Chandler High School

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One of the oldest high schools in Arizona, it was founded in 1914, two years after the city was founded. The oldest part of the building, called “Old Main”, seems to be the hottest part for paranormal activity. Voices and ghostly apparitions are experienced on the second floor.

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Geographic Information

350 N Arizona Ave
Chandler, AZ 85225
United States

Get Directions »
33.30797, -111.84248300000002
Maricopa County, Arizona
Nearest Towns:
Chandler, AZ (0.1 mi.)
San Carlos, AZ (2.7 mi.)
Gilbert, AZ (4.4 mi.)
Sun Lakes, AZ (7.0 mi.)
Mesa, AZ (8.0 mi.)
Guadalupe, AZ (8.2 mi.)
Tempe, AZ (8.3 mi.)
Tempe Junction, AZ (9.4 mi.)
Santan, AZ (9.5 mi.)
Queen Creek, AZ (12.7 mi.)


Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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  1. Jasmine Hernnadez  |  

    I go to chandler high school and it is haunted some tims you see a person looking out the window on the top floor of old main.teachers say there is no basement in old main but i found it but the door was locked.I saw stairs going down then it just goes black and swear ther was another door with a lock on it.I’m just scared if the ghost gets angry one day with all the stories.

  2. In the middle of English which is in room M207 (old main, top floor) I can hear voices saying stuff like: “come close…” I ask my teacher “what?” But she says nothing.

  3. I just started going to chandler high and me and my friend were heading to English class and we took the door to the old main on the far left and when we got in we saw two doors under the stair well and one door had a small window installed and I could see the stairs going down and the inside looked creepy as hell and I noticed the door was the only one in that had a different kind of lock outside the door

  4. Well I go here and one day my friends and I were at the school pretty late (about 7pm — we were doing a project). And after we finished two of us were walking down old main. And we were just talking and joking but then we heard a bang behind us. So we turned around and caught a glimpse of a man going the other direction. I’ve never ran out of a building that fast, and I still avoid that part of the hallway as much as possible.

    • Select an image for your comment (GIF, PNG, JPG, JPEG):sean  |  

      i “bet” u would not not be lf your lyourfao if u had to spend the night there (for free) in a sleep over)
      bresfest would be provided to u by : jack & j i ll ‘s diner
      on the menu from diner u’ll have side order of frog legs/with a cup of ranch to dip them in cup of ice warter mac & cheese and a nice big marshmellow sunday for dessert now whos got the last ( laugh ) now and also make sure u bring a clean pair of shorts becuase if u c a ghosts and u dont have the shorts “u r on your own”

  5. ur home boy pauly d  |  

    OK so like yesterdsay me and my friend weere doing hw and its was 5 30 or smthing like that ,, anyways we wer waliking through the 2nd floor of old main and it was really dark by this time, we heard a really loud bang and we ran like hell , hioy shit , , i mean like while we were running we saw someone standing at the end of the hallway i almost pissed my pant

  6. I went to school there and its tolly hunted near the upstars computer lab
    I was in there i herd foot steps in the hallway Then i felt some one taping me on tne shoulder and i looked the sperat was gone but i did herd some voices in tne hallway and the hallway was empty

    I wnet to school at chandler high school from 98 to 2002

  7. My husband and I just returned from a 3 night stay there. We had no idea of the hotels history (or even that it was old) until the last night when the bartender started telling us stories. I’m usually pretty skeptical, and didn’t think much of his tales… until he said that his cell suddenly fell of the table, twice. that got my attention! The previous day, as I walked into our room’s bathroom, I heard a thud, and saw my phone on the ground. At first I thought my hubby had knocked it of the counter, but he wasn’t in the bathroom. It was super weird at the time. THEN my husband shared that he heard kids voices giggling a couple times the night before, but when he looked, he didn’t see anyone around. Both times, we got a strange feeling about it.

  8. Holy CRAP!!! It must be Truly Haunted!! It seems to be so haunted, that NONE of the Students and Former Students that contributed stories to this post, were ever able to learn Writing, Spelling, Sentence Formation, Punctuation, or ANY other BASIC SKILLS, that would prove they can function, or even read…

    Maybe the Chandler High Ghosts were angry and just Extremely Cruel, and Punished the Students by somehow just TAKING all of their abilities to ever become normal, functioning people! This is Horrible! Are they still “Teaching” at this Terribly Haunted, “Special” School?? Maybe that should be stopped… Just Saying..

  9. lmfao ..? – Look if u go to this (haunted school) to see if it relly is haunted be careful and if u decide to stay all night for a [evp session] i wish the best of luck becuase the ghost told me by postal mail u wont b lmfao if u have to eat brekfest there at the school that will be (provide by>jack & Jills all night diner (it’z a town population of > (ZERO) and u might want to pack a over night bag a nice clean pair of shorts, underware becuase if u see this ghost who haunts the ghost u might need them.
    good luck

  10. Some 1 needs to put there arm around the ghost and tell him everything will b ok just make sure his dog doesnt eat his homework assignment

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Disclaimer: The stories posted here are user-submitted and are, in the nature of "ghost stories," largely unverifiable. makes no claims that any of the statements posted here are factually accurate. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends.