East 8 Mile Road

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Drivers at night claim to have seen a woman in white standing at the side of the road. Some say right after, the woman was seen in their rear-view mirror sitting in their car’s back seat. The apparition of a Native American girl has been reported along the same stretch.

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Geographic Information

E 8 Mile Road
Stockton, CA
United States

Get Directions »
38.0575833, -121.23395829999998
San Joaquin County, California
Nearest Towns:
Morada, CA (1.5 mi.)
Waterloo, CA (3.0 mi.)
Lodi, CA (5.4 mi.)
August, CA (5.7 mi.)
Victor, CA (5.8 mi.)
Lincoln Village, CA (6.3 mi.)
Garden Acres, CA (6.5 mi.)
Stockton, CA (7.6 mi.)
Woodbridge, CA (7.6 mi.)
Acampo, CA (8.4 mi.)


Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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  1. On North hwy 99 close to the eight mile rd my mom was on her way to work in the early morning hours when she saw a man running across the highway thinking she was about to hit him she slammed on her breaks, but suddenly the figure started to disappear, a couple of days later it happened again but this time there was another vehicle who witnessed it too.

  2. naruto bro's overalls  |  

    Many of the neighborhood’s along 8 mile road were built on Native American Camps and Burial Grounds by an unsavory and ruthless Real Estate Developer named Alex Spanos. He went as far as to have a 500 year old oak tree filled with Arrow Heads and other Yokut Tribe Artifacts torn out and removed. He was sued by Native American Rights Groups over the building of houses over such sacred land as this and was found guilty but, never paid any restitution or even a verbal apology. His headquarters stands right near the corner of West 8 Mile Road and I – 5. This unpleasant truth can be looked up on the internet easily enough , please read up on such.

    Anyone buying a house in North Stockton? DON’T!!!,Buy one in nearby Lodi or Acampo otherwise you’re risking spiritual difficulties or at the very least giving money to Despotic Men who’ve deeply dishonored the Yokut Native American Tribe’s Dead!

    • Do you know if swain road was built on a burial ground all of our apartments seem to be haunted people have told me right in front of my apartment by my door there has been seen several times dark shadowy figures floating above the ground I’ve tried to research but couldn’t find anything and my kids and I have been seeing alot of dark shadows in our house that move and hang up side down from our ceiling and they watch me sleep I’m freaking out

  3. 5020 E Mile road , Stockton ca, is where the kumeyaay Indian native girl lived with her family. The native girl suffered an accident on September 1 2013 the black 900 pound fence fell on the girl trying to save the fence from falling on her children., but neighbors claim, you can still hear her screams and the curses “she Instilled on the owner” for not having a secure fence” Her cries said that “he will suffer her agony, and that all future tenats will see her ancestors “rise and walk the mile, and forever war and whale on this property… and ever since many say she has appeared on 8 mile and by frontage road walking with sage in her hand….. She claimed a curse on the land, and anyone who rents that land gets burned out. the last tenants that were there were burnt out. The new owner purchased land and has had many tenant problems. The native ghost that are upon the land Were seen and at this time seen, picking Eucalyptus Leaves from a small Levi across the street from the property. She is also seen on walking and eating at Royce farms and many say claim she had a Handi-cap boyfriend on la loma way. and sometimes you can see her on Tudor rose were her Mi-wok friends are buried.

  4. I drove down E. 8 mile about 7 years ago, this was around 6am and I was badly lost. I thought I saw a woman walking along the side of the road so decided to stop and ask her for directions. She seemed to literally disappear, I couldn’t find a trace of her anywhere after I went back to find her.

  5. I am very familiar with these roads, but they still seem to turn around on you. Navigation gets lost. You can’t tell which way you are heading.

