Langston's Western Wear

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The 1919 building that houses Langston’s Western Wear was originally a dance hall and bar. It is said to be haunted by two ghosts, Rose and Patty, who are trying to find each other. The 1920s-1930s women were sisters and taxi dancers at the dance hall when a jealous boyfriend shot Patty in what is now the children’s clothing and women’s boots section on the first floor. Rose then hanged herself in an upstairs rooms. Employees have reported feelings of dread and fear when standing at the foot of the stairs to the second floor. They also claim lights turn on and off at will, an unseen presence follows them around the second floor, and one time an employee was shoved down the stairs by cold hands.

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Geographic Information

2224 Exchange Ave
Oklahoma City, OK
United States

Get Directions »
35.45248600000001, -97.55402199999997
Oklahoma County, Oklahoma
Nearest Towns:
Oklahoma City, OK (2.4 mi.)
Valley Brook, OK (5.4 mi.)
Smith Village, OK (5.4 mi.)
Warr Acres, OK (6.1 mi.)
Bethany, OK (6.3 mi.)
Del City, OK (6.4 mi.)
Woodlawn Park, OK (6.8 mi.)
Nichols Hills, OK (6.8 mi.)
Forest Park, OK (7.0 mi.)
The Village, OK (7.5 mi.)

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  1. Langstons is a beautiful ole bulding rich with history as with most at the stockyards of okc. I been shopping there since 1978 when it was Teners western wear. They since moved to meridian and Langston moved in. I last went there the 18th of Aug 2020 with my daughter and bought a pair of jeans and shirt. While talking to the sails lady in the wrangler jean dept I sparked up the conversation about a woman that died upstairs. She confirmed it and said it was the pink room #21 is where she took her life. I told her I wish I can go up there and she asked the manager and got the ok. She said they keep rm 21 locked no ones allowed in it. I said ok, me and my daughter and two sales ladies went up the ole wooden stairs in the ladies dept, the 2nd floor was all original with wooden floors. I was told the upstairs was the brothels with numbers affixed above the doors. We continued to walk down the narrow hall ways most of the rooms are for storage now but all original, then we came upon the pink room #21 above the door a room for the ladies at the time to change and wash. The wall surrounding it was pink, it was pad locked, like she said strange things have happened in there. I didn’t feel any presence all though it was eerie looking. I was more interested in the history of it, fascinated by the old stairs, doors, walls and fixtures all were original. As we left we came down the west side of the stairs but the door was locked and the sales lady told the other to pick it or push it, she said it wouldn’t open the lady told her in a panicky voice to knock on it, I saw she was in a panic state of mind an d said to them both lets just go back down the other stairs and they said ok. So we proceeded back up and walked towards the other stairs and during our short journey I can see the sales lady seemed anxious and was in a hurry to leave. So we came upon another set of stairs as we approached i got a little dizzy bumped in to the boxes in the hall and then bumped into another set of boxes, finally we came to a narrow wooden stair case that took us down to the first floor in the men’s jeans. There are three stair cases that take you down. Besides loosing my footing and witnessing the saleswoman getting exited, it all went well, it was nice of her to go out of her way to show us upstairs, its nice to see untouched history.
    She didn’t mention anything about Patti in the girls section where she died. That’s the stairs we took to go up which is the east side of the store. Then again she hadn’t worked there that long probably didn’t no about the murder.
    Next time I sop there I’ll tell her.

  2. Around 10 years ago I did a floor joist repair job at Langston’s factory seconds store in the old building right across the street to the north of Langston’s main store in the OKC Stockyards. The employees there told me about being touched etc in the long dark hallway to the restroom. Also the second floor was abandoned with existing paint and wall paper and doors still there. Very erie up there. They say it used to be a hotel and brothel up there and downstairs was a saloon.

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