At this 1851 hotel, said to be Savannah’s oldest, many haunts are said to reside. The building once was used as a Civil War hospital and also saw an epidemic of yellow fever. Rumor has it that the bones found under the floorboards during renovations to the building were the amputated limbs of soldiers. Strange activities known to happen here include faucets and lights that work by themselves and unexplained voices heard through the hallways.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 123 East Broughton Street
Savannah, GA 31401
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 32.07842035734016, -81.09043613070753
- County:
- Chatham County, Georgia
- Nearest Towns:
- Savannah, GA (0.7 mi.)
Thunderbolt, GA (3.9 mi.)
Garden City, GA (4.5 mi.)
Whitemarsh Island, GA (5.5 mi.)
Port Wentworth, GA (6.5 mi.)
Isle of Hope, GA (6.9 mi.)
Vernonburg, GA (8.0 mi.)
Wilmington Island, GA (8.6 mi.)
Pooler, GA (9.5 mi.)
Montgomery, GA (9.7 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:
- http://www.marshallhouse.com/
Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
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Disclaimer: The stories posted here are user-submitted and are, in the nature of "ghost stories," largely unverifiable. HauntedPlaces.org makes no claims that any of the statements posted here are factually accurate. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends.
My fiancé and I stayed at the Marshall House for one night over the summer. At the time, we didn’t know its history and just saw that it was a cool hotel for a pretty inexpensive price point on Expedia. That night, laying in bed and watching tv, we heard what we assumed were families out in the hall. It sounded a lot like children running around and people talking very loudly which was odd for 12am. However, when I looked, there wasn’t anyone there. We heard the same sounds intermittently until we fell asleep. I wouldn’t call the experience scary, just weird.
I had the EXACT same experience.
We stayed in this hotel one night, and the architecture of the building is incredible. However, much to our dismay, we did not experience anything. Yes, I was disappointed 🙁
In 2010 I was passing through with a friend in early February. The hotel was closed for spring cleaning. Having been a frequent guest, I was able to get the Mary Marshall Suite (right above the stairs). There was one elderly couple staying in the back of the hotel, and there was only one person at the front desk. They locked us in at night and so after a good night of showing the town to my friend, he grabbed the pull out couch and I took the bedroom.
The next morning I had a fantastic night’s sleep, he on the other hand barely slept a wink. I asked him to tell the front desk what he told me, and waited for his reaction.
Friend: “I could not sleep at all lastnight, those kids were running up and down the hall all night and I went to go yell at them but could not find them”
Hotel: “What do you mean, kids?”
Friend: “You know the sound of little kids shoes on the hard wood floods in the hallway”
Hotel: “But sir, the hallways is carpeted” (turning to me) “How was your night?”
Me: “I always sleep like the *dead* when I am here, the ghosts know me by now”
We shared a smile and my friend spent the car ride back to Austin watching every haunted video and reading every site about this place.
Last summer my wife and I stayed in the Joel Chandler Harris room. I first night I heard my door handling jiggling like someone was trying to open it. I looked at the door but there was no shadows, you see under the door easily because of the bowing of the floor. The second night I woke up to voice of a man saying, “Hello? Hello?”. The voice was clearly in the room and not the hallway. The room is located at the end of the hall and nobody came near it.