    • Yes, plainly stated, this area is haunted/plagued by paranormal activity. My parents built one of the first homes in Lebaron Estates, on Lebaron Dr. directly off of 8mile road. A few years after moving in, the paranormal activity began and didn’t stop until the house mysteriously burnt down. I would always feel as if someone was right behind me, every time I would go up the stairs, i’d get a sense of urgency. My friends would hear their full names being called and think that I was playing pranks on them. I got a mysterious phone call from an eerie man saying “I’m in your house” when I looked at the caller ID, this call came from my own phone number and I have no logical explanation for this. One night, around 2am, the house phone started to go dead and so, I went downstairs toward the office to put it on the charger, I didn’t turn any lights on, because I usually don’t mind the dark, but instead of going into the office, I went into the bathroom. confused as to what I was doing there, I quickly proceeded toward the office, but when I reached the doorway, there was a woman, a ghost right in front of me, plain as day. A woman dressed in an all white Victorian style dress, floor length, with the high neckline, and long sleeves. She had one hand directly over the phone base and turned her head toward me and stared directly at me. I was shocked and stood there for at least 5 seconds, staring back and paralyzed with fear, but after a few seconds, she wasn’t disappearing and so, I just backed away slowly without turning my back on the apparition and ran as fast as I could upstairs. After that, it seemed like everyone in our home began to notice the activity seeing, hearing, and feeling energies that were there. So many other incidents happened at that house, seeing shadow figures, or hearing the beating of Indian drumming, but the woman in white was so terrifying and that incident something that i will never forget.

  6. My wife and i have experienced a sense of positive energy towards us west bound of I-5..for years now..We have pecuilar experiences over the past 20 years . One in particular last spring just as the corn was planted in the field next to the golf course…WE were out running our dog alongside our truck like we’ve been doing for the past 20 years ( with different dogs of course)when i noticed a very large canine running in our direction ..As i was trying to blurt it out my wife says” look at that white wolf!!He was moving like thunder!! And he was LARGE!!!Our Dog paid it no attention…which was odd for she has a very high prey drive and dog agression .Reason why we run them by the field/levee……As this wolf came parrallel with us we stoped ….It stoped also..maybe 20 yards from us…He /It sat and looked right at us !! we were stunned and wowed over the sight of this no doubt 5ft tall wolf!!!That moment was brief and forever !! He raised his head and turned south and broke win ….and just vanished before our very eyes…!!! I was in such belief that we had to look for paw prints …none …..Ive been obssesd with wolves since childhood ….even more so now …

  7. I live near that area and drive that road consistently, I have never seen anything paranormal or even remotely so. Despite what another person commented, my GPS works fine in the area

  8. When I was a teenager i like to go by the first bridge and hang out. Around 12 am , the street light started to blink and shut off, moment later there were a shape of a human glowing seems to be swinging on top of the light pole( on bridge) like gymnastic i would describe. Only for about 30 second the it disappear. Then to street light came back on. Me and my friend knew it was a ghost. This wasn’t the only time that we witness something paranormal there.
    Years before me and my uncle used to go fishing under the same bridge and i told him I saw a boy jump in the water at night but never swim back up. Also there were no splash.

  9. We lived on Honeybrook Street and we’re often uncomfortable upstairs to the point we completely avoided the 2 front bedrooms upstairs. In the master you often saw someone out of the corner of your eye and dizzy on the stairs. It always felt like you were being watched and we started having life changing bad luck there. We were gone a lot for a few months while one of us was in the hospital and every time I came home there would be windows opened or unlocked. I felt REALLY drawn to the attic access door (by those bedrooms) 1 night to the point I brought a ladder upstairs. I felt like someone was up there or something was going on and when I opened it I smelled gas really strongly. We had PG&E come out and the line had been loosened…not broken or leaking and we had been there for a couple of years. Afterwards I went up there as I still felt like I needed to and found some “clothing and items” of an adult nature which we discarded without really thinking, but they looked to be really small or even child sized. It just always felt uncomfortable and like we were watched. Unfortunately the feeling followed to our next home and we left in a few months after my dog died there under questionable circumstances.

    My relative who came to the house a lot felt the same feelings and even got locked out of the house when going outside. Mind you it was a deadbolt that locked itself. She never shared her feelings until we moved and we compared stories one day after she told me she was glad we moved…

    • Typically if a ghost follows you , it is attached to you not a house. Unless you took something with you that “belonged” at the old house. Ghosts are tricky characters and you have to know what type you are dealing with. You are not “seeing” things, ghosts are real and need to be dealt with. I definitely recommend a professional to assist you if you are still feeling things.

  10. Richard Mendonca  |  

    When driving east down 8 mile as well as turking north on Jack tone road mostly late at night but some early morning hours I saw
    Out of the corner of my eye on the edge of my side of the road I saw what looked like a woman in white as I passed it took my breath away because as I turned my head to see if she was alright (standing on the side of the road in a nightgown) she was gone. Even now thinking of it my chest gets tight.

  11. Steven D Rossiter  |  

    Late 80s or early 90s a man who lived on 8 mile just east of 99 hit his wife and she fell down and died to his dismay. Neighbors saw him walking in a daze on 8 mile rd. they stopped and asked him if he wanted a ride. He accepted and got in. He said he needed to pick up his truck at a shop on 8 mile but there was no shop on 8 mile. Ultimately his strange behavior led to his arrest that day, but maybe lady in white is his wife trying to find the car he got in and drove away that day?

  12. I basically live on this road since my house is so nearby. I can’t imagine a day without driving up and down 8 mile. It has been one of the most peaceful drives especially when I’m on my way visiting Micke Grove. Nobody ever walks on this road. Occasionally I’ll see a runner getting excercise but only during the daytime. I do believe others have seen odd things but I think it’s a result of them manifesting negative things with their negative energy.

    • 11/10/19 Posting this on 11/11/19 at 1:25 AM from Morada. I was taking my dog, Kiwi, out for a walk at about 6 or 7 PM, it was dark out and the moon lit up the night. There is a road called OakWilde that is perpendicular to East Eight Mile, keep that in mind. I’m taking a left from another road, Greco, onto OakWilde towards my house. When I take this left I naturally look left but once i’m on OakWilde I turned to look right. This is where I see 7 or 8 identical silhouettes walking towards me in unison. The silhouettes were all equally spaced apart and appeared to be males of the same height and build, but just duplicated. I made sure that they were actual silhouettes and not trash cans or trees. I made sure they were people, or what appeared to be. One I knew they were actual people I was freaked out by the fact that they were all in the middle of the road equally spaced. Their arms and legs were all in sync and they were just staring at me and walking very slowly toward me. I thought about how likely a group of people would be walking this late at night and not be talking or laughing. It wasn’t likely for a family to be out this late walking that slow in a very organized manner. Their heads weren’t moving and they seemed stiff. Once I finished analyzing everything I whispered to myself “I’m faster than them…” and booked it at mach 1 back home.

    • I lived on ham lane off of eight mile for six years and my famiy and I heard a little girl scream so loud at least five times just out if the blue day or night it was scary then after we moved out I read in the paper years later about the screaming and I couldn’t believe it was a ghost we heard it was so loud

  13. I lived on ham lane off of eight mile for six years and my famiy and I heard a little girl scream so loud at least five times just out if the blue day or night it was scary then after we moved out I read in the paper years later about the screaming and I couldn’t believe it was a ghost we heard it was so loud

  14. Nanci from Santa Clara county  |  

    I had stayed on 8 mile at friends trailer on eight mile , I had nothing but the feel of bad energy without ever know of any paranormal activity tell later , it was night and we i was in bed and by the window I head like sound of hovering sound next to the window I sat there awake freaked out my friend was alsleep the only way I can explain it is how like Alien noise Like you see on tv hovering light sound very unusual enough that someone wouldn’t be able to do that it freak heck out me , I told my friend she said what did say to you! About some weird things that has happen while I lived out here i I was little passed she let me go there lol it scared me the air seemed so thick to me like I wasn’t supposed to be out there you when you feel something just not right I was only there few days on way going down eight there was guy on side road in Fidel position on the grass by the road when when came back the police where looking at him he was dead …we contacted sheriffs they said the family was notified .. all bad for my experience noting I’m hot on going back for !

    • Is everyone on this site slow? It’s like almost every comment is incoherent and hard to follow. No grammar or punctuation and spelling mistake put the wazoo!! Get it together people!

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