Anchor Inn

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We are a 100 year old Family restaurant, lounge, old hotel. We have decades of witnesses to paranormal activity dating back to the 40’s & 50’s. We have everything from full body apparitions, shadow figures, orbs, mists, objects moving, foot steps, voices, doors slamming, faucets on/off, electrical disturbances, people being touched, etc. We are featured in the Haunted Travels of Michigan: Spirits Rising book 3. We have been visited by numerous paranormal investigators, whom have collected alot of eye witness accounts, photos, EVP’s like crazy & other evidence. We have a history of being on Indian land, Logging land, a Brothel, and connections to Capone & the Purple Gang. There is also said to be a vortex in front of our building to the other side. We are about 150 feet from the lake, which is the biggest inland lake in the state. And an expert has proven 2 major geographical Ley lines intersect right here by us. Most all who visit & investigate get evidence or have experiences of the paranormal kind. (Submitted by Ronda)

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Geographic Information

1781 Heightsview Drive
Houghton Lake, MI
United States

Get Directions »
44.32619686707596, -84.77061344682625
Roscommon County, Michigan
Nearest Towns:
Houghton Lake, MI (0.8 mi.)
Prudenville, MI (6.2 mi.)
Roscommon, MI (14.8 mi.)
Saint Helen, MI (18.0 mi.)
Harrison, MI (21.3 mi.)
Lake City, MI (22.0 mi.)
Grayling, MI (23.3 mi.)
McBain, MI (23.7 mi.)
Marion, MI (24.2 mi.)
Jennings, MI (26.1 mi.)


Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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  1. Alyssa Grabowski  |  

    So me I have been in the women’s bathroom there and I have heard someone messing with the locks in the stalls, sounded like someone was locking them to use the restroom, and nobody would be in there but me. Also some friends and I and my mom have had the lights flicker in the bathroom. My mom was also sitting in the bar area and on and off would feel a cold breeze come over her with no doors being opened. Anchor inn is really haunted and I think everyone should go there to experience it for themselves!

    • Yes we have had several paranormal groups & researchers & authors come through and collect evidence of the haunting. UPPRS (Upper Peninsula Paranormal Research Society members of TAPS), Haunted Travels of Michigan authors Kathleen Tedsen & Beverly Rydel, Samantha Harris (demonoligist/author/Americas Most terrifying/A Haunting), Paranormal Relief Team, Paramyst, AlliParanormal Team, Deb Derousse & Debbie Marcum (Mystic Awakenings Radio)…..All have documented & verified evidence of our building & property being haunted. You can also catch us in an episode of Destination Michigan in Nov. 2015 and a new book coming out next year, as well as a new TV series coming out soon.

  2. My grandmother owns the Inn & I worked at the Anchor Inn for a couple years bartending & waitressing. I have had numerous experiences myself. I have encountered shadow figures in the kitchen while i was washing dishes several times. I have seen the figures in the hallway & diningroom area also. I have heard noises, footsteps, voices & music in the building while i was there alone. I have heard & seen doors open & close on their own. I seen a apparition of a young women walking in the hallway upstairs in the middle of the daytime. It is very active and sometime I would get creeped out in there by myself.

  3. My wife conducts the Haunted Ghost Tours at the Inn. Almost every person that have been on the tours, have had personal experiences, seen or felt something, heard something or been touched. I have witnessed the noises, the footsteps, seen objects move, seen an apparition of the old owner upstairs & shadow figures, been scratched and have had many experiences. As well as my wife, my mom, my son, both daughters, and several of our family members & friends & customers. We keep a book log of customer experiences and reports. The area is extremely active!

  4. I am the owner of the Anchor Inn. I have had many experiences in the building downstairs & upstairs. I heard foot steps, while alone in the place. I have heard voices & whispering. I have seen the doors open & close by themselves. Heard dishes in the kitchen moving around. I seen a full apparition of a young lady. She was young about early 20’s, light color hair just past her shoulders wearing a light colored old fashioned gown. I have also been touched and felt cold spots. I hear reports all the time from employees & customers about paranormal activities.

