Haunted Places in Union Parish, Louisiana

    We're sorry, but there are currently no haunted listings available within the boundaries of Union Parish, Louisiana. If you know of one that should be listed here, please let us know via our submission form. Alternatively, you may want to expand your search to the state of Louisiana.

    In the meantime, here's a list of all haunted places within 100 miles of Union Parish, Louisiana.

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    Stow's Bar

    Ruston, Louisiana

    26 miles from Union Parish, LA

    Although the bar is now closed, it's still open to the ghosts who are reported to haunt this former hospital site.

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    Howard Auditorium

    Ruston, Louisiana

    26.4 miles from Union Parish, LA

    Supposedly this place is haunted by a ghost and you can tell because sometimes the seats, which are spring loaded will be down, as if someone is sitting in it when there is no one there. And this is not at all due to faulty springs or mechanisms. ...

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    Biomedical Engineering Building

    Ruston, Louisiana

    26.6 miles from Union Parish, LA

    A former hospital this site is said to be haunted by the ghosts of patients who died.

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    Rialto Theatre Music Hall

    El Dorado, Arkansas

    31.1 miles from Union Parish, LA

    The 1929 theater closed in 1980, then was restored and opened again in 1987 to show movies. It closed again in the early 2000s and now has been opened again, and presents musical performances. The historic building has its share of haunts. Employees say they've heard footsteps, seen apparitions, and ...

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    Crossett Railroad Tracks

    Crossett, Arkansas

    32.6 miles from Union Parish, LA

    A ghostly swinging light appears to be walking up and down the tracks here. Locals say it is the spirit of a man who was hit by the train and was decapitated. His ghost is searching for his head. It is said that folks who are standing on the tracks ...

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    Jones Cemetery

    Camden, Arkansas

    48.5 miles from Union Parish, LA

    The late-1800s house across the street from the cemetery, according to local folklore, was long ago the home of a young girl who was beaten and starved to death by her parents. **The house is private property; please respect the current owners' privacy.** The girl is said to have been ...

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    Bonnie and Clyde Ambush Site

    Gibsland, Louisiana

    49.7 miles from Union Parish, LA

    They say that on the night of the full moon, you can hear the sounds of gunfire. Which doesn't make a whole lot of sense since Bonnie and Clyde died in the bright morning sunshine, but regardless, it's an interesting spot to visit, just a little pull out on the ...

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    Holly Ridge Railroad Tracks

    Rayville, Louisiana

    50.4 miles from Union Parish, LA

    Nothing of any repute can be found regarding the alleged haunting of the Holly Ridge railroad tracks. Just a bunch of barely literate nonsense on other ghost sites. But supposedly it is haunted by " red light" that appears along the tracks.

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    Ghost Bridge

    Union Parish, Louisiana

    50.8 miles from Union Parish, LA

    Allegedly haunted by the ghost of a woman who was killed in a car accident. She presumably roams the bridge looking for her boyfriend who survived the wreck. (I love how people ascribe motivations to ghosts and in the case of female ghost, it's always looking for their lost ...

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    Ouachita River Factory

    Camden, Arkansas

    56.1 miles from Union Parish, LA

    Little is known about the operation of this factory, but various paranormal events have been reported there. Various orbs have been reported, as well as apparitions that vanish when approached, doors opening and closing by themselves, and lights going on and off of their own accord. Voices and an old-fashioned ...

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    Cameo Trio Theatre

    Magnolia, Arkansas

    58.4 miles from Union Parish, LA

    Theater number 3 is reportedly haunted. No real information on how it's haunted. But people say it's haunted, so that should be good enough.

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    Southern Arkansas University

    Magnolia, Arkansas

    59 miles from Union Parish, LA

    In Bussey Hall, the ghost of a female student who hanged herself in one of the rooms in the 1950s is said to appear. And in the Horton Theater, the ghost of a student actress who was killed by a train on her way to her starring performance has been ...

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    The Allen House

    Monticello, Arkansas

    64.9 miles from Union Parish, LA

    This Gothic mansion in Monticello was built in 1900 at the turn of the century, and has many recorded instances of hauntings reported. The main ghost, however, is that of a young woman who haunts the upper and lower floors of the mansion. The ghost roams around the house, often ...

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    Potter Road

    Doyline, Louisiana

    67.9 miles from Union Parish, LA

    Although the exact location of the accident site is not known, it is reported that four teenagers died in a drunken accident on this road decades ago and every year on the anniversary of their deaths blood runs from the tree they hit.

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    St. Maurice Plantation

    Natchitoches, Louisiana

    81.9 miles from Union Parish, LA

    It is said that the ghost of a child comes from the cemetery and visits the manor home, making sudden noises or rushing past. He also likes to change the pages on the calendar. He is believed to have started the fire that burned the mansion down in 1980.

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    Front Street

    Natchitoches, Louisiana

    84.8 miles from Union Parish, LA

    The street is reported to be haunted by the ghost of a confederate soldier.

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    Northwestern State University Campus

    Natchitoches, Louisiana

    85.6 miles from Union Parish, LA

    A ghostly woman that students call Isabella is reported to haunt the campus.