Legend has it that at this bed-and-breakfast inn, an old woman’s ghost has been spotted by many. She is said to be the wife of a former lightkeeper.
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Geographic Information
- Address:
- Summer St
Florence, OR
United States
Get Directions » - GPS:
- 44.1374073, -124.1281702
- County:
- Lane County, Oregon
- Nearest Towns:
- Florence, OR (10.8 mi.)
Yachats, OR (12.1 mi.)
Dunes City, OR (17.6 mi.)
Waldport, OR (20.2 mi.)
Gardiner, OR (28.2 mi.)
Reedsport, OR (30.1 mi.)
Alsea, OR (31.2 mi.)
Winchester Bay, OR (31.9 mi.)
Newport, OR (34.7 mi.)
Toledo, OR (34.7 mi.)
Contact Information
- Web:
- http://hecetalighthouse.com/
Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.
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Disclaimer: The stories posted here are user-submitted and are, in the nature of "ghost stories," largely unverifiable. HauntedPlaces.org makes no claims that any of the statements posted here are factually accurate. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends.
Shortly after moving from the beach in Ventura, Calif to Yachats, I had the most amazing opportunity to have a special Christmas visit and tour of the beautiful and newly restored Heceta Head Lighthouse and Bed and Breakfast. I had only seen it from the Coast Hwy. but had yet to actually take the time or opportunity to get this close to one of my most favorite fascinations ever! I invited a friend that had been there before and it was a great visit and a fabulous tour! The night was gorgeous and even the stars were out! It was one of the most beautiful and memorable nights on the coast ever! It was when my friend and I returned to Yachats that things took a turn. My friend and i had decided too take a little walk on the beach near my house. There is a set of about 3 stairs to access the sand and trail. As it was dark and I knew my friend did not know the path, I walked in front of her showing her the rail to lead her down a couple steps. I asked her to hold and I heard a strange voice say, “Okay.” As I turned to see that my pal was okay behind me, I was suddenly looking at a little girl (of about the age of 7 or 8). My friend is in her 40’s. I then looked up and saw my friend looking down too. I immediately said to her, “You may think this is crazy but I just turned around to check on you and was staring at a little girl.” She looked at me and replied, “dark pig tails and glasses?” OMG! We both saw her! Right away we just kinda chuckled and said okay we have baby with us! We later began talking about it and wondered if maybe she did not follow is from the lighthouse. After seeing this site I had to offer our experience. It was not scary in any way either. just very unexpected, to say the least.
when i was a young girl probably kindergarten my mom and my dad and my brother and me we stay at a rental house near by the beach but i was no where near the Heceta head lighthouse. but when we stayed the night there it was a very windy stormy night. and i remember dreaming, my family and i were at the beach and it started to get dark, and this old lady came down to us would you like to stay the night, it’s getting dark out there. so we agreed to stay with her for the night. then dad and i were laying down next to each other and my mom and the old lady were talking to each other in the kitchen. my question is to this dream i had can the old lady who stayed at the Heceta head lighthouse. Can she give you dreams?
oh yeah, can someone tell me if my dream had to do anything with the Heceta head lighthouse, and can you please give me an answer.
Yes quite a few years ago I had heard the stories my sister actually got to go in the house well we happened to have a school field trip their and the stories were that it was sited in the top right window well as we were all standing there as a group I was staring at the window and a figure started to appear at first hardly noticeable to full flowing old style dress and a figure of a woman then she would fade back out again at first I thought maybe it was a hologram but I started asking my friends if they could see it and they could not so then I thought maybe it was a film on the window so you had to be at the right angle nope not it either so we took a picture as she faded in again and nothing was on the film well we headed up to the light house for awhile and on the way back down I saw a young girl standing there staring at the window she must have heard my friends and I talking well before I was able to get down to the house she stared screaming and took off running I looked up and saw the figure again, so I rebuked it in the name of Jesus and told it to go back to where it came from because I don’t believe in ghost of people only the holy ghost other than that they are demons posing as people as to put fear in people so they have less faith in God satan is a schemer and we have to be on our guard! Anyway from that day forward I have visited that place a half dozen times and have not seen the ghost figure since! If it is able to come back or another is sent in its place I will be back I am a God fearing man not a demon fearing man.
The tour guide will tell you stories of you ask about it. Many people have had experiences, non threatening.
Some workers were doing construction stuff in the attic and has broken a light bulb, they went down to get a broom & dust pan and when they came back up the glass looked like it had been swept into a pile
My ex-husband and I were married in the guest house. The night before the wedding my ex was taking a bath in the clawfoot tub in our room. Suddenly a large scratch appeared on his leg and then after a few minutes it disappeared. My friend who conducted our wedding ceremony is a psychic medium and she said that when she was arriving the night before she looked up and saw a woman in the window.