  5. The Anchor Inn located in Houghton Lake Heights has a long history. The heights was the hot spot. Personally, I have seen and heard multiple discarnate entities both upstairs and downstairs in the bar/restaurant. I have had dog spirits curl up around my feet when having supper. There are energy lines outside The Anchor Inn which can be sensed and documented with either pendulums or dowsing rods and extend out into Houghton Lake. There does seem to be a regular group of spirits which remain at Anchor Inn. And there are also transient entities. The women’s bathroom has activity and if you don’t want company, then tell the residents to stay out while you use the facilities.

      • Ronda, I am interested in possibly doing an investigation here for my YouTube channel. A close friend and fellow YouTuber would join me as well so you could be featured on both of our channels. Please let me know. Thank you

    • I was there this past Saturday and I will assure you…the entities are REAL! If you are sceptical please go and find out for yourself. This is not a joke this is real for sure!

  6. This place for sure has entities. Experienced it myself, well my daughter did in the woman’s restroom. She freaked out , her eyes got big, the color of her face she turned pale and the fright in her eyes and on her face was not fake. Just her look scared me. We both ran out of the restroom and that is when she told me that something touched her. She felt a hand slide up her thigh. she was shaking so bad. It is a perfect place to get spooked. Would like to go up around Halloween. Can’t forget the good food and awesome people.

  7. Mike Winter & Jeremy Cox  |  

    Hello Rhonda, My name is Mike Winter and me and my best friend Jeremy Cox have heard about your haunted inn. My friend says it sounds like the real deal. I have never seen a ghost but i would like the experience. My friend however has told me many cases where he has had an encounter. I have been told by him about many things that have happened to your guests and employees. We are starting our own team of ghost hunters so far its just me and my friend. I would like to have you guys as our first stop. As of right now we have a few spots in Michigan to visit including: Nunica Cemetery and the infamous Seven Gables property. We would like to see photos if you have any you can send us and would like to be a soon to be guest. Thank you Rhonda hope to hear fro you soon. -Mike Winter & Jeremy Cox-

  8. As of Sept 2020 The restaurant & lounge have been closed. We are still doing our fall Halloween activities- Haunted House, Haunted Hayrides, Psychic Fair and events. Haunted tours will go thru Sept and pick back up in November. We are working on repairs and restorations this year, we plan to restore our hotel into a AirBNB.

  9. Hi my name is Mandy born and raised in Houghton Lake and I have been at Anchor Inn for a haunted tour and I have seen shadow people and heard extremely cool EVP’s it was soo awesome!! My husband, best friend and her daughter and I had an absolutely blast!! Ronda and Jason are phenomenal hosts!!! We can not WAIT for their haunted house!! It is absolutely amazing!!!!!❤ best haunted house EVER hands down!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Many Years here now and still daily experiences, daily reports from visitors, numerous investigators and para teams, etc with TONS of evidence.

  11. Upstairs I have seen the “creeper”. Have experienced something leaning/looking out from some of the several bedroom doors. Numerous EVP’s have been recorded, people being touched, sudden cold spots or the room turning cold. Downstairs have seen movement in the kitchen (lights off at night and no one in there) And hearing an ice machine drop the ice and there is no ice machine in the building. And then of course there is the basement…..

  12. Having the opportunity to work at and on the Anchor Inn was a special experience.
    Working the bar, watching bar stools fall to the floor, bottles getting moved and all the noises from the kitchen.
    Hearing the bathroom stall doors open and shut, music playing in the hotel when I was the. Only one in the building.

  13. Donna Roberts lmt  |  

    This is an amazing haunting.From bordello ladies to children and more.Our team has investigated and picked up evps. Shadows, scratches, voices and more.The owners are amazing people with many experiences to share.

  14. I didn’t tell my wife anything about it ahead of time. We pulled up on Saturday morning and sat there for 5 minutes. She told me all of the energy from the entire area are focused on that place. And that someone died in a car accident (but didn’t die FROM the car accident) right at that corner. She said he fell suddenly ill and crashed. Possibly within the last 30 years. She also said the house directing across the street is one of the most tense, scariest places she has felt.

    Then I read to her this page.

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