At this hotel, an apparition of a woman has been seen, strange orbs have shown up in photographs and a strange presence has been felt by guests in the middle of the night. Disembodied footsteps also can be heard in the halls.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 521 SW 6th St.
Redmond, OR
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 44.2722814, -121.17426439999997
- County:
- Deschutes County, Oregon
- Nearest Towns:
- Redmond, OR (0.0 mi.)
Terrebonne, OR (5.6 mi.)
Tumalo, OR (11.5 mi.)
Bend, OR (16.4 mi.)
Prineville, OR (16.9 mi.)
Culver, OR (17.6 mi.)
Sisters, OR (18.6 mi.)
Deschutes River Woods, OR (21.4 mi.)
Metolius, OR (21.7 mi.)
Black Butte Ranch, OR (24.8 mi.)
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Disclaimer: The stories posted here are user-submitted and are, in the nature of "ghost stories," largely unverifiable. HauntedPlaces.org makes no claims that any of the statements posted here are factually accurate. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends.
Overnighted there when I was a flight attendant. All plane crew stayed there;I was the only female so I had a room to myself. Just walking down the hall to my room, I felt uneasy and my intuition immediately kicked in; I’m not alone here. My room felt abnormally cold, I’m getting goosebumps as I recall this, felt as though I was not in the room alone; instantly. Felt many male and female presence, but just neural energy; as if no harm would come to me. My fear was from myself and knowing that spirits were present. I just told them I respect their space, to watch over me for the night and let me sleep. Must say, not much sleep happened, my head stayed under the covers all night, and my bladder killed me by daylight. Extremely uncomfortable experience for me. This happened around 1998 while flying for Horizon Airlines.
I was younger and I had my mom with me and we just went in too look around and I felt like something was with me and I was cold and it creeped me out, I look over and I don’t wanna sound crazy and I saw a little girl she got burned in the fire and I hope I don’t sound crazy I don’t mean too.. But I’m being honest I had a couple things happen to me when I was younger
when was this date ? The reason I am asking is that I am reserching haunted places in redmond ,Oregon for a little while and the redmond hotel is where I keep getting lead too.
I did happen to get into the old theater next door and up top and did fill the same sense as I was not alone but did not see anything out of the ordinary. my email is tomhensley69@gmail.com if you want to reply for i don’t go on this site here yet just typing in info and found what you and others have wrote . thanks for your time, Tom.
i was living in an apartment complex formerly known as the Rosewood Apartments on the 3rd floor, and my apartment was situated across the way from a haunted hotel room. sometimes at night I saw the curtains fluctuate and i knew for a fact that the window was not only not open, but no air conditioning units caused the curtains to move like that.
that’s all i got.
I heard about this lady that had died in a fire in the hotel and I heard that people kept on seeing a lady in one of the windows. This was when I was 12 or 13 and I was super interested in checking it out, I didn’t think I was going to get much because they didn’t let people go in up in the hotel anymore but me and my dad ended up going and the lady who had an antique shop below it let us go up and check it out. We started to go up the stairs and I already felt like I was being watched, we walked through the halls and we finally got to the third floor and I felt goosebumps all over my arms and this horrible, cold feeling. There was a window I saw at the end of the hallway and for some reason I immediately told my dad that ” I’m not feeling too good about this. I think we should go now. ” He agreed with me and said that he was starting to feel uncomfortable himself and we ended up leaving. It was my first paranormal experience ever and it was actually pretty amazing. If you ever get a chance to check it out yourself, which is pretty rare, I would definitely take that chance!
I was 30 when I went in to that hotel. Y daughters were at home when they were calling me the phone came out of my hand and fell to the ground and. Could just feel the spirits
I have stayed at the “Old Redmond Hotel” now SCP twice.
My first stay on was on the 3rd floor, in the middle of the building facing the front. This is the room I experienced the most in. The moment I got off the elevator I had the tingle sinsation. I walked down the gloomy hallway of bright white walls and gray carpet. Such the opposite of the lobby. I walked into the room and it was nice, but had a very odd smell I could not place. I travel a lot for work and stay in a lot of hotels, but I never have felt like I did while staying at SCP.
The first night on the 3rd floor I had a terrible nightmare about the hotel. I yelled out help which woke me up, I woke myself up sleep talking… I do not normally sleep talk. It was unsettling waking up in the hotel room after that dream. Especially with the old wooden doors and the light from the hallway shining around all four sides of the door. Any shadow that goes by come into your room. I also felt like there was a man standing by my door. Not harmful, maybe a protector from other things in the building but still a bit unsettling.
The second day my tv would not work.
The third day my key card would not work to get into the door of my room.
The fourth day my a/c went out which made the room very quiet so you could hear everything in the hotel.
Everynight I stayed in my room on the third floor I experienced something.
My stay on the second floor thought the hallway was creepy my room felt very comfortable and safe.