There have been many reported ghost sightings at My Old Lund Store. before the restoration TAPS family investigated the store. It is documented haunted. The sound at night of a crying child upstairs. The sound of someone whittling. At one investigation a wheel chair that was left in a bedroom spun around and chased the team from the room. During the restoration workers would leave before dusk one worker staying in the house next to the store awoke in the middle of the night to get a drink of water. He saw a Man walking in the field to the store then he just vanished. The woman that sings near the Motel opening has startled many. I live here now and had thought I was crazy for when I awake in the morning it looks as though the antique dolls have had their hair changed. One night I took photo’s before bed. Yes the dolls hair had changed. People that do not believe in ghosts stay here and become believers. The property sits on a major stopping point on the Oregon trail. The findings of the investigation is property and house haunted.
(Submitted by Jeanette D)
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- Fish creek Rd
Bancroft, ID
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 42.642399621112546, -111.88693052652525
- County:
- Caribou County, Idaho
- Nearest Towns:
- Bancroft, ID (5.4 mi.)
Lava Hot Springs, ID (6.5 mi.)
Grace, ID (9.2 mi.)
Soda Springs, ID (14.4 mi.)
Arimo, ID (15.5 mi.)
McCammon, ID (15.6 mi.)
Downey, ID (19.1 mi.)
Inkom, ID (21.5 mi.)
Oxford, ID (27.4 mi.)
Georgetown, ID (28.5 mi.)
Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
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Disclaimer: The stories posted here are user-submitted and are, in the nature of "ghost stories," largely unverifiable. HauntedPlaces.org makes no claims that any of the statements posted here are factually accurate. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends.
Hi i was wondering if this is a motel
We are now the owners of the old Lund Store. It is now a short-term vacation rental and has been renovated inside and outside. Sorry, but no ghosts here!
I 3ill strongly disagree with you. I could always here a baby crying when I was in the upstairs bedroom, a woman singing in the kitchen when no one else was there, computer chair would spin by ita self in the middle of the night.
So my great great great grandparents actually lived here when the original store was open. My grandfather was friends with the owner and came to live with him. My grandfather eventually moved his family to Burley idaho when his wife was murdered/suicide. During that time suicides were not allowed into the cemeteries and so when they found my grandmother all that was left was her bones. So my grandfather put her bones in a sack and carried her everywhere he eventually moved back to the store and one night the store burned down along with my grandmother’s bones. They built the new store which stands today and they say it’s my grandmother that haunts the place. I got to see the place before it was sold to the new owners and it felt like I was walking back in time and I felt such a connection to the place probably because of my family history. So if its haunted I believe it’s my grandmother.