watching your kids do something amazing. My nerves instantly calmed, and I knew that whatever had come to visit us was not of this world and only wanted to convey to me that I was being watched, they felt I was a good mom, and that I could remain in this place. It was a profound experience. We had no further experiences the rest of that week. I will never forget it.

    6. My husband and I were hiking among the boulders many years ago and we heard flute playing! Then we saw a man dressed like a Native American standing on a Boulder far away from us! He was waving and gesturing for us to come to him!

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