Baker Hollow Road Cemetery

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Witnesses say Baker Hollow Road Cemetery disappears and reappears in different locations, so it is hard to find. They also describe overwhelming feelings of grief, music playing, laughter, screams, and the sound of something unseen trying to get into your car. Apparitions of soldiers, a ghost dog, and men hanging from trees also have been reported.

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Geographic Information

Near Baker Hollow Road and 365
Marion, KY
United States

Get Directions »
37.447062607855976, -88.01978981486172
Crittenden County, Kentucky
Nearest Towns:
Sturgis, KY (7.2 mi.)
Cave-in-Rock, IL (8.1 mi.)
Marion, KY (8.6 mi.)
Wheatcroft, KY (9.1 mi.)
Clay, KY (11.1 mi.)
Tolu, KY (12.4 mi.)
Crayne, KY (12.7 mi.)
Providence, KY (14.5 mi.)
Elizabethtown, IL (15.6 mi.)
Fredonia, KY (16.6 mi.)


Please note: It is your responsibility to acquire appropriate permissions before investigating any location listed on this site. Private property should be respected at all times, as should all posted signs concerning trespassing, hours of operation and other local regulations. Many "ghost hunters" have been arrested because they failed to contact property owners and/or local authorities ahead of time.

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Comments (14)

  1. I live in Marion and visit baker cemetery often and in my experiences there has always been a woman (not in a white dress) but in a green dress and white bonnet that has approached me. Once I took a step to her saying hello and she said to me “he’s behind you, DUCK!” I immediately ducked down and my baseball cap was knocked from my head…I turned around and there was nobody there and I looked back to the lady who was no longer there…freaked out I immediately began walking to my car and the headlights came on and the car started rocking then everything stopped…I started looking around at my surroundings and noticed a dog dart from the woods and made it behind a gravestone but never resurfaced…I saw a man standing in the edge of the treeline staring at me…at that point I was in panic and I rushed to my car and it wouldn’t start…with several efforts it finally did and I left…I haven’t returned since…I have been there several times and had saw things but never anything of that clear measure and intent of a disturbance to me…I hope this helps you

  2. Sharon winders  |  

    In October 2011.. myself and friends would go down baker church rd.. it’s best to go the night before the full moon at the time of 12am – 3am. I have seen the men hanging from the tree .. there are two of them .. I have also seen soldiers nealing in the fields .. a must go see .. it’s all true

  3. First off theres nothin scary about a small cemetery where most graves are not that old. Its also located next to a somewhat busy road and someone house and property in plain site across the street. Going down Baker Hollow Rd is a pretty drive and kinda erie. Thick woods almost single lane road with lots of wildlife. Does make me wonder about this hellhound. Ill have to go back at night see if I have different experience.

  4. I have been with my husband and 2 friends of ours. The large tomb is supposed to be a witch inside. I was taking pictures of my husband by the door when he jumped and said there was nosies coming from inside. The door is welded shut. So I walked up to the door and I heard a knocking sound coming from inside. Now my husband doesn’t believe in witch’s or haunted please until now. And the hellhound that keeps over it. Yeh we also found 3 cow hides just down the road from the cemetery. led to believe that folks around there feeds the hellhound to keep peace with it.

  5. Some people need to get a life. I grew up on that road and attended that church. In and out every day. Never heard a single ghost story. M.

  6. Active imaginations and nothing to do. There are no tombs. There are no hell hounds. There is an empty church with people still being buried in the two cemeteries. Get real, people, and stop causing trouble.All burials are recorded.

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Disclaimer: The stories posted here are user-submitted and are, in the nature of "ghost stories," largely unverifiable. makes no claims that any of the statements posted here are factually accurate. The vast majority of information provided on this web site is anecdotal, and as such, should be viewed in the same light as local folklore and urban legends.