White Cemetery

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Among the phenomena associated with this spot are glowing orbs and mist, a disappearing house and black car, and the sounds of someone walking through leaves. It is said that photographs taken of this cemetery always fail; the photos do not develop or the camera will be lost.

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    Geographic Information

    White Cemetery
    Barrington, IL
    United States

    Get Directions »
    42.17620790000001, -88.14568409999998
    Lake County, Illinois
    Nearest Towns:
    Barrington, IL (1.6 mi.)
    Knollwood, IL (2.1 mi.)
    North Barrington, IL (2.2 mi.)
    Barrington Hills, IL (2.2 mi.)
    Cuba, IL (2.4 mi.)
    Lake Barrington, IL (2.5 mi.)
    Lake Zurich, IL (3.0 mi.)
    Deer Park, IL (3.5 mi.)
    Tower Lake, IL (3.9 mi.)
    Fox River Grove, IL (3.9 mi.)


    Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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    Comments (16)

    1. There are way too many urban legends about this place. Some at least have a somewhat reasonable basis, like the haunted car, but others are total fabrications. For example, there was never an insane asylum anywhere near the area. The cemetery certainly seems to be haunted, though. Personally I have witness an orange orb fly through the screen of my camera, and on a separate occasion saw a black shadow move across the face of a gravestone.

      • Complete baloney. I lived for many years less than 1/4 mile from White Cemetery and drove, walked, biked past it too many times to remember. Never saw anythings suggesting it was “haunted.” It is a fairly lonely road at night, but that is about all the “scary” stuff about it. Best friends of mine lived immediately (just across a barb-wired fence) north of the cemetery and never saw or heard anything unusual. This is total bunk.

        • It was just urban legend and such, and it was supposed to have been on Rainbow Road, which (I think) is just off of Cuba. I used to frequent both places in my teenage years and I never saw anything on either road.

    2. When passing by the cemetery at night in the car, I saw a fog far into the cemetery that followed our car for a few seconds. Very strange. Also, on Flint Creek Road we opened the windows all up and we all felt a presence outside the car to the left! And the cemetery has a strange feeling when you pass by it!

    3. WARNING! There is evidence of this property being under surveillance. This includes trip wires and (possibley) cameras around the perimeter. This may account for much of the “supernatural” activity also. Do not enter without proper permission.

    4. I grew up in this area and have had two separate experiences with this cemetery. As far as the comment about surveillance and trip wires.. that is a fact but pertains to a house on Cuba rd that people think was an asylum which is a private residence. The owners of the home got tired of trespassing and vandalism so they put up a lot of security to stop it. There is no evidence that it was ever an asylum. As far as the cemetery goes I will never set foot in it again. When I was in high school (I’m 31 now) you could enter the cemetery during the day, so my ex and I went one day to check it out. While standing on one side of the cemetery checking out the old headstone and taking some photos we heard a crash from the other side of the cemetery, upon walking over there we found a headstone that had toppled over for no reason, upon looking at our pictures later we noticed a few orbs around that headstone before it had toppled as we had taken several shots of the whole cemetery before exploring and looking at the stones. The second experience occurred when a few friends of mine and I had decided to just drive down Cuba rd and past the cemetery at about 2 in the morning. When we came upon the cemetery we slowed down to get a better look with out stopping. That’s when a misty fog rolled out from the cemetery into the road and pretty much enveloped the car.it got really cold and all 4 of us were terrified. Even though I couldn’t see even a foot in front of me I jammed on the gas and took off. We had to turn around to get back the way we came from and probably did 85mph when passing the cemetery again on the way back. I wish I still had the pictures of the headstone, but my ex wound up with them.

    5. My husband and myself are both from Cuba Township. Our families all own sites in White Cemetery. IF it is possible to come back as a ghost we sure do have some fun things planned. My sister and I will especially have fun. Nice fun nothing too scary.

    6. Over the past summer, my friends and I decided to drive down Cuba Rd on the night of a full moon. We have driven down Cuba numerous times before without any occurrences but the most bizarre thing happened that night. As my car became parallel to White Cemetery, tears began to flood out of my eyes without any explanation but as soon as I passed the cemetery, the tears ceased instantly. I still have no idea what happened that night but it definitely turned this haunted Cuba Rd skeptic into a believer.

    7. my friends and I went over there last year and it was creepy. just driving down the road and past the cemetery gave us a weird feeling. the scariest part of it was when we were driving past the cemetery, a black truck was following us for about two minutes with their brights on and when I got home that night and started reading about Cuba Road, there was some other people who said a truck followed them with their brights on too. crazzzzyyy.

    8. I’ve lived in Barrington Hills for 37 years – – searching and searching for signs of “paranormal” things>~ and haven’t ever had one goddamn encounter, at
      White cemetery, or on Rainbow Road, for that matter…..Elgin State Mental Health Asylum is the only “insane asylum” that has ever functioned anywhere within any remotest proximity to Barrington, Illinois

      • Amen. I had a bottled water business and the Elgin Mental Hospital was a big account of ours. Freaky environment and the only asylum I’m aware of. Lived in the Barrington hills area and been here since 1972 and never saw any of this fluff garbage. All urban folk lore like the sasquatch sighting off Cuba Road easr od Ela Road, pure fantasy.

    9. Pingback

    10. My parents had told me this story but when they had first gotten together they went here to explore and they were taping it but when they walked farther back their camera shut off and they couldn’t get it rolling again until they walked away from that area.

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    Disclaimer: The stories posted here are user-submitted and are, in the nature of "ghost stories," largely unverifiable. HauntedPlaces.org makes no claims that any of the statements posted here are factually accurate. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends.