Rock 'n Roll Graveyard

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William Seymour Memorial Cemetery is commonly called the Rock n’ roll graveyard by locals due to the prevalence of parties that teenagers have there. Regardless, there are some reports of hauntings, most notably of a woman in white rocking in a rocking chair(?).

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    Geographic Information

    Bayou Talla Rd
    Gulf Hills, MS
    United States

    Get Directions »
    30.42595974922224, -88.80304412006836
    Jackson County, Mississippi
    Nearest Towns:
    Ocean Springs, MS (1.8 mi.)
    Gulf Hills, MS (2.4 mi.)
    Gulf Park Estates, MS (3.4 mi.)
    Saint Martin, MS (4.0 mi.)
    D'Iberville, MS (5.2 mi.)
    Biloxi, MS (5.3 mi.)
    Latimer, MS (8.4 mi.)
    Hickory Hills, MS (10.0 mi.)
    Vancleave, MS (10.5 mi.)
    Gautier, MS (11.7 mi.)


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    1. I’ve been out here multiple times. I’ve gotten some pictures suggestive of a strong maybe as far as a haunting goes but ultimately what keeps me coming back is the vibe I get when I enter that gate. There’s something in that cemetery. It isn’t too keen on putting on a show, but that cemetery has an intense “You’re not alone” and” Go now” feeling with it. I’ve never actually seen the gates move but occasionally they are open upon arrival. There’s some macabre vandalism to add to the discomfort… angels with heads broken off, stones split in half. This is a well known location. People do drive back here to A. Find the lady in white or B. Find people trying to find the lady in white. On one occasion I drove back there and found teenagers stirring up trouble, running around stomping on graves in the hopes of attracting some ghosts. In short, don’t expect to be alone. I think there’s something there, but I have no physical evidence to back it up. Give it a shot.

    2. I went out there with a few friends. Had my headlights on my truck turn themselves off. Had to turn off my truck and back on to get them to turn back on. It’s an old truck with a manual pull switch. Never had that issue before or after that event. we all felt spooked and left

    3. My family, including my mother, is buried out there. It is a family cemetery. It’s not unusual for gates to be left open. But as far as the comments about people going out there to stomp on graves to wake the dead, in hopes of paranormal activity, I want you to know that it doesn’t sit too lightly with me knowing my family’s final resting place is being desecrated. Vandalism happens as well.
      Be careful what you wish for, you just may find what you are looking for one day. They call it a resting place for a reason. If you wake the dead, surely it won’t be a pleasant experience.

      • Yall also got a demonic bug problem to ive been out there twice all respect to your family but one day im going to investigate that grave yard. 2nd time went out there to peacefully look around an what not when a whole slur of random demonic bugs started attacking if I investigate?

      • I’ve been numerous times and never have stepped or disrespected the graves However how do you explain the gate closing on it’s own with no wind and no one touching it. How about the fact that people have been scratched with no one near them , how about the elderly lady who disappears once you see her, I mean I could go own. Also I am very into family tress and trying to find out history on those who passed and I’ve looked into at quite a few older graves there and none of them were related ‍♀️

    4. I’ve been out there numerous times. I have been told by a childhood friend and fellow paranormal researcher that he believed to have seen or been told of a manor of some sort that lies within the woods around the location. We were going to go back the following night to investigate but found ourselves vered by another agenda. However I would still love to investigate this location myself. The vibe alone in my opinion made it feel I was being watched and wasn’t alone by any means.

    5. Me and a couple friends went out here on Halloween night and we all got the same weird dangerous vibe while driving down the road to the cemetery. We didn’t actually go inside the cemetery this trip. We just kinda looked around. I did do a little experiment where I kept the car running but turned off all the lights with the back of the car facing the cemetery. Nothing happened during the few minutes of darkness but once the lights came back on we did have a weird thing happen that made us leave early. The gate to the cemetery had been knocked over prior to our arrival and as I was looking out my side mirrors I thought I saw it move. I told the guys with me but they thought I was just trying to scare them then it happened again and this time was no mistaking it moved like someone was pushing it back up. Could have been wind but I very much doubt it with no real resistance for wind to catch or heavy gusts capable of it. Needless to say we left after this. I plan to go back sometime soon

      • I have been metal detecting this sight. Found a baby ring ( silver ). Ring was made 1940. The “lost settlement of Fort Bayou” Is 100 yards from the front gate. South West From gate.Or go to big Oak Tree at the road go due South. Go to highest ground.

