Hawks Head Cemetery - McDowell Cemetery

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Hawks Head Cemetery is allegedly the burial site for Flora, Al Capone’s mistress. Her ghost has been reported, wearing a white gauzy dress. Chimes are said to herald her appearance. A dim red light also has been spotted near the middle driveway.

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Geographic Information

7109 107th Avenue
Casco Township, MI
United States

Get Directions »
42.470568499656984, -86.23695820548164
Allegan County, Michigan
Nearest Towns:
South Haven, MI (5.0 mi.)
Fennville, MI (11.0 mi.)
Breedsville, MI (12.0 mi.)
Douglas, MI (12.1 mi.)
Bangor, MI (12.6 mi.)
Saugatuck, MI (12.9 mi.)
Bloomingdale, MI (15.5 mi.)
Paw Paw Lake, MI (17.9 mi.)
Lake Michigan Beach, MI (18.5 mi.)
Hartford, MI (18.6 mi.)


Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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  1. Okay, so holy crap! When we were there, I had my wife step by her grave so I could take a picture and see if anything showed up. I took 6 pictures. They had said on another website that chimes called her to appear. I took my iPhone and in settings, set my phone ringer to chimes. I played it a ton, and we called out to her, THEN I took the pictures. It was too sunny to see anything, but when we got home, I posted that the grace was easy to say…and then remembered I took pictures. On the last shot I found this crap!!!! I about fell out of my chair and called my wife to come see. We are officially freaked out! Id there some national ghost association we can send this too??? Wow…

  2. The Flora you have indicated would have been 39 years older than Capone. There are 7 Flora’s in this cemetery, none appear to be the correct Flora. But highly doubtful it would be this one.

  3. I believe that the alleged headstone of Capone’s mistress is a taller and wider stone that simply says ‘FLORA’. When I was in high school, McDowell was a place that a group of us kids hung out at night to drink and do what many teenagers did. The group of kids that I partied with was always respectful and we never did any damage to anything there; we always left it the way we found. Someone somewhere has a picture of my HS sweetheart sitting on top of the stone with her legs wrapped around me (okay, that was disrespectful). We had a lot of fun out there. We used to hear strange sounds but never saw anything. My older brother had a friend that claimed a trip thru there on a foggy night rendered a lot of mysterious hand prints on the the outsides of the car windows. I never experienced anything like that.

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