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This ghost town is referred to by some as the “Village of the Damned.” It was a settlement that began in the 1740s, and is situated in the middle of a forest. No buildings remain, only foundations, but reports say many spirits linger here, some of whom have been captured on film. Orbs also have been reported in the area. This is now privately owned land, and entry is forbidden. Reports say that in 2011, eight people on a film crew were arrested here by local police for trespassing.

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    Geographic Information

    Cornwall, CT
    United States

    Get Directions »
    41.84527780000001, -73.33138889999998
    Litchfield County, Connecticut
    Nearest Towns:
    Falls Village, CT (7.8 mi.)
    Sharon, CT (7.8 mi.)
    Bantam, CT (9.7 mi.)
    West Torrington, CT (9.8 mi.)
    Lakeville, CT (10.0 mi.)
    Litchfield, CT (10.0 mi.)
    Winchester Center, CT (10.8 mi.)
    Kent, CT (11.2 mi.)
    Torrington, CT (11.3 mi.)
    Amenia, NY (11.6 mi.)


    Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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    1. I was here years ago before one would get arrested for trespassing. At the time there was still an old general store and I think a church. Very eerie to even walk through in the day time. Some very cold spots along the road into town. Many people you talk to in the abutting town (Cornwall) will advise to stay out and not for the reason you would be arrested. I recall calling the corporation back then to ask about the property and was told there would be no discussion on the topic. End of story. I would love to go back though.

      • I have heard so many creepy things about Duddleytown. I have always wanted to go and visit creepy places. But as from what I have been noticing and reading, I’m not sure. I’m not scared, I’m never scared of creepy places. But as for this. With how u can feel the cold presents of someone walking by u, and people stating that there have been murders there that have happened. I don’t know if I wanna. I know that it is private property and all, but I think they should allow people to go through there. Let people experience the chills and be able to look and see the orbs that are going past them.

    2. I visited Dudleytown about fifteen years ago or so, being a resident of Torrington, CT. My interest lay in the fact that I am related to the Dudley family through Sir Philip Sidney whose mother, Mary Dudley, was a lady-in-waiting to Elizabeth the first. Sir Philip was first cousin to Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester who had a dalliance with the Queen and perhaps even sired Arthur Dudley who roamed through Europe claiming to be her son. He disappeared after visits to Spain, said country ruling the waves along with Britain at that time, the Spanish Armada still being in existence. With a great deal of Dudleys eyeing the throne and many meeting the chopping block, many of the family Got Out Of Dodge so to speak and landed in Connecticut. I visited Dudleytown, before the police closed the area with my daughter and the Torrington Historian along with his two collies. A gorgeous Fall day and yes we saw bird life, bug life and the two dogs romped about the whole time we were there, evidently not picking up on the Hysteria canines are supposed to react to in the presence of unworldly creatures, probably slept half the afternoon away after return to Torrington. My daughter took photos of the various foundations and on our way out, we saw a “message” left no doubt by visiting teenagers in small colored stones: “DIE”. I burst out laughing and shouted out: “I am family and these are my friends!”

      Re all the tales coming out of the area in the years, the area was not hospitable: Indians, poor soil, numerous trees shutting out a good deal of sunlight and Rocks. My husband, in digging a trench in the backyard to forestall collection of water which created our own ice-skating rink commented to me he could not understand HOW the colonials ever made it in CT—wherever you dug, rocks and more rocks…..which made a good deal of fencing along the roads. The area was eventually abandoned by those colonials who simply gave up. Haunted? Perhaps, but these stories of no creatures living in this “dead area” are simply not true but make for great ghost stories et al. come Halloween. Many Dudleys distinguished themselves over here, one even becoming Governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

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    Disclaimer: The stories posted here are user-submitted and are, in the nature of "ghost stories," largely unverifiable. HauntedPlaces.org makes no claims that any of the statements posted here are factually accurate. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends.