Fay’s House - Prince of Wales

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Shadowy figures and restroom lights that turn on and off by themselves are among the signs that spirits are present here. The ghost in residence is Fay herself, who worked in the 1970s at St. George Street Pharmacy as a short-order cook. She was said to be a mean-spirited and cruel woman who lived in this run-down house. She reluctantly called a repairman to fix some things, an presently got into an argument with him and ordered him out of her house. As she raced down the stairs to yell at him some more, she tripped, broke her neck and died instantly. After four days, the mailman noticed a smell and found the body. Fay’s apparition has been seen as well, a middle-aged, angry woman with mussed hair, and a smell of decaying flesh chased away families who tried to live here in later years. The current owners of the restaurant now here say the apparition still appears at times.

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Geographic Information

54 Cuna St
St Augustine, FL 32084
United States

Get Directions »
29.895788, -81.313736
St. Johns County, Florida
Nearest Towns:
Saint Augustine, FL (0.1 mi.)
Villano Beach, FL (3.0 mi.)
Saint Augustine South, FL (3.7 mi.)
Saint Augustine Beach, FL (4.3 mi.)
Saint Augustine Shores, FL (5.9 mi.)
Butler Beach, FL (7.3 mi.)
Crescent Beach, FL (9.5 mi.)
Marineland, FL (16.8 mi.)
Hastings, FL (16.9 mi.)
Palm Valley, FL (20.0 mi.)

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Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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  1. I randomly came across this website of FL haunts and scrolled down the list, this place is what stopped me to read more. My husband and I visited St Augustine for the first time last summer around late August. We were naturally intrigued with the city’s history and stayed at a B&B across from Fay’s Prince of Wales. We decided to check it out for dinner, and out of all the places we visited, this restaurant is the most memorable because of its uncomfortable vibe. We walked in and I wasn’t sure I could stay because the smell was so bad. I told my husband it smelled almost like decay. He didn’t smell anything. We were seated right near the bathroom and that’s where we both felt like we were being watched, and it was a very unwelcoming feeling. The longer we sat, the more the feeling of being watched in a negative way grew. My back was facing the restroom and I kept sensing someone was there. I kept looking behind me to see, yet no one was there. The feeling grew worse and we opted to move to another table near the front door, closer to the bar. It felt a little better but still uncomfortable, as if still being eyed. We both left feeling like there was definitely a history at this place that probably wasn’t good. Reading this website confirms what we felt,

    • Thank you, Susan! As a tour guide in St. Augustine I get mad when I hear people telling this lie about Ms. Faye! If it’s her haunting this house, no wonder she’s so angry with people lying and saying she was a horrible, mean person!

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