Three Bridges Road

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Three Bridges Road is known to ghost enthusiasts as the place where Eloise, a Civil War-era slave, roams. So her story goes, Union soldiers killed Eloise’s master nearby, and the distraught slave woman was reluctant to leave her master’s body. When soldiers found her there mourning his death, they killed her too. Now, her ghost is said to roam along the road, screaming.

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Geographic Information

3 Bridges Road
Powdersville, SC
United States

Get Directions »
34.77856061076627, -82.51533025495519
Anderson County, South Carolina
Nearest Towns:
Powdersville, SC (1.6 mi.)
Golden Grove, SC (5.1 mi.)
Creekside Apartments, SC (5.2 mi.)
Gantt, SC (5.4 mi.)
Welcome, SC (5.5 mi.)
Piedmont, SC (6.0 mi.)
Easley, SC (6.0 mi.)
Parker, SC (6.1 mi.)
Judson, SC (6.2 mi.)
Dunean, SC (6.3 mi.)


Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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  1. My husband, my friend and her boyfriend, and I all went one night. We were kind of sceptical about the bridge because we went to crybaby bridge earlier and nothing happened, so we thought why not. You wouldn’t think with that road living right by two sub divisions, you wouldn’t see anything. Well as soon as we all went over the bridge, my boyfriend nearly jumped out of his seat pointing down past the bridge because he said he seen a woman in a white dress standing down in the twined and river beside the bridge. I was too much of a puss to look so I turned around and made our friend and her boyfriend look, even tho where he had seen this it was going to Ben on my side. Well , my friend took my loght, shit it down past the bridge and my boyfriend seen it again and so did she. Me for one, still didn’t see it. Still too scared to look.! Once again I turned my car around and made my boyfriend hold the flashlight and look down in there past the bridge in the twines. Nothing. Turned the car around. Again. The last time I turned it around . I slowly creeped up to the very first bridge on that road. My friend shined the light on the bridge. Actually shined it on this woman who was in like a 1860’s white gown. She was stinging right beside the bridge this time. She flings the flashlight, my boyfriend hits my arm, covers his head, which projects me to look over. I see this white collar, black hair, a mouth, and that’s all. My friend yells “ go! She doesn’t even have to get the “O” out of “GO” before I floor it . One of the most scariest times of my life. My friends boyfriend in my backseat was so scared, he kept his eyes closed the whole time. I was literally shaking when I floored it over that bridge. About 3.4 miles down the road I had to pull over I was shaking so bad and tears were running from my eyes. No it wasn’t a bad, no it wasn’t a sign. I won’t go back to see what it was cause I feel like if we all would’ve went back across one more time, just one, she would’ve been standing on the bridge itself infront of my car. I still can’t believe that my boyfriend saw something. He NEVER gets scared. Never. This experience made his heart race and I refuse to bring it up.

  2. It’s Tuesday October 6, 11:06pm. I was just at this bridge at 9:09pm, my cousin was telling me to scream and she will come, I got a chilled wind the came across me and my cousin was telling me that’s how she travels is through the wind in the trees. There have been 12 bodies found on this bridge back in 2020. We stayed for about 5 minutes, I came back to my car that I parked on the side of the road and my mirror was folded in. We got in the car and headed back home. There is no house atleast 1 mile from this bridge and when I say it’s dark dark I mean it’s pitch black. I drove a .25 mile and this women that was bald, wearing a grey hoodie, green shorts and no shoes, had a backpack on her back and a broom in here hand and she stood there watching my car dive away. They say this bridge is also called Indian witch bridge. I’ve never seen anything more terrifying in my whole life. This bridge on a straight away, 5 seconds after I drive past this women a truck pops up out of no where and is on my tail. I turned off the road about 1 mile and a half later and the truck disappeared.

  3. I have had an experience in this area. My family lives in the vicinity of the other reported experiences and I had my own unusual experience around Cely Road a couple of years ago. I feel that it’s necessary to decline to pin-point the exact location for now, but I am currently researching the stories and this area. I have already come up with some promising leads through an archeological find and by the luck of stumbling across a specific location in the area. I don’t know if that specific location has anything to do with the rumors or not, but I will be researching it.
    As far as the experience goes, somewhere between 2013 and 2014 I experienced what I believed was a spirit, which had manifested itself in a pale blue light form. The spirit was pale, but still bright enough to light up the whole first level of the home (it was at night and all of the lights were off). I left it alone and it left me alone. When I first observed it, I just stood there attempting to figure it out. When it hit me that I was looking at something that was supernatural and unexplainable, it was then that the fear set in. I quickly stepped away from the stairs and went to another area of the home. I believe that this entity has something to do with the past because I have researched the home and there doesn’t seem to be an explanation for why it was there or why it always seems to be experienced on the first level of the home in the same general area (every couple of years). But as for now, I am hunting for the answers .

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