Pioneer Cemetery

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At Pioneer Cemetery, witnesses say an apparition of a lady in a burgundy dress with her hair in a bun comes to, as legend has it, watch over the Schieffer family. She also has been seen by the roadside, beckoning for passersby to come to the cemetery for a visit.

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Geographic Information

535 Cold Springs Rd
Coloma, CA 95613
United States

Get Directions »
38.794752332397294, -120.88898563350085
El Dorado County, California
Nearest Towns:
Coloma, CA (0.4 mi.)
Cold Springs, CA (3.8 mi.)
Placerville, CA (6.6 mi.)
Diamond Springs, CA (8.0 mi.)
Georgetown, CA (8.2 mi.)
Deer Park, CA (8.6 mi.)
Auburn Lake Trails, CA (8.9 mi.)
Shingle Springs, CA (9.1 mi.)
Cameron Park, CA (10.2 mi.)
Camino, CA (12.2 mi.)


Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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  1. There is a witches grave there that people still go and do rituals at, there are many unmarked graves there. It is right across the street from the Vineyard house, which sometimes you can see the ghost of the owner, Richard crossing the street to lay in the new graves. It is a very active site.

      • Hi Joel. Which interests you, the ghosts, or the witches? I have lots of photos I’ve caught while investigating the gold rush Old Pioneer Cemeteries. I used to have a paranormal team. Started back in late 2011. Had it til about 2013-14. If this interests you, I can send you some of my pics. if you’re interested?

  2. My girlfriend and I took a road trip through California and drove through gold country because I spent a lot of time there when I was little because my grandma lived there. We stopped by this cemetery because we heard it was haunted, and the church my parents got married at was 30 seconds away from it. Immediately after arriving I felt a calming atmosphere wash over me. We stayed for about 30 minutes there walking around and looking at the headstones. It’s hard to explain how peaceful and welcoming this site felt. We didn’t experience any activity at the cemetery, but the next day when I got back to my house in Portland, OR, activity started happening in my home. Lights turned on in my kitchen by themselves, doors were being unlocked on their own and beer cans went missing out of my fridge and then reappeared empty in my recycling. At first i thought a squatter had broken into my house while I was on vacation since I was home alone, but I searched the entire house and nobody was there. I got my pendulum out and asked if there were any spirits in my house. It started moving in the direction I set for yes. So I asked the following questions:
    Are you friendly?: yes
    Are you a female?: yes
    Are you older than 50?: no
    Determined her age was between 20-40
    Did you follow me from the cemetery in Placerville?: yes
    Is there a reason you followed me and not someone else?: yes
    I then started asking her to make the pendulum in crazy ways. She started shaking the pendulum back and forth so fast.
    Do you want to go back to the cemetery?: no
    It makes me feel uncomfortable that you’re here and I’d appreciate it if you did. Will you please?: yes
    I then thanked her and she left and I could feel the energy change in my house. Very weird experience that I’ll remember forever.

  3. stopped by here 1 time and noticed a large site where someone or most likely people had a bonfire toward the back of the property. very suspicious area that I stayed away from. most likely a ritual for sure

    • Who is this? It’s so interesting to me (see story below) I had no idea this picture existed when I wrote my story for Vineyard house. It looks so much closer to what I saw than any other person picture from mansion. Put that hair in a bun and it could be what I saw. Although I think your picture is of a much younger girl than I saw. Either way I feel my story is a little more validated in my mind.

  4. I JUST GOT GOOSEBUMPS READING ABOUT LADY IN DRESS AND BUN. ALTHOUGH IT WASN’T A DRESS I’M COPYING AND PASTING WHAT I JUST TYPED FOR VINEYARD HOUSE. I SWEAR THE VINYARD HOUSE, CEMETARY, AND THEATER ARE SO CLOSE YOU COULD THROW A ROCK FROM ONE PLACE AND HIT ANY OF THEM. PASTE: My son and I went to cemetery across the street. It really gave me creepy vibes. The cemetery just down the road across from Marshall’s cabin and historic church didn’t give us the same creepy feeling. I was standing at Louisa’s grave and looking at the house wishing we could tour it. We had no idea who Louisa was at the time. There is a little theater that you can see from cemetery and Vineyard house. We drove over to the Theater just to see if by chance it was open and we could tour it. (it wasn’t) As we were standing outside the theater I saw a full body of a woman for about three seconds. Assume she was around 40 years old. When I could see her I was facing the front of theater and she was standing in line with Vineyard house. She was looking north with one hand on her brow like she was straining to see, like she was blocking the sun. She was see through. Its hard to describe but she was black and white like an old photo with no color. She had hair up in a bun on top of her head. She was wearing late 1800’s early 1900’s white top and black blouse type pant suit thing. I didn’t get the best look at the blouse type thing because it was so fast. She didn’t look like any of the so called historic photos of the woman that lived at Vineyard house. I say so called because I am skeptical any of the pictures of the place I’ve found are even legit. So, I would say, even though I haven’t even been to Vineyard house, yes, I vote its haunted.

  5. I have MANY paranormal photos from the Old Pioneer Cemeteries from Coloma AND Greenwood. I ALSO have video evidence of a ghost that I caught in the attic of the old Sierra Nevada House that burned to the ground mysteriously about a month after my paranormal team and I investigated in there. I also caught audio in there of a woman screaming, as if she was being murdered. We didn’t hear it, until I downloaded the Sim cards and played it back. I know where the hot spots are in the cemeteries in Coloma and Greenwood are, I’ve investigated it enough to find the active areas. I took a skeptic along to Greenwood’s one night. After our investigation, I uploaded our photos from my cameras into my laptop on the tailgate of my truck while in the parking lot and sifted through them. After he saw what he just caught on the camera he was using, he got in his car and peeled out of there a believer. I will try to upload a picture taken from Greenwood’s here, but if it doesn’t work, I tried!

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