Carriage House Inn

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The inn, originally built in 1874 by sea captain John McGilvery, is said to be haunted by ghosts who appear in the windows and smoke cigars. The owners’ beagle Jimi, clearly freaked out by the spirits who reside here, chooses not to go into certain rooms. The staircase is said to be haunted, as it was the site of a death, and witnesses have heard unexplained whispers, music, and knocking sounds.

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Geographic Information

120 E Main St
Searsport, ME 04974
United States

Get Directions »
44.458324318222154, -68.91627453659288
Waldo County, Maine
Nearest Towns:
Searsport, ME (0.4 mi.)
Stockton Springs, ME (3.6 mi.)
Belfast, ME (5.0 mi.)
Swanville, ME (5.9 mi.)
Prospect, ME (7.0 mi.)
Castine, ME (7.5 mi.)
Northport, ME (8.6 mi.)
Waldo, ME (8.7 mi.)
Verona, ME (9.7 mi.)
Bucksport, ME (9.9 mi.)

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Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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  1. My wife and I went stayed in the Waldo Pierce Room on September 30 through October 1, 2012. When we walked up the stairs upon arrival we both heard faint music. The first night was uneventful. On the second night, we returned from Bar Harbor about 8;30 p.m. We noticed that the owner was gone. There were two other couples staying there. One was watching television downstairs. They informed us that there was an elderly couple that arrived that afternoon that had already retired to their room on the second floor. All guest rooms were on the second floor. When we got to our room, we both heard loud footsteps in the room above. This went on for several minutes. We went to bed about thirty minutes later. I the middle of the night, I woke up and went to the bathroom (our bathroom was located in a hall behind our room). When I came back, my wife grabbed me tightly. I could tell she was frightened, but she said nothing. About half an hour later, my stomach began hurting, and I told my wife I was going to the bathroom. I asked her if she wanted me to turn the lamp on because I could tell she was spooked about something. I turned said lamp on, and went to the restroom. When I came back, my wife sheepishly said she needed to go to the restroom. She reluctantly went. I finally feel back to sleep. Sometime later, I woke up because i was hot. I was sleeping on my left side, so I kicked the cover off my right leg. Soon after doing that, someone sat on my right leg…I could feel the mattress sink down and my leg move back. I immediately kicked out with my right leg into empty space. i kept my eyes closed and awaited first light. When we were both up, I told my wife what happened. She told me that the first time I went to the bathroom that night, she felt someone sit down in on her side of the mattress. She then looked over to where the dresser was, and saw a woman dressed in an old fashioned dress combing her long dark hair. I asked what did you do, and she said, ” I closed my eyes, because I did not want to believe it was happening”. We comforted the owner about our experience, and she said that the “ghost hunter dudes” that came to her house said that the hallway where our bathroom was located was the most haunted place in the house. She verified that there was supposedly an female spirit there.

  2. Not knowing the inn was haunted, my husband and I were awakened by the bed shaking. I was reading a book and at first thought a heavy truck went by and was rattling the old house, but it wasn’t rattling the windows or anything else besides the bed and I heard nothing. It happened 3 times and each time I looked up from my book trying to figure it out – are there pipes beneath this floor? Is it the heating system? Hmm? Finally turned off the lights and went to sleep, but suddenly felt the bed being shaken violently – DEFINITELY not a small rumble or passing vehicle! I sat up mystified, but finally layed back to sleep. We were the only guests at the time and the inn keeper was staying in the garage rooms. The next morning I joked, “anyone ever tell you this place is haunted? I think Earnest Hemingway was trying to chat with me LOL!” Only then did I learn about all the paranormal activity. When I went back up to my room (Waldo Pierce room) I tried everything to make the bed shake as we had felt it. There is thick carpeting so really no kind of stomping or rattling could move the bed. Except when I grabbed the footboard and shook it, and that was it! EXACLTY what we felt. So apparently, the spirit was playing with me. 🙂 When we left we took a nice picture for the inn from outside. Later back home, I read that the ghosts often appear in windows, so I took another look at my picture. When you zoom in on the window -there is a face staring back. No one, no animal, nothing living was in the house at this time. (The owner and her dog were on vacation and there were substitute keepers in the garage.) No screens, no sunlight, no other explanations, but what looks like a child is clearly visible. Would love to go back for the hospitality, more than the ghosts, but I hear it’s closed. 🙁 Use your photo editor to zoom in on the window and you can see it better.

  3. I moved into Waldo Pierces house right after his daughter Karen moved. I was a friend of Waldo’s son John. The house was as Waldo had left it. Basically, the bedrooms on the second floor were available as well as a small den off the living room and the kitchen. The big formal living room was full of boxes and Pierces possessions so I never went in there.
    The first night I went to bed I chose the room at the head of the stairs. My small son was in the room closest to the front of the house.
    It was eerie climbing the stairs and I had a difficult time going to sleep ( thinking at first it was just a strange place I wasn’t used to)
    In the middle of the night, I kept hearing what sounding like footstep or knocking above me.
    This would stop and then start up again through the night.
    In the morning, I closed the door, and went to sleep in the front bedroom with my son. I heard nothing there . But the stairwell always gave me the creeps and I hid out in the evening in the small den. All was fine during the day but I hated when evening came. People laughed at me at the time but I guess since I was there others have experienced similar occurrences.

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