The American Club

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At this hotel, one guest saw a man in the hallway wearing dirty and torn flannel short and pants. He attempted to speak to the man but got no response. The security camera got pictures of the guest speaking to someone who wasn’t there. Also, the east wing, the hotel’s oldest portion, is said to be haunted. A woman hanged herself in Room 209 after her husband was killed in an industrial accident, and her ghost, wearing a blue hat, has been steen standing by the fireplace.

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Geographic Information

419 Highland Dr
Kohler, WI 53044
United States

Get Directions »
43.739901, -87.78109599999999
Sheboygan County, Wisconsin
Nearest Towns:
Kohler, WI (0.1 mi.)
Sheboygan Falls, WI (2.1 mi.)
Sheboygan, WI (3.4 mi.)
Gibbsville, WI (6.5 mi.)
Howards Grove, WI (6.8 mi.)
Oostburg, WI (8.1 mi.)
Waldo, WI (9.5 mi.)
Hingham, WI (9.6 mi.)
Plymouth, WI (9.8 mi.)
Adell, WI (11.9 mi.)

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  1. I was working a short time at the american club an was in room209 I was cleaning the bedroom are while the other maid was in the bathroom the other girl left to go back to our office down stairs for some supplies an I had just finished the bed an went over to clean an dust the windows I had then gotten a weird feeling like I was being watched so I turned an saw that the bed I had just made was messed up again I went to check of maybe the other girl was trying to scare me I looked an she had not yet returned mind you I had the windows shut so I could dust all the wood trim I turn back an all windows were opened I still stop an think about it

  2. In room 177 I woke up when I was sleeping because of a pain in my shoulder. I rolled over and there was a women with short hair and a night gown. She said “help me,” and came over and laid her head on my shoulder. I tried to sig up to talk with her and she was gone.

  3. I was in room 1456 and was fast asleep as I drank an entire bottle of whiskey that evening. I woke up the next day to see that I lost my wallet and money. Damn Ghosts!!! Argh…

  4. I lived in the American Club in the late 60’s for over a year and never had any experiences. At the time it was a housing area for workers and only the old section was there.

  5. I used to work at The American Club hotel and in the restaurants as a busboy and room service waiter in the 1990s. I worked both night shift and early morning shifts on weekends for room service deliveries to the main hotels building as well as the carriage house to the north east.
    What I distinctly remember was encountering extremely cold pockets of air in the vast hallways near certain rooms while making deliveries. So cold in fact that they could not be explained by AC vents, window leaks or poor insulation. I am talking cold enough to see my own breath.
    I also frequently heard whispering voices in corners of hallways, like someone was holding a private conversation but no one was visible. It would then subside and return.
    The main voices incident I remember was a voice saying “Ruhe! zu laut!”. German for “Shhh, quiet! too loud!”

    Carrying trays around I had to navigate around hallways and corners with limited view behind me and to my side. I also frequently heard noises and footsteps behind me and ahead of me around corners while delivering orders. Like little kids hiding from me or secretly tagging along my journey to a room.
    I did remember two occasions where different guests questioned me directly about whether the place was haunted or not.
    I recall this because of the isolated shifts I frequently worked. Everyone was asleep and there were no cleaning staff or other workers working those hours except at the front desk and the kitchens.
    There are no several haunted rooms and halls there, but yes, the cleaning staff told me all about Room 209 back then.

  6. I used to work for housekeeping for The American Club, and wow, there were always so many weird and creepy experiences. I would encounter things moving or hearing voices in the rooms while I was cleaning. It was just purely frightening feeling that I was being watched all the time. And when I had to clean the hotel while they were doing construction, so there were no guests, it was extremely scary to be walking the halls by yourself and getting freaked out because of cold spots or voices.

  7. samaria Crawford  |  

    My family and I stayed at The American Club over the weekend. My sister likes to take pictures of herself in the mirrors. When we looked at the photo she took, it was another woman wearing the same outfit as my sister, but very slimmer then she is. Really, creepy!!

  8. I stayed there this past May 2022 with my company for a couple of days for a Kohler product training . The first day I got there I didn’t get a chance to check out the room for long because our shuttle bus was ready to take us on our first tour. So when it was time to turn down at the end of the night, I took a long bath and started to get ready for bed. I decided to watch tv for a little to help me fall asleep as I’m not used to sleeping in a hotel room without my kids or on family vacation. As I fell asleep I felt a sleep paralysis coming on. I say that because I used to experience this often as a teenager before I got baptized again as a Christian. I could not move or speak. It felt like something was putting their whole weight on me in almost a teasing matter. I was trying to move my head but it’s like the presence didn’t allow me to turn my neck. I felt like I was awake but like I was on benedryl or something. Finally after several attempts to wake myself out of this state, I came out it very slowly. When I finally got up,I clicked on my Bible app on my phone and started to pray aloud. As I was praying I felt this chill up and down my body. It did not feel like it was the air conditioner , it was something else. I asked for God to send mighty angels to protect me and remove anything that is not of Him out of my room. I was scared to fall back asleep. But finally I did for a couple hours to get up early the next day. The fact is I was sound asleep. I stayed another night after that and did not have that experience again. I do believe that the Lord did send angels to bodyguard my room for the rest of my stay there.

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