One night i was leaving my ex Noah’s house with 2 of my male friends at the time and we had parked the car uphill at the fork in the road. The address I provided is directly across from that fork in the road where the spirit appeared. I’m certain because I used google earth to zoom into that spot to give an accurate location.
That night, It was pitch black and i could barely see my friends in the dark as we walked from Noahs front door uphill towards the fork in the road where I had parked my clunker. It was shortly after midnight and in that part of the Hollywood Hill’s, there are no street lamps and it is very wooded so it gets very dark at night. When we were a few yards from the car, we stopped dead in our tracks. I new my friends and me were immobilized, as if we all sensed the same localized energy. I saw an illuminated figure standing behind a trashcan. He sort of just APPEARED, if that makes sense. At first it was just a floating head but then the whole figure appeared. It had no feet. My mind was racing and i tried to comfort myself by saying its just a neighbor standing behind some trashcans or something.
But for being the middle of the night- it wasn’t possible somehow in my mind anymore and the more i stared at “him”, the more frightened i became. First of all- it was so dark that night in the hills that i could hardly see my friends who were standing right NEXT to me. So why on earth is this figure, who is yards away so fucken visible?!, given that were was no lighting at all. I knew there was something not right about the person at first glance. They were illuminated and glowed a ghastly white color in the darkness. That was not normal. It was not human- i mean, at least not a living one. Everything about them from head to bottom was white and glowing. They looked like someone stepped out of a hollywood set who was portraying a ghost, except no hollywood makeup could create what i was seeing before me.
It was clearly a very ancient spirit of an old man- he looked native american. He had long, waist length white hair and he was wearing a torn and tattered garment that looked like a robe. It was tattered to pieces, shredded even. I was so afraid. He looked right at me. It was the first time in my life i was face to face with a ghost and the most terrifying experience i have ever had up until then. His eyes burned into mine, penetrating my soul and shaking me to my very core. His eyes communicated anger, pain, sadness, fury, and outrage- all at once and they were staring right into mine. I don’t think i can ever possibly explain how terrifying it was. But i knew he was specifically communicating to me and only me. I don’t think i will ever forget that horrific face and those eyes- burning into mine. He spoke to me with only his eyes. I knew he was saying something very firmly along the lines of, “Get away from here. You don’t belong here.” In hindsight, him appearing was a warning sign to leave the canyon and never come back.
A lot more happened that night and long story short- the car would not start (great, fucken great, worst time for the car to not start) so we ran back to Noahs house and called him out (he was sleeping). Meanwhile while waiting outside in the dark of the night- my 2 homeboys went across the street to piss in the bushes and while standing there i looked to the next house down the hill and saw a woman standing there, smoking a cigarette. Given that it was the middle of the night i thought that it was extremely odd that this woman was smoking a cigarette alone. She stood in the shadows smoking her cig and i saw the orange glow of the cigarette in the dark. She was dressed oddly for the situation: in a tank top and skirt. She looked like she was dressed for going out. It was not normal for her to be standing there so nonchalantly smoking a cigarette- she didnt even seem to take notice of us. Considering that i was with two really thugged out looking homeboys- any regular woman would have gone back inside or at least showed a change in compusure seeing us there- but she was unchangeing. I took a few steps forward her and it didnt take long to realize that she was also a spirit. At this point my senses were on the fritz. I was mad with terror. A lot more happened that night but this has to be a to be continued. Writing about it and reliving it is even overwhelming from it. I suffered from post traumatic stress for months after that night. Unfortunately- that is not the end of my hauntings- although nothing has compared to the sheer terror that i felt that night.
BTW just an interesting fact. That part of Horseshoe Canyon Rd. is terrifying at night. You would not want to walk your dog alone late at night, you simply feel overwhelmed by the ancient wooded energy around you. The coldness and stillness of the air. I am very sensitive to spirits and energies. I used to live in the house a few houses down from this haunted location and I experienced many spirit there as well.
Right down the street from us is Phil Specter’s home where he killed the girl he took home and found guilty.
Just at the intersection is the home where porn actor John Holmes was murdered along with 3 others, their mangled bodies found in 1981. It was called the Wonderland murders. For the longest time I felt the residual energies of all those event’s hovering over that dark neighborhood and it’s haunted past.
(Submitted by Tammy)
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- Horse Shoe Canyon Rd
Los Angeles, CA 90046
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 34.11487457267557, -118.37807925043307
- County:
- Los Angeles County, California
- Nearest Towns:
- West Hollywood, CA (2.0 mi.)
Universal City, CA (2.2 mi.)
Hollywood, CA (3.2 mi.)
North Hollywood, CA (4.0 mi.)
Century City, CA (4.7 mi.)
Sherman Oaks, CA (4.8 mi.)
Westwood, CA (5.1 mi.)
Burbank, CA (6.0 mi.)
Van Nuys, CA (6.4 mi.)
Culver City, CA (6.6 mi.)
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By the way, this is Tammy the original poster of this story. If anyone would like to reach me or share a similar experiences if you’ve lived in the Hollywood Hills.. my email is xfxgsrh @ hotmail . com
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