At this 1890s inn, both the guests and the staff have heard the sounds of writing and footsteps, witnessed doors that open or close by themselves, and felt a chilly presence.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 316 Charles St
Sistersville, WV 26175
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 39.5631484, -80.99645320000002
- County:
- Tyler County, West Virginia
- Nearest Towns:
- Sistersville, WV (0.1 mi.)
Paden City, WV (4.2 mi.)
New Matamoras, OH (4.6 mi.)
Friendly, WV (4.7 mi.)
Sardis, OH (6.1 mi.)
Middlebourne, WV (7.0 mi.)
Antioch, OH (7.7 mi.)
New Martinsville, WV (9.3 mi.)
Hannibal, OH (9.8 mi.)
Graysville, OH (11.8 mi.)
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Disclaimer: The stories posted here are user-submitted and are, in the nature of "ghost stories," largely unverifiable. HauntedPlaces.org makes no claims that any of the statements posted here are factually accurate. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends.
WE stayed here this past summer not knowing it was actually haunted. We did however get a little information on it after we checked in by the owner of it’s haunting past. I’m not one to believe in such things, but I will say, our family had a hard time sleeping, just know the history. lol. I was wide awake at 4 a.m. from footsteps within the halls.
And now you know why I am hesitant to tell ghost stories. Yes, we will usually tell stories (all in good fun) because people ask us to. Is it haunted? Sure!
I will happily charge you more for haunted rooms!
If you dont like ghosts, I will happily charge you more for a non-haunted room!
And remember, The Wells Inn is the grandest hotel in Tyler County! (We are the only hotel in Tyler County.)
Charles Wells is said to have never left his beloved hotel and is still occasionally seen here. He likes to move things around and is known for strange noises he causes at night, particularly the sound of footsteps and a fountain pen against paper heard scratching in his former office. In addition to Wells, other strange activity reported at the hotel include an elevator going up to the third floor when no one is there, doors opening and closing and the strange case of Room 324. At least one maid reported that the door was “stuck shut” after she finished cleaning the room. She tried three times to open the door only for it to open easily on the fourth try.
I stayed here was in town on business some 25 years ago. My employer made the travel arrangements and I knew nothing of its history before staying there. One night the lights came on, the toilet flushed and there was knocking on the door but no one there. Upon eating breakfast the next morning, I mentioned what happened and was asked by the server what floor I was on. I replied 3 and was told that floor was “haunted”.
I spent a few nights here several years ago prior to it being sold to current owners. It started with the elevator allowing my dog and me in then slamming shut and whisking us to a floor we never punched. My coworker was with me and the door slammed before he could enter. He came up the stairs. Another time when I was alone I sat straight up in bed awakened by children dragging chairs across the floor and dropping a large object (like a bowling ball) on the floor. The next am I asked the desk clerk how long the family above me were staying. She informed me there wasn’t anyone staying there and no kids in the whole hotel. I know what I listened to for about 15 min so I requested a key, looked at the room and not only was it unoccupied but the way on which the beds were spaced, there was no way chairs could have been drawn across. Very freaky. One morning the whole floor reeked of Old Spice!
My wife Elizabeth & I (Bogar) were there in 2003. Yes, I am a witness that there is a ghost, actually, I saw two.
I had a conversation with a girl in an elegant pinafore dress (she was about 8 or 9 years old), she asked me if I had seen her father, I answered “No” she just left laughing and jumping and skipping. Then, about 15 minutes or half an hour later, I had a nice conversation (for about 5 minutes, including a handshake) with Mr. Ephraim Wells, he was a well spoken and good host, welcoming to his hotel and thanking me for my support, also wishing us a great stay.
Then, I went to the lobby and talked to the lady, and to my surprise, I saw a Picture frame with the gentleman I just spoke to, and I said to the lady at the front desk “That gentleman is nice, i just talked to him, what is his name? He told me just Mr. Wells”, the lady look at me with open eyes and just said “Well, he is dead and you just talked to a ghost as some other have done”, I got freak out. I never went along anymore around the hotel.
Very nice Hotel and people working there. My daughter wants to go there and we also would love to visit it again. But, no walking alone, HAHAHA.
Bogar Guzman