Avebury Church

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A local riding past the churchyard on a bicycle reported seeing a tall white apparition standing there. I myself have visited this church, and have seen a shadowy figure sitting at a pew near the front. After mentioning this comment to a local, he reported having seen strange lights and hearing weird noises in the church.

(Submitted by Callum Swift)

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Geographic Information

Avebury Church
High St

Get Directions »
51.42860282778762, -1.8579057455281145
Nearest Towns:
Winterbourne Monkton, UK (0.5 mi.)
Beckhampton, UK (0.9 mi.)
Avebury, UK (0.9 mi.)
Berwick Bassett, UK (1.5 mi.)
Yatesbury, UK (1.8 mi.)
Yatsbury, UK (1.8 mi.)
East Kennet, UK (2.2 mi.)
Winterbourne Bassett, UK (2.7 mi.)
Fyfield, UK (3.3 mi.)
Broad Town, UK (3.8 mi.)


Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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Comments (4)

  1. My husband and I were walking through the church yard just before dawn and I took a photo or two, hoping to capture so huhmething other worldly and we maybe did – a large fog like shape showed up on my camera but we saw nothing like that with our eyes, everything seemed clear to our eyes. We both elicited a “wow” and I immediately took more photos but the possible apparition was gone. We’re both pretty certain it’s not fog in the photo.

    • My camera captured a huge cloud-like formation, yet our eyes saw nothing unusual, and the world around us seemed crystal clear. There was a shared “wow” and I snapped additional shots right afterwards, but the probable ghostly figure was gone. There is no way there is fog in that picture, agree both of us.

  2. Omg just seen your post,I also took a picture of a very strange white fog,and like you,nothing was visible to the naked eye,definitely NOT hot breath or CIGARETTE SMOKE as I wasn’t smoking and my camera was at arms length…I also.cought evp in the church entrance

  3. The Strollers Tale  |  

    I think I may have captured something on film on Autumn equinox in the graveyard, I was filming the sound of the birds in the tree and noticed a white light catch my eye, thought nothing of it until I posted it up and noticed a white animal shape jumping out twice from behind a gravestone in the background. If you have a flick through this post you will see the video, it’s very odd

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