Bass Cemetery

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Screams are heard and a heavy presence is felt.

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    Geographic Information

    Bass Cemetery
    Birmingham, AL
    United States

    Get Directions »
    33.5745935, -86.67259810000002
    Jefferson County, Alabama
    Nearest Towns:
    Irondale, AL (3.2 mi.)
    Trussville, AL (4.8 mi.)
    Center Point, AL (5.0 mi.)
    Grayson Valley, AL (5.4 mi.)
    Chalkville, AL (5.6 mi.)
    Tarrant, AL (5.8 mi.)
    Mountain Brook, AL (6.8 mi.)
    Fultondale, AL (7.3 mi.)
    Leeds, AL (7.6 mi.)
    Pinson, AL (7.9 mi.)


    Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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    Comments (21)

    1. I’ve been at night with friends, and at a certain time each night you can see a ghostly figure hanging from the large tree in the middle of the cemetery. I’ve researched it and apparently mr. bass was murdered by hanging on that tree

      • A couple of friends and I visited Bass a few nights ago. There was no doubt that it was pretty creepy and gave us all weird feelings. One of my friends took a photo with an unexplained figure. We decided to split up and look around. It was getting dark and I was looking to see where everyone was. Underneath the large tree in the middle of the cemetery, I saw what I believed was my friend. A few moments later when I looked back, I noticed my friend was on the opposite side of the cemetery. I was sure my eyes were only playing tricks on me until I saw your comment.

    2. 2011, I was out there with friends around 3:00a.m. I was sitting on top of the concrete memorial when my friends sstarted running. I followed them to the car. When I caught up to them I saw the windows of the car fogged up with hand prints all over the windows. They said something chased them away from the memorial I was sitting on

    3. Me and a few friends went and we had our flash lights on well one friend was asking if anything was there and if they could turn off the flash light it automatically went off and came back on after we got to the car

    4. We went there last night it was too windy no evo but a lot of physical contact and visual…multiple time we all saw a white light on the tree in the middle

    5. I vistited this place with some friends back in 2007 and was crazy. We heard growls and screeching sounds , even though we never left the car we all saw what looked to be a man in all black with a black hat. Whatever it was I know it wanted us gone!

    6. This cemetery is a family cemetery where my own family is buried and I have never heard of any of my relatives being murdered there and I’m willing to bet it’s about as haunted as any other cemetery is. The damage to the gravestones of my ancestors and other family members (some dating back hundreds of years) can never be repaired and has probably been hastened along by people prowling around in the cemetery in the dark because they want to see if it’s haunted. Groups like this just keep the myth alive that Bass Cemetery is haunted which just causes more destruction to the cemetery. I guess when it’s not your family then you don’t care.

      • Nobody else would respond to you, but I will. I have had two family member graves desecrated because they each sat under a Confederate stone, in one of my family cemeteries in Danton Virginia. In another family cemetery in Mine Run Virginia, all of the approximate fifteen stones were broken and torn out by the new purchaser of our farm; a very special farm that Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson himself, and army, had to cross as they left Chancellorsville. At least of the two, that cemetery destruction is recorded fact.
        You could not have said it better, “I guess when it’s not your family then you don’t care”. Folks please have respect and reverence for the dead. Most of them have loving family still behind to bare the sadness.

      • I agree! My family and I went to visit the cemetery about a year ago. In one section, nearly all the headstones had been pushed over. There were nerf guns, skoal cans, beer bottles, etc just lying around. The only things haunting this cemetery are stupid, disrespectful kids. What they are doing is illegal & something should be done about it.

    7. I’ve been there, saw some interesting stuff and got a picture of a black figure beside a gravestone. Maybe just a shadow, who knows. I understand why you’re upset about the vandalism Mary Allison, but I don’t think that the problem are people who are just curious. When I’ve been, I always went during the day. It’s clear that the gravestones that are messed up have been vandalized intentionally. It’s not from people “prowling around to see if it’s haunted”. It’s from people who are malicious and who have no respect. I get the novelty of it and the curiosity. However, if you must go, it is better to go during the day so you aren’t accused of desecration the graves. You can still get evp’s and pictures in broad daylight.

    8. I just want the family members of those who are buried here to know that not every teenager who comes to the cemetery comes to vandalize it. I personally come to pick up flowers and clear off gravestones regularly in order to pay respects.

    9. Colleen Elizabeth  |  

      My husband and I just left there it is a beautiful but sad place nothing spooky or eerie happened but we still have not gone through all the videos and pics most of the old stones and grave markers were broken and knocked over but u could still read some.

    10. As we drove in there I heard noises that sounded like men singing..( I was wondering if it could be old slave noises because it is an old Civil War cemetery or it could have been spirits left from Devil worshiping rituals that happens there often). I begged my friends to leave the graveyard and I asked them if they heard that singing and everyone thought I was crazy because I was the only one that heard it. the same night I saw a white figure leaning up against a tree.. I don’t know what it was but when I got out of the car with my friends I got this electric feeling of an uneasy feeling..I felt as if spirits were all around me. My brother said something grabbed his ankle and my other friend said he saw footprints walking toward him and something ran through his body.

    11. ive been to this cemetary many times with my friends late at night. weve heard childrens voices in the woods & caught some pretty strange lights and orbs in some pictures. the last time i went, we heard an eerie scream and weve never been back since. that was 5 yrs ago.

      • Me and some distant relatives drove by the entrance and heard a high pitch screech. That sounded nothing like a train. It was unexplainable. Me and my girlfriend were the only ones who got out of the car. We started walking the path. There was a strange light up the path but no post or anything to hold it. We called our ride back. When we got in we explained what we saw. My girlfriends mom was driving. She said when she dropped us off and drove away the high pitch stopped. Idk what it was. But we have an audio recording if anyone would like it.

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