Bauxite Historical Association Museum

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This historic 1927 building, now a museum of artifacts from the town’s mining days, is reported to be haunted. Witnesses have heard disembodied footsteps, and one employee reported that one night when she was leaving work, she felt a ghost jump onto her back as if it didn’t want her to leave.

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Geographic Information

6706 Benton Road
Bauxite, AR 72022
United States

Get Directions »
34.555122858180276, -92.51035587591855
Saline County, Arkansas
Nearest Towns:
Bauxite, AR (0.6 mi.)
Bryant, AR (3.1 mi.)
Benton, AR (4.4 mi.)
Salem, AR (5.8 mi.)
Alexander, AR (6.5 mi.)
Shannon Hills, AR (7.9 mi.)
Haskell, AR (8.1 mi.)
Tull, AR (8.3 mi.)
East End, AR (9.6 mi.)
Avilla, AR (9.8 mi.)

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Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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Comments (35)

  1. I saw through one of the windows a woman looking out that looked like she was in Victorian clothing or something. She looked at me. One of my friends said something and I looked away. When I looked back, she was gone.

  2. me and my family went to see everything an we took pictures and that night when i looked back on my phone there was nothing their dismorning when i took the pictures but that night i saw a angry face right up on the camera like it was taking a selfie but it wasnt smilind and on that picture it said in letters written on my camera it said dont come back i never went back to that museum

  3. Having gone to this school for four years (The high school is hardly 200 ft from the museum), and frequently visiting at night. I certainly believe that the entire area, stretching to Pinehaven, is haunted. Voices, laughter, footsteps, howls and screams (unmistakably human), can all be heard through out the night, not only at the museu, but at the schools, and the surrounding woods.

  4. I attended Bauxite the 2 years following the old school burning down and during my senior year my drama class put on a play in the museum. I worked the backstage stuff for the play (props, makeup and so on) and while in this building I would hear footsteps that belonged to non of the other students or staff quite often. Also, the old gym by the football field has something in there. I went in there one time by myself and lets just say that was the LAST time i ever entered that gym alone.

  5. Yesterday for Halloween, me and my friends went here. We seen a man ghost out a window. We kept walking and it seem like if it was watching us go around it.

  6. My name is Jason and i went in there for once ans was terrified of what i saw, I played the Ouija board in there by my self and did a dumb choice and look in planchette and what i saw will never go away

  7. I went to see it before at night and saw nothing before i heard a loud bang and when i looked back someone was there but disappeared before my eyes

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Disclaimer: The stories posted here are user-submitted and are, in the nature of "ghost stories," largely unverifiable. makes no claims that any of the statements posted here are factually accurate. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends.