Cherokee Cemetery

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Legend has it that in the 1800s, the town sweetheart was murdered, and as punishment, her murderer was burned alive in his house across from the cemetery. Witnesses visiting the cemetery have heard his loud heavy footsteps. Another legend says that those who place flowers at a certain child’s grave, one who died on the same day as his father, the ghostly child will visit you that evening to thank you.

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Geographic Information

Off Cherokee and Crystal Pines Road
Cherokee, CA
United States

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39.64214899194839, -121.5315143465341
Butte County, California
Nearest Towns:
Cherokee, CA (0.5 mi.)
Yankee Hill, CA (4.3 mi.)
Concow, CA (6.1 mi.)
Berry Creek, CA (6.8 mi.)
Oroville, CA (9.0 mi.)
Paradise, CA (9.4 mi.)
Thermalito, CA (9.5 mi.)
Oroville East, CA (9.5 mi.)
South Oroville, CA (10.1 mi.)
Magalia, CA (12.0 mi.)


Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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  1. Several years ago while visting the Cherokee cementary. My kids and I put wild flowers on the really old childrens graves. For a month afterwards we had butterflies sent to us as a thank you. They landed on my car, next to my car, on me. Really bizarre.

  2. I lived near the Cherokee cemetery for years, right behind where the murderer was burned in his home. Many unusual things would happen at the cemetery and surrounding homes, one time after out of town friends thought it would be fun to visit the cemetery at night we had a couple weeks of music boxes playing by themselves, lights turning on and off and eerie silence when the area was a haven for many birds and bugs.

  3. Me and a friend were up there like a month ago and some punks had gone threw and broke some headstones, we were there at night and me and my friend were picking up the pieces and were gonna come back later and try to put them back together, about 5 minutes threw picking up these pieces we heard the loudest scream I have ever heard, and each scream happened 3 times and were followed immediately by a very loud rawr. The screams were ear pearcing

  4. Spooky if you ask me
    What if Concow Lake is haunted too due to the massacre of the Koncow Maidu Indians by the gold miners and army.The lake was dammed up to make it bigger as it is fed by two small creeks.
    Unmarked graves exist in what is now known as Camelot, on the north side of the big barn when you drive in. Camelot btw used to be the tribal village
    Strange sightings in that area too by some locals, including a chupacabra and bigfoot

    • I own the land the the maidu tribe lived on in the summer time. It is one street above camelot, curbycrrek. We have found many artifacts including arrowheads, spearhead, and bones,ect… years ago while living on my land I had a vision of the chief wearing his head dress and carrying a spear and club, which was the tradition. The following morning I found the spearhead on the ground by my tent. I still have it. The site is so full of angry spiritual energy that I became sick and was forced to leave my land. I have returned once a year since, and each time have had to flee home to chico with violent illness, nausea, ect lasting days. I’m am anthropology major and and after researching have found that as many as 200 indigenous maidu were killed there. I intend to investigate the property further next year 2017… after a heavy smudge by a shamen.

      • Gregg A Oberholtz  |  

        Jeremy i was in Berry creek in feb 2021 was with a friend not exactly sure where we were, we heard a strange langauge voices i have never heard before, the people had a camp fire going i could see strange figures in the fire so i pulled my phone out and started taking pictures, to my surprise after looking at the pictures i got the hell out of there as fast as i could.. the hair on my arms was sticking straight up. i have the pictures still. wondering if you have had similar experience, up there, i want to go back, up there some kind of portal to another world i am truely not sure what the pictures are alien cowboys angles i would like to go up there again please call me 530-575-9309 my name is gregg live in oroville

  5. My husbands family has lived in Cherokee for the past 15+ years. We live there now. Anyway, about 4 years ago my father inlaw was outside one night, gathering wood. All of a sudden he heard something moving in the bushes right behind him, then this horible noise/ scream. We know it wasnt an animal because it didnt move or sound like one. We think it may have been bigfoot. There have been a ton of sightings/ hearings of him up here.

  6. My Brother lives in nearby Paradise, so when I go to visit I like to go the the nearby, old cemeteries.
    We were at Cherokee Cemetery, and there was a fresh grave dug for a burial the next day I guess. The grave was right next to the main gate of the cemetery. I took some pictures of the gate and the grave. In the pictures were smoke like figures, one hovering over the new grave and one over the gate. We only saw the figures in the camera when view the pictures I had taken.

  7. My friends and I went to the cemetery one night to test out the myth. Guess what? Nothing happened! So if it is haunted it’s only the people living near it.

  8. It’s a lovely little cemetery and I’ve been there many times, mainly to paint a gorgeous old oak that’s in the older part of the place. No ghosts, no weird noises, just a lovely space to spend some quiet time to paint.

  9. I live near the cemetery for fun me and my son like to ride our bikes there. One day we looked at some old graves and it started to get dark so we got on our bikes to leave and near a woman grave unexpectedly I got strong smell of rose and vanilla purfume. It was a smell I had never smelt before and for some reason it seemed to smelled like old purfume. It’s possible there was a plant near by that I just got a woof of wind. Who knows?

  10. The graveyard is one of the most widely known locations infamous for housing apparitions and wandering spirits. Loud bloodcurdling screams and shouts can also be heard late at night, supposedly from the vengeful phantasm. Another spirit said to roam the grounds is the ghost of a young child. After his father died in the early 1900s, the young boy is said to have died on the same day feeling alone and abandoned. Many who have walked around the cemetery say that they often see a young boy hiding behind a tree or a gravestone. Another spirit said to roam the grounds is the ghost of a young child. Others have said they can hear the faint laughter of a child, and as quick as it comes it disappears into complete silence.

  11. I was out driving with my kids and there dad and i noticed someone standing by front entrance of the cemetery. I asked my husband if he seen anyone standing at the entrance, he said no and it was a woman dressed in a white gown.

  12. Nothing happens there I been there I lived up there in Cherokee I never seen any thing I been to the cemetery with video cam and other things never saw or herd anything

  13. Hi readers. Today I had a paranormal experience near the crypts of this cemetery. We placed some rosemary on graves and admired the blooming flowers. While walking near the back crypt my husband and I heard a vibrating creek like noise. One minute after this odd noise, we heard it again. Felt paranormal.

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