Hell's Corners

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In Hubbard, Ohio, the area where Pathour Wheeler Road and John White Road intersect is known to locals as “Hell’s Corners.” It is said that a young native American boy was shot on this spot many years ago, and that a jail once stood here where many hangings took place. That may explain why there seems to be an inordinate number of modern-day fatal car crashes at this intersection.

Source: Joey B.

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Geographic Information

Pathour Wheeler Rd SE and John White Rd
Hubbard, OH 44425
United States

Get Directions »
41.1417243, -80.54951599999998
Trumbull County, Ohio
Nearest Towns:
Hubbard, OH (1.4 mi.)
Maplewood Park, OH (1.9 mi.)
New Bedford, PA (3.9 mi.)
Masury, OH (4.8 mi.)
Wheatland, PA (4.9 mi.)
Campbell, OH (5.1 mi.)
West Middlesex, PA (5.5 mi.)
Farrell, PA (5.6 mi.)
Youngstown, OH (6.0 mi.)
Churchill, OH (6.2 mi.)


Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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Comments (13)

  1. Me and my Fiancé have had a few experiences in our house. Not sure if its related to these events or not but we have had experiences in our house. Im very much into the paranormal activity, but if anyone ever has had any incidents or abnormal events occur in their home feel free to email me at hollymiller111114@gmail.com thank you.

    • I do know of a house on Creed Ave. with a history of paranormal activity and have a friend who grew up on hell’s corners and never experienced anything paranormal. Holly, if you are interested, our team is looking for investigators. We have a page on fb called Millennium Paranormal Society.

  2. I’ve never heard of any fatal car crashes near there, but I can say when I lived on John White I could never be in my house alone. It was very eerie feeling and I always heard noises. Also my pets always acted strange and I even had multiple pass away just out of no where. Very creepy.

    • I had a strange experience with my pet starring and scared so much that her back humped up and hair stood up for 15 minutes as she stared at the center of the living room. My family watched her as it happened, in disbelief. It only happened once. I live on Hell’s Corners.

  3. I grew up in Hubbard, and spent half my childhood not half a mile from there and never heard of this…

    …now the house I lived in on Taylor street in the 90s… that place was haunted as hell…and no longer exists (good.)

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