Monticello, FL is considered by many to be the “Most Haunted Little Town in Florida”. The Palmer House is one of the most active spots in town, and has been investigated by many regional ghost hunting operations.
There’s quite a little story to this old house:
Dr. Palmer was the local mortician who rumors say would experiment on the bodies before they were buried. He also believed bodies should be buried with their blood, so he kept the drained blood from the bodies in a bucket. Once the casket was laid in the ground, his assistant would dump the bucket into the grave before it was covered up. One night during an argument, the assistant threw a bucket of blood at the doctor, leaving a stain on the wall. Through many attempts, the stain could not be removed. Finally, the wall was completely replaced.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- Palmer Mill and South Jefferson St.
Monticello, FL
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 30.5437843287239, -83.87035837771685
- County:
- Jefferson County, Florida
- Nearest Towns:
- Monticello, FL (0.1 mi.)
Aucilla, FL (8.2 mi.)
Lloyd, FL (10.1 mi.)
Waukeenah, FL (10.4 mi.)
Lamont, FL (12.0 mi.)
Wacissa, FL (14.6 mi.)
Greenville, FL (15.2 mi.)
Boston, GA (17.8 mi.)
Thomasville, GA (21.2 mi.)
Quitman, GA (24.9 mi.)
Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
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Disclaimer: The stories posted here are user-submitted and are, in the nature of "ghost stories," largely unverifiable. HauntedPlaces.org makes no claims that any of the statements posted here are factually accurate. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends.
This house was the ONLY house on the walking ghost tour that could actually be haunted. The ghost hunters that do the tour mentioned during their investigation ending up huddled together in the middle of the house in terror by the end of the night. Probably because the ghost of Dr Palmer knew they were making up lies about half the town being haunted when it wasn’t. Either way, super creepy property.
you’re partially correct. my friend’s grandmother owns the Palmer house, it’s extremely haunted by more than one ghost. however the other sites are equally spooked. orbs have been seen floating past the courthouse. other houses have plenty of activity as well. just because you are a doubty doubterton does not make them less Present.
I lived in Monticello, Florida about 15 years ago. My Ex and I rented and moved into a very small house directly across from the historic jail house. A few nights a week we would not be able to sleep at all until daybreak. The jail would erupt in loud banging, Screams and worse. We would hear something walking by our windows most of the evening. We called the police multiple times and no evidence was found that people were actually there. After one horrible night we had our windows knocked on most of the night. When again we called the police, we were told in private that this house barely had any residents stay past a few months BY AN ACTUAL OFFICER! We were told that back when the jail was in operation that the town did hangings on Thursday or Tuesday and we realized that our sleepless nights were always the night before “hanging day”. Needless to say, we couldn’t last more then 2 months at the house. As far as the Palmer house and other haunted locations, YES!! Believe the stories! We saw and heard things all through the town. I even had a something whisper in my hear and grab my neck in a old bookstore in the middle of the day!. This town belongs to the dead!
My husband is a direct descendant and looks a lot like Dr Palmer.
Wow. He sure does. I am a direct descendant as well. We live in Tennessee.
I do not know this man.
thought maybe this was Dr. Palmer— Taken October 2020
Palmer House is my FAVORITE spot on the tour.
First visit, while they guide was telling us the history of Dr. Palmer my phone started RANDOMLY taking photos by itself. I know what you’re thinking— I touched something. Went to tell the guide about what happened. this time holding the phone at the edges, it did it again.
My next visit there, we got to go inside. Downloaded a fun “ghost speaker” app that went BONKERS when I walked on property. We got to go inside and see all the items; hieroglyphs on mantel, baby carriage that moves from room to room, and the beautiful Creole lady portrait. ALL while my app just screeched “DANGER” “DEATH” “HEART” and then before leaving screaming my newborn son’s name. Once leaving the house, the app kept saying “door” “threshold”. we held a camera out and sure enough, a blue orb right on top of the door that quickly sped away.
My next visit, We were listening to the history, talking about the elixir he created for Malaria called “666”. I had a feeling I was being watched. Saw a black shadow across the wall (lights were on inside) and I Promptly took shots of the door. SURE ENOUGH– if you look closely at the photo, you can see a face staring back at me. Also– tour guide pointed out the statue in the garden had moved. Didnt see anything but took photos of it. I have been back 2 time since. she’s facing a different direction, and this weekend, she was smirking..
t felt very Eerie. photos of strange GREEN lights above the tiny house that also appeared in photos of the Denham house AND High school!!!
Upon my next visit, we
I stayed there for a couple of months in the 1990’s and had several encounters with more than one ghost! Great memories!