Nevada County Hospital

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This building has stood for 150 years, but in 2001, its foundation was rocked by a shooting spree which killed two. The building itself is full of asbestos, so if you would like to investigate, protect yourself. Those who were brought to the building’s morgue are thought to still be here and might be responsible for the sense of being followed. The atmosphere is said to feel evil and bitter. Bring an EVP recorder; you might get lucky and pick up a voice of someone who died here.

(Submitted by Chris Berglund)

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Geographic Information

10433 Willow Valley Rd.
Nevada City, California, 95959
United States
United States

Get Directions »
39.267679606852134, -121.0064735411288
Nevada County, California
Nearest Towns:
Nevada City, CA (0.7 mi.)
Grass Valley, CA (4.5 mi.)
Rough And Ready, CA (7.4 mi.)
North San Juan, CA (8.7 mi.)
Alta Sierra, CA (9.1 mi.)
Dutch Flat, CA (10.0 mi.)
Lake Wildwood, CA (10.7 mi.)
Penn Valley, CA (11.1 mi.)
Alta, CA (11.3 mi.)
Pike, CA (11.8 mi.)


Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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Comments (16)

  1. I went there on three separate occasions with friends. The first occasion I went in we explored the entire building coming in from the East Wing and didn’t find anything except a lot of Satanic graffiti and didn’t experience anything until we were leaving. As we were about to exit through the same way we heard a woman wailing twice in the first room on the right when you enter the hallway right after you enter the East Wing. The second occasion we saw what looked like a very tall silhouette peering its head out of the same room my friends and I heard the woman wailing the first occasion. The third occasion my friends and I explored the entire HEW building and heard doors close and creaking on the floors above us. We also went back to the same room which I call the “haunted room” and got extremely cold and unsettling feelings after entering that room. This place is most definitely, 100% haunted. If you enter, be warned not of the ghosts, but of the security. This place has sensors around and inside the building. So make your visit VERY quick. Also, watch out for meth heads/homeless people who live there as they might not be so welcoming to you entering their hiding place. Good luck.

  2. We also found a spray painting that said “Amanda M. was raped here” with an arrow pointing down to a piece of rope and women’s clothing. Whether a crime actually took place there, no one will ever know.

      • In 2009 the killer was found and he is still alive and he got out in 2016 and they say the reason for his killings was because he drugged himself and so he went around on that rampage killing people my dad is 87 and he says that he was in that hospital when it happened because he was one of the patients there and he just barely escaped with his life and I know that he is telling the truth because he showed me pictures of the hospital when he was in there and the murderer raped that girl and that was his friend in there and the killer killed her right in front of him.

  3. Don’t go here. They have motion sensors, believe it or not. They are pressing charges on everyone, meaning you will get a misdemeanor. There’s no way to get in anymore anyway. Seriously. Not worth it. Find somewhere you are allowed to go.

  4. Just recent as of 2 weeks ago a friend of mine and i wanted to reeeeally see and expirience this place in its raw form to see if these myths were real and true once and for all!! …to expirience on hand if this place was a portal point for real.. So we prepared ourselves physically and spiritually… 3am the witching hr seemed like the right time.. We made our way slowly and quietly on to the premisses… We sat on the west side of the building in total quietness.. I started to knodd out awaiting for something to prove that the myths are true.. Suddenly in the distance .. Foot steps quitly walking twards us … We curled up in a ball w a blanket over us in fear of what we are about to discover was true , chills and the intensity of what was to come as the footsteps are getting louder and louder walking straight twards us ..15 ft away! The breathing is heavy from this thing walking straight twards us like it already knows our location! Then out of nowheres the steps stop 2 ft from where we are! We ve been discovered! As if hunted down by the entity itself! Silence is all there was ! But could feel whatever it is and was stareing right down upon us ! Breathing Suddenly inches in my ear! Right then it with a loud loud stern voice that i will never ever forget.” GET. OFF. THIS. PROPERTY NOOOOOW!!! YOUR TRESSPASING ON PRIVATE PROPERTY!!!!!! AND YOU KNOW THIS BY ALL SIGNS POSTED AROUND!! SPREAD THE WORD LOUDLY TO ALL ” NOMORE !! TRESPASSERS OR TRESPASSING ON FHIS PROPERTY!!! It was the property caretaker and he was not joking around whatsoever!! He addressed us he was watching us the moment we took foot on his land.. So heads up to all! Theres a caretaker there now. And is on constant watch of the building.

  5. not true tony. thorpe was arrested and is currently still locked up. there was no rape reported either. and he said the reason for the killings was because he was unhappy with the treatment he was receiving. and for the killing at the restaurant was because he believed they were poisoning him. a quick google search tells you all this. learn the facts before posting. everyone should also be respectful of private property. just because your curious doesn’t make it ok to trespass.

  6. Originally built in 1860, it operated as a county hospital until 1975. In the 1980s, the building was then used to house low-risk inmates from the county’s overcrowded jails. The structure would last be used as the headquarters for the Behavioral Health Department, along with other offices. As a hospital, the historic structure undoubtedly saw a lot of death. However, it wasn’t until 2001 when an unforgettable tragedy occurred in the building, dooming it to an inevitable end. On January 10, 2001, a mentally ill man who had once received assistance from the Behavioral Health Dept. opened fire inside of the building, shooting three people. Two of them died. Just five years later, the county would officially vacate the HEW building forever.

  7. I was watching a video on YouTube and at the part Colby read “Amanda M. got raped here” and now I feel bad rlly rlly bad because I never knew and I wanted to help her but I wasn’t born then. It sounded horrible and still does and yes there was clothes,gloves,rope,and a scarf and it sounded like a terrible experience going threw that and I hope no one goes threw that ever and no I wasn’t in there and I was never born that time it was just rlly depressing to see and hear that good lord no one should go threw that ever again I know it’s was I long time ago but gosh I feel EXTREMELY EXTREMELY sad and I mean it I’m not joking about it

  8. Just watched Sam and Colby.I have not been there ever.But in this video there seemed to be a homeless person living there.The place has had at least 3-4 murders/crimes.There are very inappropriate and violent kraffiti on the walls,ceilings,floor and in general everywhere.One place in the hospital had a marking “Amanda M was raped here”beside the statement were arrows pointing down.There layed was woman’s clothes,scarf,rope,gloves and more.I would prepare for an adrenaline kick and heart racing feel like ur gonna die feeling ig ur planning on going pls be safe and pls think twice about going.WATCH FOR METHHEADS!!!

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