Reports say the site is haunted by the ghost of a little girl who died of an illness. Witnesses have seen and heard her, and in one instance she was found playing with a living boy’s toys. She asked the boy to play with her, but when he screamed, she disappeared.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- 329 N Dearborn St
Chicago, IL 60654
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 41.88830307118987, -87.62923915344243
- County:
- Cook County, Illinois
- Nearest Towns:
- Chicago, IL (2.9 mi.)
Cicero, IL (7.1 mi.)
Oak Park, IL (8.0 mi.)
Berwyn, IL (8.9 mi.)
Stickney, IL (9.2 mi.)
Forest Park, IL (9.5 mi.)
River Forest, IL (9.5 mi.)
Elmwood Park, IL (9.5 mi.)
Lincolnwood, IL (9.6 mi.)
Forest View, IL (10.1 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:
- http://www.houseofblues.com/venues/clubvenues/chicago/
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Disclaimer: The stories posted here are user-submitted and are, in the nature of "ghost stories," largely unverifiable. HauntedPlaces.org makes no claims that any of the statements posted here are factually accurate. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends.
I sincerely doubt this place is haunted. I was just there not too long ago. No part of this place gives off a creepy vibe, or gives you the chills. There’s no way.
It’s haunted!!! I saw a middle aged/older woman (dressed in clothing from a period long ago) in my room when I stayed there in 1999/2000. I woke in the early morning to see a woman staring at me. I went through a rational thought process of it being my female business colleague (who stayed in a separate room) and I thought, oh well she can sleep in the other bed (it was a double room & I was in the bed furthest away from the front door) and then quickly snapped out of it and said to myself she has her own room why would she be in my room, I opened my eyes again and that’s when I could see it was a woman clearly (w/ angry face) staring at me. I then thought this is a stranger/intruder in my room – I laid there with my eyes just open enough to see – she was there staring at me & she still didn’t look happy. I laid there thinking of what to do – I decided I was going to reach and turn the light on and then charge her or run after her when she ran for the door (fortunately, there was a switch right next to the bed). HOWEVER, when I reached for the light and turned it on she was gone. This is what makes this story interesting — I called the front desk and simply asked, ‘had anything significant ever happened at the site of the hotel’ (b/c as the person above points out, its not an old or historic looking building (e.g. PreWar). I asked another question that any tourist could have just asked (I don’t recall what it was right now). She said immediatley, “No, why did you see a ghost?” My response was, yea, I saw a ghost, I’m in my twenties and not some nut job.” I asked if anyone else had ever reported seeing a ghost and she said, “No.” Anyway, when I met up with my colleague, she could tell I was shaken up and I was pretty pale (like “I had seen a host.”). My story has never changed in all this time. I did stay at the hotel 1 other time after (not the same room) & didn’t see anything – but I slept with the bathroom light on… Scary & Cool experience for sure!
i was there in a concert and all the light when off..
This can not be… no way… I have performed there 2 times. once was in 2013, and there was a boy in the back playing with his cars. a few minutes after he screamed and started to cry. I was feeling bad,, but this can’t be him… also know in 2015 in march i had another performence and all the lights turned off. This is too creepy.
My husband and I stayed there several years ago. The first stay there, and first night staying there, I was taking a shower and realized I had forgotten my razor to shave. When I asked my husband to bring it to me, he said the door was locked. I didn’t lock the door. But, I didn’t read too much into it, since I just figured I had accidentally locked it when I closed the door.
The last night of our stay, I was getting ready for a dinner out. My husband told me he would wait for me in the lobby, as I was still putting on some make-up. I grabbed my favorite MAC lipstick from the bathroom and was preparing to put it on, when I decided to grab my eyeliner from my makeup bag. So, I set the lipstick on the bed and I went to the bathroom to retrieve my eyeliner. When I went back to the bed to pick up my lipstick, it was gone. I looked on the floor, had it rolled off? Hmmm, maybe I put it on the desk, not the bed? Not there. I looked under the bed (wood slats). I thought it was odd, where did “I” put it? My search was interrupted by my phone ringing, “where are you?”, my husband asked. I left the room. I didn’t think twice about it, until I got home.
My husband was unpacking our luggage. When he asks from across the house, “where do you want me to put your lipstick?”. I had hairs rise, behind my neck! “What lipstick?” , I asked (but I knew). “This one”, he reaches out and hands me my MAC lipstick. I asked him where he found it. He said it was in the side pocket (zipped shut pocket) of our duffle bag. That bag sat under a table in our hotel room, our entire stay! It was nowhere near the bed, where I had placed my lipstick. “Playful” little girl ghost, indeed!
P.S. We stayed at the House of Blues, again since that incident. I was a bit scared, but curious (we loved the location and Hotel). We didn’t experience any ghostly visits.
I am getting confirmation about this place as I have been curious if others had experiences at this location and found this site. I stayed at this hotel in 2010 I believe. In the middle of the night I was awakened by somebody grabbing my left arm as if trying to wake me. It shook my arm about ten seconds. I laid in bed afraid to open my eyes! It was a hard enough shake that the bed creeked! Wish I could recall the room number but it has been many years. Should have told the front desk on checkout!
Me and my friends where just in the bathroom, no one was in there accept for us. We where talking by the sink. And the toilet suddenly flushed! We ran out because it was pretty creepy.