Weary Road

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The most realistic story about Weary Road of Evansville Wisconsin involves teenagers “car surfing”, not slowing down for a curve in time and being killed when they were ejected off the vehicle into a steep ditch or the creepy treeline. Another involves more teens playing chicken on one of the longer stretches of road (pictured) by driving at each other at speed with the lights off, and wrecking head on when they misjudge the length of road. It’s pretty popular today for younger generations to repeat this, though doing some research I haven’t found any evidence of car wrecks. There have been reports of phantom motorcycles, cars and trains (Chicago-Northwestern tracks cross the north portion of road.), dark figures and imps passing in front of or behind vehicles traveling the road late at night, green glowing near the bridge, screams and inhuman sounds, scratches showing up on bodies, if you stop your car on the bridge the car won’t start back up again (this happened to me personally in my brand new car full of people, 2008), sightings of a ghostly girl in the woods, “Mr. Weary” making appearances on the road at night (supposedly after visiting 3 or more times).

(Submitted by Milo)

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Geographic Information

Weary Road
Evansville, WI
United States

Get Directions »
42.7584565, -89.24065350000001
Rock County, Wisconsin
Nearest Towns:
Evansville, WI (3.3 mi.)
Footville, WI (6.3 mi.)
Orfordville, WI (9.1 mi.)
Hanover, WI (9.2 mi.)
Brooklyn, WI (9.3 mi.)
Edgerton, WI (10.3 mi.)
Albany, WI (10.6 mi.)
Stoughton, WI (11.0 mi.)
Brodhead, WI (11.9 mi.)
Janesville, WI (12.4 mi.)


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  1. Some friends and I went up there and parked our car before the Bridge, we all got out and walked. You could tell that some local kids would try to mess with us as they would drive by, however there was one car that was particularly creepy was really dark and dark tinted window just following us around. We did hear moans of some sort, which later may have been a cow in the distance. The only things I found to be real was we did go into the corn fields as we were scared of the cars that were messing with us, and I cut my hand. I saw the blood and felt it and once i got out of the corn field and shined some light on it, there was no cut and no blood. Like it just disappeared! I cannot explain this for the life of me and will forever confuse me. As we were leaving there is a farm house near buy and saw a man just standing there not moving and it was late at night in the dark. Not sure what that was all about but was definitely creepy.

  2. My best friend and I went driving to see if the road was really haunted. When we turned onto Weary road and drove just a short distance,her headlights started flashing on and off. There was no way she was doing it because we were in a old Ford Mustang, and you literally had to pull on a lever to turn the headlights on and off. I would have seen her pulling it, but she wasn’t. Her dad is a mechanic so we asked him to look at the headlights, to see if there was a short circuiting problem. He looked them over and there was absolutely nothing wrong with the headlights. It never happened again.

  3. I live in Evansville and grew up here. The story about the boy who died car surfing is true since I knew him and went to school with his sister.

    The road isn’t as creepy anymore since they cut most of the trees down years ago. My friends and I went out there once back in 1996 (we were 16 at the time) and the only thing that really happened was after we parked the car on the bridge and began walking down the road, a cat jumped out at us. Other than that we thought we might had seen car lights coming down the road, but that was it. I haven’t really been out there since, but if you’re looking to just get yourself scared, it should do the trick, despite no longer having the trees that gave it its eerie vibe.

  4. A butcher hung his entire family and the family dog from the rafters. He cut out the second story floor to do so. The house has since been torn down. The house was on a hill near some cornering fields. I know for a fact it was haunted still in 1994. I could tell my experiences but telling would pale in comparison to experiencing the blood curdling feel the place gives or gave.

  5. I’m a paranormal researcher. And as a paranormal researcher I encounter a lot false paranormal activity. However, I traveled there and picked up several ghosts voices off my phone before I switched on our EVP. It told us to leave now. As most of you search for ghosts or demons. Just take control and please be safe. This is no game to be played with. They can hurt you badly.

  6. Hello, I just told a story last night to radio show before doing research. I had a hairy big dog come rushing at my girlfriends car. I was in the passager seat while she was driving. The dog got to the head light and vanished. If there was another car on the coming from other way. We would have killed them and us on impact. There was no loud thud and we didnt have damage to the car. Stoppes the car looked around and nothing. This is right when hit town coming from janesville. You go past few farms than pass the cemetery on the left side. Very lucky to talk about the experience and thank you all for proving what i saw to be not a real dog. Sorry for the souls lost on them roads.

  7. Tis is totally bs literlly ive been there several times and gotten out and screamed things to purposly make “mr.weary” and whoever else mad, like really upsetting things. nothing has hapened to me. at all.

      • Been doing this for years and its always the same doubters. Here’s and idea: sometimes our own energy prevents anything occurring. The apparitions or evps that happen need reciprocal energy in order to line up with us to be seen or heard.
        People who doubt or non believers or whatever, we need them too because it makes us stronger in proving what our sensitivity or instinct is telling us.
        Maybe it’s just better for you nothing occurs.

  8. My dad used to live across the street and he said old man weary killed his family and burned the house down he always saw the ruins of the house form his window and saw people looking out the window at the weary house

  9. Is it really haunted? Our first time going out there was interesting. We happened to run into another group that was also ghost hunting. They brought a ouija board and as it moved to “goodbye”, I picked up a growl on camera and something touched my right arm. We saw the blue HID lights that the new police vehicles have and we booked it out of there. I have better camera equipment now so I’m planning on taking another trip out there to investigate.

    • “Yes it is real “me and my girlfriend went out there 3times since July. First time on the bridge we saw shoes by them selves on beige . Then when we came home that night her car was totaled by a drunk driver that night . We went back another night weeks later ,there’s a little girl that peaks around the trees and looks at us.We made a video to big to text but slowed it down and saw the little girl in cloths from fifty’s looks like she has a basket in her hands and is about 6 I wonder who she is. Adam and Sarah

  10. Was just there about 5 mins ago for the first time. Definitely a creepy vibe standing on the bridge. Feels like you shouldn’t be there.

  11. My friend is from Stoughton so I have been out there quite a few times. I have sat on the bridge with my car even with a ouija bored and nothing out of the ordinary, However there was one time we were driving down the road and half way down the road headlights appeared behind me out of no where and they were like right behind our car. The road is so dark that you could not miss a car coming up behind you nor is there barely room to turn around and you can only get on the road from either end. Scared I sped to the end of the road where there is actually a house with a barn which I pulled into quickly and turned off the headlights like in the movies. A car never came out. I have not gone back after that

    • Been doing this for years and its always the same doubters. Here’s and idea: sometimes our own energy prevents anything occurring. The apparitions or evps that happen need reciprocal energy in order to line up with us to be seen or heard.
      People who doubt or non believers or whatever, we need them too because it makes us stronger in proving what our sensitivity or instinct is telling us.
      Maybe it’s just better for you nothing occurs.

  12. Mike, a different Mike though  |  

    If you go on the bridge, or a few feet after it have your car in neutral while it is off. Leave the lights on though, incase anyone is coming so you don’t get hit. It is a level surface, but if you wait a bit something moves your car. Some nights are stronger than the others, had it roll quite a ways once.

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