    6. I have family there we don’t mind the peaceful visits from people but if you all had your family final resting place just about destroyed on several accounts you be pissed to it was real bad late 80s early 90s broken headstones even graves dug up please stop

    7. I’ve tried going to just see but as i came back out, we were pulled over. Is it private property? My husband told me it was haunted and we decided to go for a drive to sooth the baby and we were bored, so we wanted to just look from the road. Then that happened

    8. been there twice (was 14 at the time 1987) very spooky could just be me but driving there at night took longer than driving there during the day..

    9. I went out there with some friends back in 2000. We never got out of the car, we drove around just to take pictures. I had always heard it was haunted from the kids at school (St. Martin) but never by what.
      My best friend, her mom, and two of her sisters went with me. My best friend was driving my car and I was taking pictures the first go round. As she was making a circle I heard “You should not be here” I didn’t say anything. As she made another circle, I heard it again but this time it was “You of all people” and said something. I felt really uneasy. Like I said, we never got out of the car. My friend did not want to leave, her mother told her to. She drove in a circle one more time and the vision of this lady coming out of a rocking chair towards us, and I said, “Nope, we leave now!”
      They asked what it was and I told them. One of the sisters had been out there before but never heard of the rocking lady. I told my mom when I got home and she grew up here and never knew it either. A few days later I wanted to research it and sure enough, the story about the lady in the rocking chair was there. I’ve heard that since then, they have made it no trespassing. I’ve been able to talk to dead people since I was little. The lady in the rocking chair was not what I was expecting but who else is going to guard family better than family.

    10. Me and some other friends went to this place and the hole time we were drinking in we felt scared but when we got out all of us said at the same time we weren’t scared anymore and then I heard like a Chain Rattle And it came from the woods not the fence and I’m the only one who heard it and the reason we left was because all the lights out in the cemetery started to go off one by one and then turn back on and when we were leaving something threw something at my friends back window!!!! and we were driving away at that time so that makes it even more scary either some one has good aim or it was a ghost!

    11. during the day I went out to rockin roll graveyard and across the way I was snapping pictures and I have took 4 different pictures of a little girl in 4 different spots. as if she was skipping through. then I went out there during the day again. and as I was walking I heard keys jingling as if someone had there keys hooked to their pants and whwn they walked the keys jngled when I stopped it did when I walked it started walking and I heard the keys again.but most scary is when I went there at night. we was parked backed up in front of the front gate. there was a lamppost right there I could see out of my husbands side window but not mine. my whole passenger side was pitch black side mirror and my window and as we looked into the woods on the left there was white smokie looking things coming in and out of the tress they would get close then jump back all the meantime the black at my door was trying to move my door handle then the dark at my door slide to the back of the car then I could see out of my side mirror .

      • I’ve takin pictures of a little girl skipping through the graveyard. Also there is lights that jump back and fourth in the trees. Also there is a huge black shadow. And during the day something follows you.

    12. Me and Joey (the same one from this comment thread) as well as my brother and 2 other guys went out there one night in search of the white lady, but what we got instead was apparently a flesh-eating albino. It is commonly reported by locals–including Joey’s own step father–that cannibalistic “albinos” (either very pale-white people or some other ghostly creatures) roam around the graveyard and the surrounding woods, and Joey and my brother both claim to have seen a very pale person run across the road into the woods while we were there. My brother describes it as having been a very pale figure wearing a white shirt and khaki shorts. It couldn’t have been any one of us because the other 2 guys were with me the whole time and there wasn’t any other car there besides ours. We also looked extensively for a “manor” around there but couldn’t seem to find one. Since then me and Joey have been back multiple times, but we really haven’t seen anything else significant to my knowledge. There is also a myth that the road has 13 turns going in and 14 going out, although it’s hard to tell exactly what a “turn” is on that road. Unfortunately, it appears that a subdivision of some sort is being built down there as we have recently seen many tractors and excavators, and much of the “spooky” overgrowth has been cleared alongside a great length of the road. I hope the albinos and the rocking chair lady scare off the construction workers so people can enjoy getting terrified by this place for years to come.

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